Technical Science of Biomedical Laboratory

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This class aims to show to the students all the duties that a Laboratory Technician can perform in a Biomedical Laboratory focused on Scientific research. In particular, this class will introduce the professional figure of the so-called "Laboratory Manager" and will explain his/her duties in the organization, methodologies and decision-making processes within a Research Biomedical Laboratory. Great emphasis will be given to the concept of "Translational Medicine" that take care of the so-called "bed-to-bench" research project aimed to address still open and unmet clinical needs.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will have e full knowledge and will be able to list and describe the main methodologies and experimental approaches as well as the organization of a biomedical laboratory. This class will also teach the theory of all the main technologies adopted in research biomedical laboratories. The practice of some of these technologies will be then performed during the linked 3rd year class of "Professionalizing Class of Advanced Technologies of Medical Laboratory".
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
1) Introduction to the basic features of Biomedical Laboratories for research and differences in the methodological approaches and differences with the Biomedical Laboratories running diagnostic tests and procedures. Introduction to the duties of the Laboratory Manager in Several Research Institutions and in particular in the research laboratories.
2) Bibliographic Research of several research topic selected every year by the professors in the context of translational medicine focused on model of human diseases from the bed to the bench side. Interpretation and preparation of oral presentations to discuss with the entire class, This presentation will be scored by the professors and will be part of the final score of course.
3) Animal Models, Technologies of Animal Engineering and Applications in translational research. -part 1
4) Animal Models, Technologies of Animal Engineering and Applications in translational research. -part 2
5) The use of antibodies in the biomedical laboratory (unconjugated and conjugated antibody production, methodologies based on the use of antibodies).
6) The use of antibodies in diagnosis and therapy.
7) Introduction to Flow Cytometry.
8) Applications of Flow Cytometry in research.
9) Applications of Flow Cytometry in clinics.
10) Stem Cells, induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPCs) and Clinical Applications.
11) State-of-art technologies to study gene expression: from GeneArray to single-cell sequencing and special transcriptomics.
12) Principles of System Biology and Omics and applications in translational research.
13) From technologies to clinics: role of Biomedical Technician and Laboratory Manager in Research Institutes, Universities, Biotech and Pharmaceutical Companies, Cell Factories approved for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) to develop of cell and immune therapies.
14) Translational Medicine: from Pre-Clinical Studies to Clinical Trials. Importance of Bioetics and Regulatory Agencies.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of the methodologies and organization of biomedical laboratory.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, tutorials to learn how to use bibliometric sources and mentoring to prepare scientific presentations
Teaching Resources
The lectures slides will be uploaded to the myAriel platform
Assessment methods and Criteria
The student will prepare a first presentation to deliver in front of the class at the end of the frontal lessons during the semester on a given topic assigned at the beginning of the course. In this presentation, the student will show her/his skill to synthesise and present scientific unmet biomedical needs. She/he will receive a score from 1 to 15 that will cumulate with the second oral examination testing his/her preparation of the program of the course that will be scored from 1 to 15.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Mavilio Domenico
Professor: Mavilio Domenico
On Appointment
Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Via A. ;anzoni 113, Rozzano, Milano