Textual Transmission of Greek Literature
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course is articulated in two parts. The first one aims to give the students the technical tools, which allow them to study Greek manuscripts. The second one focuses upon a case study, thanks to which the students will understand the dynamics of textual transmission of Greek texts from the Antiquity to the Renaissance.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: at the end of the course the student must have a complete knowledge of the main steps of the textual history of Greek texts from the Antiquity to the Renaissance.
Skills: at the end of the course the student shall be able to analyze a greek manuscript in all its material aspects, as well as to read, date and locate the writing; further, he/she shall be able to use and understand the apparatuses of modern critical editions of Greek texts.
Skills: at the end of the course the student shall be able to analyze a greek manuscript in all its material aspects, as well as to read, date and locate the writing; further, he/she shall be able to use and understand the apparatuses of modern critical editions of Greek texts.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
During the course the following two main topics will be presented and explained:
A) Elements of Greek palaeography.
B) The textual transmission of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.
A) Elements of Greek palaeography.
B) The textual transmission of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of Latin and ancient Greek.
Teaching methods
Knowledge of the main stages of the textual history of Greek texts from Antiquity to the Renaissance will be pursued by means of lectures.
In order to develop the skills, which will allow students to analyse and study Greek manuscripts, the main on-line resources concerning the dissemination of digital images of Greek manuscripts will be used. In addition, a number of lectures and seminars will be held in some libraries in which Greek manuscripts are preserved.
Students are warmly recommended to attend the lectures.
In order to develop the skills, which will allow students to analyse and study Greek manuscripts, the main on-line resources concerning the dissemination of digital images of Greek manuscripts will be used. In addition, a number of lectures and seminars will be held in some libraries in which Greek manuscripts are preserved.
Students are warmly recommended to attend the lectures.
Teaching Resources
The student is required to:
(1) Reading and study, by choice, of one of the following two textbooks:
- D. BIANCONI - E. CRISCI - P. DEGNI, Paleografia greca, Roma, Carocci, 2021.
- L. PERRIA, Graphis. Per una storia della scrittura greca libraria (secoli IV a.C. - XVI a.C.), Roma.
Vatican City, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - Vatican Library, 2011.
2) Reading and study of the following text:
- N.G. WILSON, Filologi Bizantini, trad. it. by Giulia Gigante, Naples, Morano editore 1990
(ed. or. Scholars of Byzantium, London, Duckworth, 1983; a second English edition came out
with addenda in 1996)
(3) Reading and study of the following text:
- N.G. WILSON, Da Bisanzio all'Italia. Gli studi greci nell'umanesimo italiano, revised and updated Italian edition, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso 2000 (ed. or., London, Duckworth 1992, second revised edition, London - Oxford - New York - New Delhi - Sidney, Bloomsbury, 2017).
B) The necessary bibliographical indications will be provided during the course along with additional supplementary materials.
Non-attending students, instead of the monographic part (Part B), will have to agree with the lecturer on some substitute readings, after an interview (compulsory) during the reception hours.
They must also study:
- D. BIANCONI - E. CRISCI - P. DEGNI, Paleografia greca, Roma, Carocci, 2021.
- N.G. WILSON, Byzantine Philologists, translated by Giulia Gigante, Naples, Morano editore 1990
(ed. or. Scholars of Byzantium, London, Duckworth, 1983; a second English edition came out
with addenda in 1996).
- N.G. WILSON, From Byzantium to Italy. Gli studi greci nell'umanesimo italiano, revised and updated Italian edition, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso 2000 (ed. or., London, Duckworth 1992, second revised edition, London - Oxford - New York - New Delhi - Sidney, Bloomsbury, 2017)
(1) Reading and study, by choice, of one of the following two textbooks:
- D. BIANCONI - E. CRISCI - P. DEGNI, Paleografia greca, Roma, Carocci, 2021.
- L. PERRIA, Graphis. Per una storia della scrittura greca libraria (secoli IV a.C. - XVI a.C.), Roma.
Vatican City, University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - Vatican Library, 2011.
2) Reading and study of the following text:
- N.G. WILSON, Filologi Bizantini, trad. it. by Giulia Gigante, Naples, Morano editore 1990
(ed. or. Scholars of Byzantium, London, Duckworth, 1983; a second English edition came out
with addenda in 1996)
(3) Reading and study of the following text:
- N.G. WILSON, Da Bisanzio all'Italia. Gli studi greci nell'umanesimo italiano, revised and updated Italian edition, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso 2000 (ed. or., London, Duckworth 1992, second revised edition, London - Oxford - New York - New Delhi - Sidney, Bloomsbury, 2017).
B) The necessary bibliographical indications will be provided during the course along with additional supplementary materials.
Non-attending students, instead of the monographic part (Part B), will have to agree with the lecturer on some substitute readings, after an interview (compulsory) during the reception hours.
They must also study:
- D. BIANCONI - E. CRISCI - P. DEGNI, Paleografia greca, Roma, Carocci, 2021.
- N.G. WILSON, Byzantine Philologists, translated by Giulia Gigante, Naples, Morano editore 1990
(ed. or. Scholars of Byzantium, London, Duckworth, 1983; a second English edition came out
with addenda in 1996).
- N.G. WILSON, From Byzantium to Italy. Gli studi greci nell'umanesimo italiano, revised and updated Italian edition, Alessandria, Edizioni dell'Orso 2000 (ed. or., London, Duckworth 1992, second revised edition, London - Oxford - New York - New Delhi - Sidney, Bloomsbury, 2017)
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment will consist of an oral examination. The oral examination aims to evaluate the knowledge about the specific topics discussed in section B of the programme, as well as, in general, about the dynamics of the textual transmission of Greek texts. The skills related to the study of Greek manuscripts, their origin and date, will be assessed by first-sight reading of a reproduction of a page of a Greek minuscule manuscript. The knowledge and skills achieved will be evaluated, together with the appropriated use of technical language.
L-FIL-LET/02 - GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Martinelli Tempesta Stefano
Educational website(s)