Technical Physics and Industrial Chemistry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
- To learn the basics of the main analytical methods for the measurement of pollutants and, more generally, of the chemical, physical, and biological harmful agents present in both living and working environments
- To learn the basics and of the methods of physical, chemical, and biological investigations identifying the sources of contamination in the industry workflow, to understand and interpret environmental diffusion of pollution
- To know the biological effects of electromagnetic fields
- To know radioprotection according to the contents of Annex IV of Legislative Decree number 187, May 26,2000
- To acquire knowledge about methods of control and surveillance of the installations
Expected learning outcomes
- The student will be able to describe the main methods of measuring the level of chemical, physical, and biological pollution inside and outside the workplace
- The student will be able to understand the results of physical, chemical, and biological investigations that are carried out inside and outside the workplace
- The student will be able to describe the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation
- The student will be able to demonstrate awareness of the contents described in Annex IV of Legislative Decree number 187, May 26, 2000
- The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the methods of control and surveillance of the installations.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of physics and chemistry.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written examinations (questions with multiple choice or free text answers), with integration by oral interview. The total mark is obtained as a mean of the marks obtained for each section, weighted for the number of credits attributed to each of the sections. To pass the examination is however needed to get at least 18/30 for each of the sections.
Sanitary and environmental engineering
Course syllabus
Introduction to the course and general notions on environmental pollution: definition, regulations evolution, mentions on the effects and on prevention and inspection strategies.
Soil pollution: soil pollution phenomenology; soil and polluted groundwater treatment techniques; legislative aspects; risk assessment of polluted sites.
Water pollution: water pollution phenomenology; natural water features; water depuration techniques: civil wastewater treatment plant; disinfection treatments.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and individual researches. PowerPoint presentations used for the frontal lessons will be available via the Ariel platform or directly provided to the students.
Teaching Resources
Course PPT presentations.
Building physics and building energy systems
Course syllabus
Physical quantities and measurement theory. Introduction to Thermodynamics. Zero Principle of Thermodynamics. Definition of temperature and temperature scales. Law of perfect gases. Real gases and phase changes. Introduction to calorimetry. Heat transmission: conduction, convection and radiation. First and second principles of thermodynamics for closed systems. The thermal machine. Pollution associated with thermal machines. Introduction to mechanical waves and their propagation. Reflection, transmission and interference between mechanical waves. Stationary waves. Sound waves and properties of sound. Noise.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and individual researches. PowerPoint presentations used for the frontal lessons will be available via the Ariel platform or directly provided to the students.
Teaching Resources
D.C. Giancoli. "Fisica. Principi e Applicazioni" (Casa editrice ambrosiana)
Serway & Jewett. "Principi di Fisica" volume I. (Edises)
Chemical plants
Course syllabus
Classification of substances and mixtures. Chemical plants and processes, description and symbology in the graphic representation of processes. Main equipment, accessories, instrumentation and control and regulation systems: construction characteristics and methods of use (hints). Inspection and maintenance activities (hints). Hazardous properties of chemicals: toxic emissions, fires and/or explosions, environmental disasters. Hints on reliability and industrial accidents. Hazard prevention and protection. Hazard identification and basic concepts of Risk Analysis. Main inductive and deductive methods (hints). Human factor (hint). Regulation 'Seveso III' Legislative Decree 105/2015 and description of some major accidents occurred in the past.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and individual researches. PowerPoint presentations used for the frontal lessons will be available via the Ariel platform or directly provided to the students.
Teaching Resources
R. Rota, G. Nano Introduzione alla affidabilità e sicurezza nell'industria di processo. Bonomo 2024
UNICHIM Manuale N. 6, Impianti Chimici. Simboli e sigle per schemi e disegni, Edizione 1994;
UNI CEI EN IEC 31010:2019 Gestione del rischio - Tecniche di valutazione del rischio;
Portale ISPESL/Inail PED - PED - Guida pratica alla Direttiva PED sui sistemi a pressione (parte 1°, 2°, 3°);
Portale Ispra Ambiente, Linee Guida n. 5/2017 (ex Manuali e Linee Guida ISPRA n. 164/2017) Manuale per la valutazione del rischio da esposizione ad agenti chimici pericolosi e ad agenti cancerogeni e mutageni
Portale Ispra Ambiente, La stabilità termica nella sicurezza dei processi chimici industriali Aggiornamento della linea guida "la Sicurezza dei reattori chimici" (ANPA, 2000)
U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board CSB (
Electromagnetic fields
Course syllabus
Basic concepts of electromagnetism: the basic electrical quantities, electric field and magnetic field, electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic field (EMF), propagation in the space of electromagnetic waves, electromagnetic spectrum and electromagnetic wave classifications, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Electromagnetic fields: biological bases for exposure limitation, international guidelines and Italian legislation for the protection of the population from EMF, legislation for the protection of workers (D.Lgs. 81/08) and methods for risk assessment. Artificial optical radiation (AOR): coherent and inconsistent radiation, classification of optical radiation, prevention and protection for inconsistent and consistent AOR and risk assessment methods. Ionizing radiation: effects of ionizing radiation on man, criteria and principles of radiation protection. General principles of D.Lgs. 101/20. Natural sources of ionizing radiation. Regulation of exposure to radon and cosmic radiation in D.Lgs. 101/20. Orphan sources and high-activity sealed sources and their locations in D.Lgs.101/20. TITLE XI, Exposure of workers, D.Lgs.101/20: obligations of the employer, physical surveillance and health surveillance, classification of workers and working environments, personal and environmental dosimetry, PPE radiation protection. Management of nuclear emergencies.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and individual researches. PowerPoint presentations used for the frontal lessons will be available via the Ariel platform or directly provided to the students.
Teaching Resources
: International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). Guidelines for Limiting Exposure to Time-Varying Electric, Magnetic, and Electromagnetic Fields (Up to 300 GHz). Health Physics 1998; 74: 494-522.
Portale genti fisici Coordinamento Tecnico per la sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro delle Regioni e delle Province autonome, "Decreto Legislativo 81/2008 Titolo VIII, Capo IV e s.m.i. sulla prevenzione e protezione dai rischi di esposizione a campi elettromagnetici: Indicazioni operative."In collaborazione con INAIL e ISTITUTO SUPERIORE di SANITA' - Documento approvato dall'Area Prevenzione e Sanità Pubblica della Commissione Salute il 20/06/2019.
X-ray protection
Course syllabus
Atom structure; nuclides; electromagnetic and corpuscular radiation; excitation and ionization; gamma- and x-rays, x-ray tube; radioactive decay; positron-electron annihilation; coherent diffusion, photoelectric effect, Compton effect, pair creation; dosimetry (absorbed, equivalent, and effective dose); compute tomography as the most relevant source of radiation exposure for medical purposes. Magnetic resonance imaging: biological effects and protection of patients and operators (contraindications and limiting conditions). Basic knowledge of the techniques used in radiodiagnostics and nuclear medicine. Principles of radiobiology. Legislation on radioprotection of workers and patients.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and individual researches. PowerPoint presentations used for the frontal lessons will be available via the Ariel platform or directly provided to the students.
Teaching Resources
Cittadini G, Cittadini G, Sardanelli F. Diagnostica per immagini e radioterapia. EDRA 2015.
Building physics and building energy systems
Lessons: 10 hours
Chemical plants
ING-IND/25 - CHEMICAL PLANTS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Electromagnetic fields
ING-INF/02 - ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Sanitary and environmental engineering
Lessons: 10 hours
X-ray protection
MED/36 - IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours