Textual Bibliography

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing a philological preparation to achieve the educational objective of the degree course, more specifically a preparation on the characteristics and the questions posed by the study of maps in the context of author philology.
The study of maps in the context of author philology. As far as printed books are concerned, by presenting the work of typography from the first centuries up to contemporary times, students will be provided with the tools with which to carry out a philological investigation of a printed book; as far as authorship philology is concerned, students will be provided with useful tools for the investigation of authorship maps and philological skills that will enable them to prepare a critically and scientifically correct edition.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: At the end of the course, students will acquire knowledge of the methods of production and edition of printed books, in the ancient typographic regime and in the modern and contemporary age, on the one hand, and, on the other, knowledge of the methods of study of author's papers and the problems posed by their edition.

Competences: At the end of the course, students will acquire both the ability to investigate from a philological point of view specimens of ancient and modern books, and the competence necessary to deal with writers' autographs and to define the characteristics that their publication may have.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Part A (20 h; 3 ECTS): Tools for textual bibliography: the Work in the printing press and its Philological consequences. (compulsory)
Part B (20 h; 3 ECTS): Giovanni Della Casa's "Rime" from the manuscripts to the first printed edition. The lectures will deal with the preparation of the "Rime"'s first posthumous printing edition with particular attention to the editor's work. (elective)
Part C (20h; 3 ECTS): Text and editions' History of Vincenzo Monti's "Sermone sulla Mitologia". (elective)

The students who will take the exam for 6 ECTS will have to prepare the part A and one to choose between part B and part C.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the basic notions of textual philology.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. The complete bibliography and all the materials used during the lectures will be available on myAriel. The attendance is strongly recommended, but not compulsory. For the first two parts (A and B) of the course non-attending students will have to contact the lecturer for further information on the study method. International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the lecturers in good time. Examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or LSDmust be agreed with the lecturers, in consultation with the LSD' office.
Teaching Resources
Part A
Alberto Cadioli, Il testo in tipografia. Lo studio filologico delle edizioni a stampa. [available from October 2024]

Part B
Students should have an annotated edition of Giovanni Della Casa's "Rime". It is suggested: Giovanni Della Casa, Rime, a cura di Stefano Carrai, Milano, Mimesis, 2014.

Another important source will be Giovanni Della Casa, Le rime, edizione critica a cura di Roberto Fedi, voll. 2, Roma, Salerno, 1978.

For parts A and B the complete bibliography will be available on myAir before the beginning of the lectures.

Part C
Vincenzo Monti, "Sermone sulla Mitologia", edizione critica a cura di G. Biancardi e A. Cadioli, con un saggio di A. Bruni, Milano, Il muro di Tessa, 2024.

Non-attending students

For parts A and B the complete bibliography will be available on myAir before the beginning of the lectures.

Part C
Vincenzo Monti, "Sermone sulla Mitologia", edizione critica a cura di G. Biancardi e A. Cadioli, con un saggio di A. Bruni, Milano, Il muro di Tessa, 2024.
Discussioni e polemiche sul romanticismo, vol. 2, a cura di Anco Marzio Mutterle, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 1975 - i seguenti saggi:
- G. Montani, Intorno al "Sermone sulla mitologia" di V. Monti.
- P. Zajotti, Intorno al "Sermone sulla mitologia" di V. Monti.
- C. Tedaldi-Fores, Sulla mitologia difesa da V. Monti. Meditazioni poetiche.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral exam will verify the students' knowledge, their ability to present topics critically and organize the speech (clarity and coherence); the correct use of language, included the technical vocabulary. The evaluation will be expressed in thirtieths.
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor Cadioli receives students in his office by appointment. Please write and the day and time will be arranged.
In the teacher's office.