Team Sports: Football, Basketball, Volleyball
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
·Soccer basic technique - Acquisition of technical and practical knowledge.
·Soccer individual tactics - Acquisition of technical and practical knowledge.
·Soccer - Acquisition of teaching methodological fundamentals.
·Acquisition of the basic concept of complex tactics.
Obiettivi in Inglese
The course is aimed at launching team sports practice, particularly basketball, by means of a modern conception of learning such as motivating experiences for the student.
For these reasons, the objectives will be as follows:
-knowledge of basic individual moves in attack and defense;
-knowledge of team basics;
-knowledge of basketball as a team sport;
-knowledge of the requirements for a didactic planning;
In particular, the focus will be on the technical and tactical aspects of the teaching, the technics, so that the student will be able to explain and show basics and technical fundamentals as he will have acquired.
In this course the student should be able to set out the teaching, didactics and the practice of the volleyball by means of a modern conception of training made of advanced and innovative tools. In this fashion, the learning of the theory, methodology, and technical and tactical skills of this sport would be pleasantly appealing. The course id divided in two semesters, according to the overall programme published.
·Soccer basic technique - Acquisition of technical and practical knowledge.
·Soccer individual tactics - Acquisition of technical and practical knowledge.
·Soccer - Acquisition of teaching methodological fundamentals.
·Acquisition of the basic concept of complex tactics.
Obiettivi in Inglese
The course is aimed at launching team sports practice, particularly basketball, by means of a modern conception of learning such as motivating experiences for the student.
For these reasons, the objectives will be as follows:
-knowledge of basic individual moves in attack and defense;
-knowledge of team basics;
-knowledge of basketball as a team sport;
-knowledge of the requirements for a didactic planning;
In particular, the focus will be on the technical and tactical aspects of the teaching, the technics, so that the student will be able to explain and show basics and technical fundamentals as he will have acquired.
In this course the student should be able to set out the teaching, didactics and the practice of the volleyball by means of a modern conception of training made of advanced and innovative tools. In this fashion, the learning of the theory, methodology, and technical and tactical skills of this sport would be pleasantly appealing. The course id divided in two semesters, according to the overall programme published.
Expected learning outcomes
·Performance of basic technique gestures with sufficient coordination.
·Performance of individual tactics gestures with sufficient coordination.
·Gaming system recognition.
·Planning of teaching units and/or training sessions.
·Training session management in respect of the three phases of the lesson (introduction, main core and conclusion) with sufficient competence.
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired the following competences:
-knowledge of individual fundamentals of the basketball;
-knowledge of the fundamentals of the basketball as a team sports discipline;
-knowledge of the basketball as a team-game;
-knowledge of the requirements for a didactic planning;
Finally, the student will be to elaborate simple didactic paths aimed at the learning of the individual basics and the devising of a single lesson within an extensive and complete didactic planning.
At the end of this course, the student will have acquired specific competences on the basics of this sport, either on an individual- or team-standpoint. The learner will therefore be able to autonomously manage the teaching of the methodology, didactic, theory of the volleyball for young divisions, including their competitions and tournaments.
The student will be also able to deal with the supervision of the race, as a primary coach or by supporting teams playing in the official league of the Italian Federation of Volleyball
·Performance of basic technique gestures with sufficient coordination.
·Performance of individual tactics gestures with sufficient coordination.
·Gaming system recognition.
·Planning of teaching units and/or training sessions.
·Training session management in respect of the three phases of the lesson (introduction, main core and conclusion) with sufficient competence.
At the end of the course, the student will have acquired the following competences:
-knowledge of individual fundamentals of the basketball;
-knowledge of the fundamentals of the basketball as a team sports discipline;
-knowledge of the basketball as a team-game;
-knowledge of the requirements for a didactic planning;
Finally, the student will be to elaborate simple didactic paths aimed at the learning of the individual basics and the devising of a single lesson within an extensive and complete didactic planning.
At the end of this course, the student will have acquired specific competences on the basics of this sport, either on an individual- or team-standpoint. The learner will therefore be able to autonomously manage the teaching of the methodology, didactic, theory of the volleyball for young divisions, including their competitions and tournaments.
The student will be also able to deal with the supervision of the race, as a primary coach or by supporting teams playing in the official league of the Italian Federation of Volleyball
Lesson period: Activity scheduled over several sessions (see Course syllabus and organization section for more detailed information).
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Lezioni Frontali Teoriche e Pratiche; Esercitazioni e Simulazioni didattiche pratiche.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Grazioli Lino
Grazioli Lino
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Bonaccorso Stefano
Bonaccorso Stefano
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pedulla' Luciano, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pedulla' Luciano, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina1B
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical frontal lectures, exercises and practical didactic simulations.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Pavia Enrica
Pavia Enrica
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Barisoni Massimiliano
Barisoni Massimiliano
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Rampichini Susanna, Rubino Fabio, Verga Valentina
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Rampichini Susanna, Rubino Fabio, Verga Valentina1C
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical frontal lectures, exercises and practical didactic simulations.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Grattarola Luca
Grattarola Luca
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Bonaccorso Stefano
Bonaccorso Stefano
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pizzoli Maurizio, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pizzoli Maurizio, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina1D
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical frontal lectures, exercises and practical didactic simulations.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Grattarola Luca
Grattarola Luca
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Barisoni Massimiliano
Barisoni Massimiliano
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pedulla' Luciano, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pedulla' Luciano, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina1E
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical frontal lectures, exercises and practical didactic simulations.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Pavia Enrica
Pavia Enrica
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Bonaccorso Stefano
Bonaccorso Stefano
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Bonfanti Luca, Burlone Sara, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina
Bonfanti Luca, Burlone Sara, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina1F
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical frontal lectures, exercises and practical didactic simulations.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Grazioli Lino
Grazioli Lino
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Bonacina Alberto
Bonacina Alberto
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Bonfanti Luca, Burlone Sara, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina
Bonfanti Luca, Burlone Sara, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina1G
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical frontal lectures, exercises and practical didactic simulations.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Saibene Guido
Saibene Guido
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Zago Matteo
Zago Matteo
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pedulla' Luciano, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pedulla' Luciano, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina1H
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical frontal lectures, exercises and practical didactic simulations.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Grazioli Lino
Grazioli Lino
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Zago Matteo
Zago Matteo
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical frontal lectures, exercises and practical didactic simulations.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Saibene Guido
Saibene Guido
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Principato Salvatore Antonino
Principato Salvatore Antonino
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pedulla' Luciano, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pedulla' Luciano, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina1L
Lesson period
Course syllabus
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Module 1: Introduction to Soccer and Player Development
Historical Overview: origins and development of the game
- Structural Organisation of the Italian Football Federation (FIGC)
- Functioning of the FIGC
- Role of the Leagues and Associations
- The official rules of the game
- Specific regulations for the different Categories
Physical and coordinative development of the young soccer players
- General and specific coordination
- Soccer specific movements in possession and non-possession phase
Module 2: Individual Technique
- From 'receiving technique' to 'goalkeeping technique': the constituent elements
Module 3: Technique applied in the phase of possession and non-possession
- Offsetting vs Marking
- Defence and ball control vs Position-taking
- Passing vs Interception/anticipation
- Feinting and dribbling vs Tackling
- Shooting vs Goal Defence
Module 4: Structuring the Learning Unit
Training Methodology
- Teaching styles
- Analysis of the teaching styles applied to soccer
- Global vs. Analytical
Structuring the training session
- Soccer training drills (from the developmental game to the training match)
a. Attack basics without the ball: Fundamental position; The basketball run, the changes of speed, direction and turn; One and two stroke stop; Front drive and dorsal drive;
b. Attack basics with the ball: Fundamental position with the ball; Taking and receiving;
c. DRIBBLING: basics of dribbling with hints of biomechanics of movement; protected and in speed dibbling; front, direction and speed hand change in dribbling; behind the back and between the legs hand change; Tack or dribble turn; Hesitation, Hochey-dribbling; feint in hand change;
d. PASS: Pass basics; Types of two-handed, one-handed and dribble passes; Feint in passing;
e. SHOOT: Shoot basics; Shooting from standing, in elevation, in suspension; Step 0, dribble, stop and shot; Run shooting ; Other types of shooting (hook, half-hook, second half, step and shot, etc.).
a. Defense position basics;
b. Defense on player with ball;
c. Defense on a player without the ball;
03. FROM 1X1 TO 3X3
a. 1VS1 FROM DRIBBLING: technique and tactics. Conclusions: recovering the dribble, approaching, in separation.
b. 1VS1 FROM RECEPTION: technique and tactics. Reception, grip, stops, pivot foot and departures; The zero step; Conclusions: receiving shot, approaching, in separation.
c. 1VS1 SHOULDER TO THE BASKET: technique and tactics. Take and hold a position; receiving and pivot foot; Dribbling in retreat: conclusions
d. Give and go, give and change, give and follow;
e. Offensive and defensive rebound;
f. Numerical superiority: 1 against 0, 2 against 1, 3 against 2;
g. Notes pick & roll, back-door; etc;
04. FROM 3X3 TO 5X5
a. The counterattack;
b. Defensive balances;
05. ZONE DEFENSE: notes on 2-3; 1-3-1 etc .;
06. BASKETBALL REGULATION: Match with federal championship referee;
07. THE MINIBASKET: Meeting with the national manager of the Minibasket instructor training;
08. PHYSICAL PREPARATION: Meeting with an athletic trainer at national level;
09. 3VS3: Olympic Sport.
10. BASKETBALL as an integration sport: Baskin; wheelchair basketball; e-basket; the Calamai method; the Antonelli method; etc. (Point 10 is in integration with the time it will take to reach 35 hours per year.)
2.Motor skills in volleyball. Lunge and reach. Didactics in the techniques of movement
3.Passing - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs; movement passing
4.Dig - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, movement; dig during the game: overhand dig, reception and defensive play (dives)
5.Serve - theory, technique, didactics. Practicing the technique: upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, serving the ball, action of the free limb, striking the ball; the serve: underhand, overhand, jump float, topspin
6.Attack - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, hit, landing, attack during the game: attack time, trajectory of spikes, technique based on player position
7.Block - theory, technique, didactics. Individual practice in the technique: approach, upper limbs, trunk, lower limbs, translocations; the block during a game: line of attack, defense
8.The match - theory, technique, didactics. Game modules (reception and defense); attack and defense
9.Measurement and analysis of performance. Overview of score/scout. Match analysis.
10.Physical preparation. For training, competition, accident prevention
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites required.
Teaching methods
Theoretical and practical frontal lectures, exercises and practical didactic simulations.
Teaching Resources
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
AA.VV, La Didattica del giuoco del calcio, Tecnica e tattica secondo Coverciano. Ed. Correre.
AA.VV, Guida Tecnica per le Scuole Calcio.
M. Monteleone, M.A. Ortega Jimenez, La costruzione di un modello di gioco. Ed.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, Analisi e riflessioni sull'organizzazione difensiva e sistemi di gioco. Ed. Correre.
F. Ferrari, Elementi di Tattica Calcistica, considerazioni sulla fase offensiva: organizzazione e proposte didattiche. Ed. Correre.
E. Arcelli, Appunti di Teoria dei Giochi Sportivi. Freemedia.
F. Casolo, Lineamenti di Teoria e Metodologia del Movimento Umano. Vitaepensiero.
P. Jackson e H. Delehanty, Sacred Hoops, spiritual lessons of a hardwood warrior, Hyperion, N.Y., 1995, USA
P. Williams, Coach Wooden, the 7 principles that shaped his life and will change yours, Revell, MI - 2011, USA
B. Bradley, Values of the game, Artisan, N.Y., 1998, USA
M. Mencarelli, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allievo-allenatore. Primo livello giovanile. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
FIPAV, Le guide della pallavolo. Manuale allenatore di primo grado. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Mencarelli, La preparazione fisica nella pallavolo. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Marchetti, Eserciziario della pallavolo. 352 esercitazioni per la costruzione di sedute di allenamento originali ad ogni livello. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
A. Guidetti, G. Guidetti, La pallavolo vincente dalla serie A al minivolley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Il nuovo sistema pallavolo: tecnica, tattica e didattica con esercitazioni pratiche.
Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
M. Paolini, Volley, sempre volley, fortissimamente volley. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
G. Cometti, Manuale di potenziamento muscolare per gli sport di squadra. Ed. Calzetti Mariucci.
Afonso, J., Mesquita, I., Marcelino, R., Silva, D., & António, J. (2010). Analysis of the setter's tactical action in high-performance women's volleyball. Kinesiology : International journal of fundamental and applied kinesiology, 42(1), 82-89.
Agel, J., Palmieri-Smith, R. M., Dick, R., Wojtys, E. M., & Marshall, S. W. (2007). Descriptive epidemiology of collegiate women's volleyball injuries: National Collegiate Athletic Association Injury Surveillance System, 1988-1989 through 2003-2004. J Athl Train, 42(2), 295-302.
Bobbert, M. F. (1990). Drop jumping as a training method for jumping ability. Sports Med, 9(1), 7-22.
Cornelius, H. R. (2016). Match Analysis of a Women's Volleyball Championship Game.
De Alcaraz, A. G., Valadés, D., & Palao, J. M. (2016). Evolution of Game Demands From Young to Elite Players in Men's Volleyball. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 12(6), 788-795.
Debien, P. B., Mancini, M., Coimbra, D. R., de Freitas, D. G. S., Miranda, R., & Filho, M. G. B. (2018). Monitoring Training Load, Recovery, and Performance of Brazilian Professional Volleyball Players During a Season. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 1-23.
Dworak, L. B., Rzepnicka, A., Wilkosz, P., & Szczesny, Ł. (2010). Analysis of knee joint injuries of competitive volleyball players in selected sports clubs of Poznan city--biomechanical context. Synthesis--proposal for the usage of physiotherapy methods in the prevention of the discussed injuries. Chir Narzadow Ruchu Ortop Pol, 75(1), 35-41.
Eerkes, K. (2012). Volleyball injuries. Curr Sports Med Rep, 11(5), 251-256.
Escamilla, R. F., & Andrews, J. R. (2009). Shoulder muscle recruitment patterns and related biomechanics during upper extremity sports. Sports Med, 39(7), 569-590.
Giatsis, G., Kollias, I., Panoutsakopoulos, V., & Papaiakovou, G. (2004). Biomechanical differences in elite beach-volleyball players in vertical squat jump on rigid and sand surface. Sports Biomechanics / International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, 3(1), 145-158.
Gortsila, E., Theos, A., Nesic, G., & Maridaki, M. (2013). Effect of Training Surface on Agility and Passing Skills of Prepubescent Female Volleyball Players. Journal of Sports Medicine and Doping Studies, 3, 128.
Hrysomallis, C. (2007). Relationship between balance ability, training and sports injury risk. Sports Med, 37(6), 547-556.
James, L. P., Kelly, V. G., & Beckman, E. M. (2014). Injury risk management plan for volleyball athletes. Sports Med, 44(9), 1185-1195.
Jastrzebski, Z., Wnorowski, K., Mikolajewski, R., Jaskulska, E., & Radziminski, L. (2014). The effect of a 6-week plyometric training on explosive power in volleyball players. Baltic Journal of Health and Physical Activity, 6(2), 79.
Jeoung, B. (2017). Relationship between sitting volleyball performance and field fitness of sitting volleyball players in Korea. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation, 13(6), 647-652.
Kilic, O., Maas, M., Verhagen, E., Zwerver, J., & Gouttebarge, V. (2017). Incidence, aetiology and prevention of musculoskeletal injuries in volleyball: A systematic review of the literature. European Journal of Sport Science, 17(6), 765-793.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010a). Physical and physiological attributes of female volleyball players--a review. J Strength Cond Res, 24(7), 1963-1973.
Lidor, R., & Ziv, G. (2010b). Physical characteristics and physiological attributes of adolescent volleyball players-a review. Pediatr Exerc Sci, 22(1), 114-134.
Moreira, A., Freitas, C. G., Nakamura, F. Y., Drago, G., Drago, M., & Aoki, M. S. (2013). Effect of Match Importance on Salivary Cortisol and Immunoglobulin A Responses in Elite Young Volleyball Players. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 27(1), 202.
Pedowitz, D. I., Reddy, S., Parekh, S. G., Huffman, G. R., & Sennett, B. J. (2008). Prophylactic bracing decreases ankle injuries in collegiate female volleyball players. Am J Sports Med, 36(2), 324-327.
Pérez-Turpin, J. A., Zmijewski, P., Jimenez-Olmedo, J. M., Jové-Tossi, M. A., Martnez-Carbonell, A., Suárez-Llorca, C., & Andreu-Cabrera, E. (2014). Effects of whole body vibration on strength and jumping performance in volleyball and beach volleyball players. Biol Sport, 31(3), 239-245.
Reeser, J. C., Verhagen, E., Briner, W. W., Askeland, T. I., & Bahr, R. (2006). Strategies for the prevention of volleyball related injuries. Br J Sports Med, 40(7), 594-600.
Seminati, E., & Minetti, A. E. (2013). Overuse in volleyball training/practice: A review on shoulder and spine-related injuries. Eur J Sport Sci, 13(6), 732-743.
Sheppard, J. M., Cronin, J. B., Gabbett, T. J., McGuigan, M. R., Etxebarria, N., & Newton, R. U. (2008). Relative importance of strength, power, and anthropometric measures to jump performance of elite volleyball players. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research / National Strength & Conditioning Association, 22(3), 758-765.
Silva, M., Marcelino, R., Lacerda, D., & João, P. V. (n.d.). Match Analysis in Volleyball: a systematic review. Montenegrin Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5(1), 35-46.
Smith, C. E., Nyland, J., Caudill, P., Brosky, J., & Caborn, D. N. M. (2008). Dynamic trunk stabilization: a conceptual back injury prevention program for volleyball athletes. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 38(11), 703-720.
Van Haaren, J., Ben Shitrit, H., Davis, J., & Fua, P. (2016). Analyzing Volleyball Match Data from the 2014 World Championships Using Machine Learning Techniques. In Proceedings of the 22Nd ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (pp. 627-634). New York, NY, USA: ACM.
Vlantes, T. G., & Readdy, T. (2017). Using Microsensor Technology to Quantify Match Demands in Collegiate Women's Volleyball. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 31(12), 3266.
Vuorinen, K. (2018). Modern volleyball analysis and training periodization.
Ziv, G., & Lidor, R. (2010). Vertical jump in female and male volleyball players: a review of observational and experimental studies. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 20(4), 556-567.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with interview and discussion of the content covered on the practical exam. Practical exam with exercises led by the student according to the lesson plan on an assigned topic. The student will demonstrate knowledge of and know how to apply and appropriately correct technical-tactical and didactic elements of the main team sports. The final grade is based on the weighted mean of the grade obtained on each learning module.
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period
Once the examination tests of each module have been passed, students will have the opportunity to have their final grade recognized by registering for a dedicated grade recording session. This session will be published at the end of each month, coinciding with the exam period
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Grazioli Lino
Grazioli Lino
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Trecroci Athos
Trecroci Athos
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 35 hours
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pizzoli Maurizio, Rampichini Susanna, Verga Valentina
Bonfanti Luca, Delvecchio Andrea, Morato Daniele, Pizzoli Maurizio, Rampichini Susanna, Verga ValentinaEducational website(s)
I'm appointment only
In-presence appointments take place at Building 2, via Giuseppe Colombo, 71 - Milan. Alternatively, on-line appointments can be arranged through Teams platform