Technical Standards and Best Practice in Agriculture

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/08 AGR/09 AGR/10
Learning objectives
Provide references useful for understanding and effectively applying regulations and legislation of specific interest to agricultural company activities and their relationships with the context (markets, territory, authorities, etc.) in which they operate.
Through a multidisciplinary analysis of case studies relevant for farm management, to gain knowledge about the main areas where regulations are used as a reference tool for implementing best technical practices.
Enhance project management, evaluation, and leadership skills in the fields of quality, safety, and sustainability of agricultural practices.
Expected learning outcomes
Acquire and update technical knowledge regarding the main regulations and legislation relevant to agriculture.
Integrate previous disciplinary technical and scientific knowledge with methodological and design guidelines from relevant regulations and legislation, adapting them to real-life application cases.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1. Introduction: normative and legislative sources; the HLS standards; declarations of conformity; 1,5 ECTS (R. Guidetti)
The system vision of the agricultural sector: the different components, the different regulations.
The regulatory world of support to the agricultural world: national, European, international sources.
Technical standardization: objectives, principles, mandatory value.
HLS standards: ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 27001. General concepts and application to the agricultural sector. Risks and opportunities. Reference principles.
Standards for the agri-food sector: Global GAP (Good Agricultural Practices); BRC global standard for Food Safety; IFS (International Food Standard)

2. The field of irrigation - 1 CFU (C. Gandolfi)
General overview of European and national legislation on the protection and management of water resources, with particular attention to the irrigation use of water.
The Reclamation and Irrigation Consortia, reference legislation and technical-administrative tools that guarantee their functioning.
Recent legislation on the reuse of urban wastewater treated for irrigation purposes in agriculture and expected effects.
Authorization procedures for the issue of small concessions relating to the withdrawal of water from surface and underground sources.
The topics will also be dealt with through seminars and presentation of case studies.

3. The field of agricultural mechanics - 1 CFU, (D. Pessina)
Main critical issues in the use of agricultural machinery in relation to the health of operators and the protection of the environment: bodies and organizations involved, framework standards and technical standards (EU and national).
Illustration of the principles and related regulatory applications on the subject of:
- ROPS (Roll-over Protective Structures), roll-over protective structures and safety belts;
- cardan shaft guards;
- sprayers for herbaceous and tree crops.

4. The field of rural buildings - 1.5 CFU, (E. Riva)
Regulations to consider when planning, building and managing a rural building:
- Community, National, Regional, Provincial, supra-municipal and municipal parks legislation relating to the construction of agricultural buildings
- International, European and national standards relating to rural buildings
- Administrative, landscape, fine arts, local, location, proximity to watercourses constraints, with reference to the main urban planning instruments: PTR, PTCP, PGT, standard hygiene regulations
- Main authorization procedures for compliance with environmental regulations for rural buildings (VIA, AIA, Emissions, use of effluents).
The topics will be treated highlighting the role of the agronomist with some hints at the complementary professional figures (geologist, pedologist, structural engineer, etc.)
Analysis of the authorization process of some case studies: dairy cattle farms, pig farms, buildings for product conservation, greenhouses, company and consortium plants for agro-energy production.
The topics will also be dealt with in specific seminars.

5. The economic field - 1 CFU, (C. Mazzocchi)
The supply side:
- The CAP 23-27 between confirmations and important innovations: challenges and opportunities for agricultural entrepreneurs.
CAP Strategic Plan (PSP); Direct payments, mandatory and optional; the new rural development. In-depth analysis of risk management in the company (Agricat, insurance policies, mutual funds).
The demand side:
- Typical geographical indications and Italian and European quality marks of agri-food products: consumer interest and embarrassment.
Information asymmetry and the role of labelling. Quality regimes of agri-food products in the world and differences with Europe. Brands and certifications of origin and quality. Case studies.
The topics will be covered using case study presentations and workshop approaches in order to better learn the proposed topics.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the agricultural process and related structures: main production dynamics, agronomic practices, support elements. It is important that the student is able to contextualize the examples that will be mentioned during the lessons in order to grasp the peculiarities of the sector and the correlations with the legislative and regulatory aspects
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures with various case studies accompanied by seminars which involve expert professionals in the individual sector.
Students will be divided into groups to develop a project/explore some topics that will be discussed during the exam.
Teaching Resources
Lecture notes
Material (Slides) provided on the course ARIEL website
Regulatory/legislative references covered in the individual lecture.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification of the actual results of the expected learning outcomes by the student takes place in two phases: the first involves a multiple choice written test (15 questions in 1 hour, required grade of 18/30) on all the topics of the course; the second involves carrying out a project/in-depth study on a part of the program carried out in class, agreed with one of the course' professors. Students will be given the opportunity to work in small groups (team working).
The following will be evaluated: the critical sense and the knowledge that the student has developed towards both the legislative and technical aspects that underlie agricultural organizations.
To take the exam, it is necessary to register within the deadline on the UNIMIA platform (
The assessment is expressed by a vote out of thirty.
The grade is communicated to each individual student via email automated by the university recording system.
Students with SLD and disabilities are requested to contact the teacher by email at least 15 days before the scheduled exam date to agree on any individualized measures. In the email addressed to the teacher, it is necessary to CC the respective University Services: [email protected] (for students with SLD) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities)
Lessons: 48 hours
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape and Agroenergy
By appointment.
Celoria 2, Engineering building, office tel. 16488
by appointment only (preferably defined via e-mail)
Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - via Celoria, 2 - 20133 Milano