Teaching Workshop: Workshop Studying the Circus

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The workshop "Circus Study Days" is based on a full immersion in the world of circus, an art that has inspired painters, poets, directors and which still today expresses some of the most interesting realities of live entertainment, from Cirque du Soleil to the street theatre avant-garde. During one week, a series of meetings and round tables will be held with artists, companies, historians and professionals in the sector highlighting the various facets of this art, with particular attention to the possibilities of doing circus in Italy today, to the conditions of live show due to the coronavirus and to the iconic figure of the clown. All the activities are coordinated by Professor Alessandro Serena, who will present a historical insight into the circus, its disciplines and the different forms it has taken over time.
Expected learning outcomes
Circus is an area offering several opportunities not only for artistic jobs, but also prospects in financial, technical and marketing activities. In the workshop students will have the knowledge of the historical context and the main features of the circus productions. In particular, they will able to deal with critical awareness the contemporary circus expressions.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The workshop "Circus Study Days" is based on a full immersion in the world of circus, an art that has inspired painters, poets, directors and which still today expresses some of the most interesting realities of live entertainment, from Cirque du Soleil to the street theatre avant-garde and to the legendary tents of traditional circus. Students will meet Italian and international performers, historians and professionals of the sector. They will have the opportunity to dialogue with the protagonists of the circus of our time and to attend performances and live shows, as well as to take part in a practical juggling workshop (for which no previous preparation is necessary).
Particular attention will be paid to Italian circus excellence starting from the successes of our nation at the Monte Carlo Festival, the most important world kermesse, and to the social values of circus expressed by projects involving disadvantaged people.
Through meetings with Italian and foreign companies, with the directors of the most interesting events and with the creators of the most innovative projects in the field of performing arts, we will explore this vital universe full of job opportunities.
All the activities are coordinated by Professor Alessandro Serena, who will present a historical insight into the circus, its disciplines and the different forms it has taken over time and by Nicola Campostori, scientific director of Open Circus, a circus culture diffusion project supported by the Ministry of Culture. Students will find all the information and updates on the website www.opencircus.it.
Prerequisites for admission
The workshop is addressed to all the bachelor and master students of the Faculty of Humanities. Students not from the Cultural Heritage Department will have to ask their department for confirmation in order to include the workshop in their study plan. Classes are in Italian.
Pre-registrations are made by writing to [email protected] or contacting the number 334 6503872.
Pre-registrations are made by writing to [email protected] or contacting the number 334 6503872.
Teaching methods
In-person meetings with circus artists and companies. Round tables with historians and professionals of the popular show. Watching and commenting on live performances, shows and themed films. Juggling practical workshop.
Teaching Resources
The workshop will take place on 11-15 November 2024. More information about registrations and about the programme will be published on the website www.opencircus.it and on the Scienze dei beni culturali course website a month before the start of event.
Info: [email protected] - 334 6503872
Assessment methods and Criteria
Mandatory attendance.
- University credits: 3
Humanities workshops: 20 hours