Theory and Techniques of Spanish Translation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with a general knowledge of the main theoretical reflections developed in the field of translation studies and of the methodologies and techniques applicable to the translation of different types of written texts, as well as the acquisition of the specific terminology of the discipline.
These skills will also allow students, through the translation of several Spanish narrative texts to Italian, to enhance their abilities in: textual analysis; identification of the linguistic-rhetorical peculiarities of a literary work; elaboration of a translation strategy; linguistic documentation through lexicographic resources (dictionaries, corpora, databases); Italian rendering of a literary text in a foreign language; critical evaluation of the quality and characteristics of Italian translations of Spanish and Spanish-American narrative works.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
- critically reflect on the main translation theories, both from a historical-cultural and methodological point of view;
- analyse a Spanish text in order to devise a translation strategy;
- consciously use their linguistic, literary and translating skills to produce an Italian version of a Spanish-language text;
- know and use the main lexicographic tools, both printed and computer-based, used in professional translation;
- justify and discuss, in written or oral form , their own translation choices;
- critically examine one or more Italian translations of a literary text in Spanish.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The programme is structured into two parts:
Part A (6 CFU): Fundamentals of Spanish-Italian Translation Theory and Practice.
Part B (3 CFU): Contemporary Theories of Translation.

Part A (6 CFU) aims to offer an introduction to the theory and practice of translation. In particular, through a laboratory approach and emphasis on translation practice, the course aims to provide the theoretical-methodological tools necessary for the literary translation of Spanish and Latin American texts. The main contents are
· introduction to translatology;
· main translation problems in related languages (Spanish-Italian);
· translation techniques, methods and strategies;
· phases of the translation process and its professional implications (the translator and the publishing field);
· translation from a textual perspective;
· the literary text and its translation;
· elements of translation theory and methodology.

Part B (3 CFU) offers a diachronic overview of the foremost contemporary theoretical trends in translation. Through the reading of theoretical texts, various currents marked by cultural and ideological turn points will be explored, such as systemic theories, feminist theories of translation and postcolonial theory. Furthermore, the main theoretical perspectives on literary translation will be presented by analysing translations and case studies related to the Spanish and Latin American contexts.

Students intending to acquire 6 CFU will follow the syllabus of Part A; all students intending to acquire 9 CFU will follow the entire syllabus (Part A and Part B).

The syllabus is valid until February 2026.
Note: As far as the syllabus is concerned, there is no distinction between attending and non-attending students.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is held entirely in Spanish. Therefore, the following prerequisites are excellent Spanish (Level C1).
Teaching methods
The course includes workshop activities, both individually and in groups.
Lessons are based on the active participation of the students and the realisation of various activities, such as
1. translation, revision and discussion of translation choices;
2. contrastive analysis of different translations of the same text;
3. analysis, contextualisation and discussion of theoretical and critical texts examined during the course.

Warnings for non-attender students. Considering the workshop focus of the course, attendance is strongly recommended. Any non-attending students must, therefore, necessarily contact the professor in order to agree on the exam.
Teaching Resources
The course has a site on the Ariel online teaching platform and a site on the Teams platform. The course includes the study of the following bibliography:

Part A
1. Hurtado Albir, Amparo. Traducción y traductología. Introducción a la traductología. Madrid: Cátedra. Cap. I "Definición de la traducción", pp. 25-42.
2. Bellos, David. 2012. Un pez en la higuera. Una historia fabulosa de la traducción. Barcelona: Ariel. Cap. 3 "¿Por qué lo llamamos 'traducción'?" pp. 31-43, Cap. 14. "¿Cuántas palabras tenemos para 'café'?", pp. 175-184.
3. Lefèvre, Matteo. La traduzione dello spagnolo. Teoria e pratica. Roma: Carocci editore. Cap. 2 "Aspetti e problemi generali della traduzione spagnolo-italiano", pp. 49-68.
4. Diadori, Pierangela. 2012. Teoria e tecnica della traduzione. Strategie, testi e contesti. Firenze: Le Monier Università. Cap. 1.1 "Fasi di lavoro", Cap. 1.1 "Problematiche", Cap. 1.3 "Strategie". Cap. 1.4 "Etica, ideologia e traduzione", pp. 3-81.
5. Pérez Vicente, Nuria. Traducción y contexto. Aproximación a un análisis crítico de traducciones con fines didácticos. Urbino: Quattro Venti. Cap. 1 "Enfoque textual y traducción", Cap. 2 "El texto literario y su traducción" pp. 15-31.
6. Recoder Serrallarés, María José. 2005. "Documentación para la traducción literaria: cuestiones metodológicas". En Consuelo Gonzalo García y Valentín García Yebra (eds). Manual de documentación para la traducción literaria. Madrid: Arco Libros, pp. 101-116.
7. Munday, Jeremy. 2012. Manuale di studi sulla traduzione. Bologna: Bononia University Press. Capitolo 1. "Questioni fondamentali negli studi sulla traduzione", pp. 27-45, Cap. 3 "Equivalenza ed effetto equivalente", pp. 67-88, Cap. 4 "Lo studio del prodotto e del processo traduttivo", pp. 89-107, Cap. 7 "Teorie dei sistemi", pp.153-172, Cap. 8 "Svolte culturali e ideologiche", pp. 173-193.

Part B
1. Martín Ruano, M. Rosario. 2007. "El 'giro cultural' de la traducción: perspectiva histórica, conflictos latentes y futuros retos". En Emilio Ortega Arjonilla (ed.), El giro cultural de la traducción. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, pp. 39-59.
2. Munday, Jeremy. 2012. Manuale di studi sulla traduzione. Bologna: Bononia University Press. Cap.9 "Il ruolo del traduttore: visibilità, etica e sociologia", pp. 195-218.
3. Hui, Wang. 2001. "Postcolonial Approaches". En Mona Baker y Gabriela Saldanha (eds.), Routledge Encylopedia of Translation Studies. Manchester: St. Jerome, pp. 200-204.
4. Bandia, Pual. 2010. "Post-Colonial Literatures and Translation". En Yves Gambier y Luc van Doorslaer (eds.), vol I., A Handbook of Translation Studies. Manchester: St. Jerome, pp. 264-269.
5. Piñero Gil, Eulalia. 2015. "Traducción y género. Evolución teórica y práctica de una poética feminista". En María Azucena Penas Ibáñez (ed.), La traducción: nuevos planteamientos teórico-metodológicos. Madrid: Editoriales Síntesis, pp. 239-260.
6. Grutman, Rainier, and Trish Van Bolderen. 2014. "Self-Translation". In A Companion to Translation Studies, edited by Sandra Bermann, and Catherine Porter. West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2014, pp. 323-332.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written translation test from Spanish into Italian. The written test is preparatory to the oral exam, and its evaluation will be added to the oral exam. The latter consists of an individual colloquium in Spanish that includes questions posed by the professor on the topics of the programme aimed at ascertaining knowledge of the texts in the bibliography, critical reflection, use of specific terminology and analysis and commentary on the translation choices of the translation. Non-attending students must therefore contact the professor at least 20 days before taking the exam to agree on the written exam arrangements.
The final mark is in base 30, and the student has the right to refuse it (in this case, it will be recorded as "withdrawn"). The grade of sufficiency is 18/30. The exams, which will be online on the Teams platform, aim to determine the acquisition and elaboration of the theoretical contents, the personal reflection on the proposed topics, and the use of the specific terminology of the fields of study related to the course. A notional study is not required, but a critical elaboration of the contents related to the bibliographic readings foreseen by the programme.
International students or incoming Erasmus students are invited to contact the teacher promptly. The examination modalities for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be coordinated with the teacher in compliance with the competent Office.
Unita' didattica A
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-LIN/07 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - SPANISH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours