Teaching Workshop: Inside Archives. Approaching the Artists' Archives
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The workshop, organized in collaboration with Arnaldo Pomodoro Foundation, aims to introduce the students to the knowledge, study and conservation of the artist's archive. Starting from the Archives of Arnaldo Pomodoro, students will approach other documentary collections - different in terms of formation, structure and consistency - which collect papers, photographs, books and various kinds of materials, essential for the study of artists' production.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and skills: Students will be introduced, also through a practical training, to the basic methods and skills for cataloguing and studying documents, printed and photographic sources.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Giudizio di approvazione
Assessment result: superato/non superato
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The didactic laboratory "Dentro l'archivio di Arnaldo Pomodoro. Un approccio all'archivio d'artista" ("Inside Arnaldo Pomodoro's archive. An approach to the artist's archive"), organized in collaboration between the Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro and the Department of Cultural and Environmental Heritage of the Università degli Studi di Milano, aims to bring students closer to the theme of the artist's archive, that is, those documentary complexes - heterogeneous among themselves in terms of events, structure and consistency - which collect papers, photographic, bibliographic and various kinds of materials, born as a consequence of the professional activity of artists. Essential tools for the study of artists' production, as well as for the authentication processes of the works of art and the construction of catalogue raisonnes, the artist archives also constitute a precious testimony of the broader cultural contexts in which the artists have worked, thus representing an important source for the construction of the history of art. Guided by the Foundation staff, the students will have the opportunity to carry out research and cataloging on the materials of the Arnaldo Pomodoro Archive, learning to use the internal management database of the online Catalog Raisonné of the artist and the its archive.
Lecturer in charge: Federico Maria Giani, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro.
The program includes 20 hours of didactic laboratory at which will be carried out between the University of Milan, via Noto 8, and the Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, via Vigevano 9.
A maximum of 15 students will be admitted.
Lecturer in charge: Federico Maria Giani, Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro.
The program includes 20 hours of didactic laboratory at which will be carried out between the University of Milan, via Noto 8, and the Fondazione Arnaldo Pomodoro, via Vigevano 9.
A maximum of 15 students will be admitted.
Prerequisites for admission
If the number of applications exceeds the maximum number of participants foreseen, priority will be given to Master students and to Bachelor students who have already taken one or more of the following exams: L ART 03 / History of contemporary art; L ART 02 / History of modern art; L ART 04 / Artistic literature
Teaching methods
lectures (1st-2nd meeting), practical exercises (3rd-4th meeting), students presentation (5th meeting)
Teaching Resources
Reference bibliography, not mandatory, recommended for personal study. Any further bibliographic references will be provided during the workshop.
· Francesco Leonetti and Arnaldo Pomodoro, "L'arte lunga", Feltrinelli, Milan 1992.
· "Arnaldo Pomodoro. Colloquio con Angela Vettese", in Cristina Baldacci and Clarissa Ricci (ed.), "Quando è scultura", et. al. Edizioni, Milan 2010, pp. 209-214.
· Arnaldo Pomodoro, "Forma, segno, spazio. Scritti e dichiarazioni sull'arte", edited by Stefano Esengrini, Maretti Editore, Imola 2014.
· Flaminio Gualdoni (edited by), "Pomodoro", Corriere della Sera, Milan 2022.
· Bitta Leonetti, "Il catalogo ragionato online", in Alessandra Donati and Filippo Tibertelli de Pisis (edited by), "L'Archivio d'artista. Principi, regole e buone pratiche", Johan & Levi Editore, Milan 2022, pp . 157-166.
· Flaminio Gualdoni, "Introduzione", in Flaminio Gualdoni (edited by), "Arnaldo Pomodoro. Catalogo ragionato della scultura", Volume I, s.p.
· all the introductory and in-depth texts on the two portals of the online Archive https://www.arnaldopomodoro.it/archive/introduction/ and of the Catalogue Raisonné https://www.arnaldopomodoro.it/catalogue_raisonne/project/
· Francesco Leonetti and Arnaldo Pomodoro, "L'arte lunga", Feltrinelli, Milan 1992.
· "Arnaldo Pomodoro. Colloquio con Angela Vettese", in Cristina Baldacci and Clarissa Ricci (ed.), "Quando è scultura", et. al. Edizioni, Milan 2010, pp. 209-214.
· Arnaldo Pomodoro, "Forma, segno, spazio. Scritti e dichiarazioni sull'arte", edited by Stefano Esengrini, Maretti Editore, Imola 2014.
· Flaminio Gualdoni (edited by), "Pomodoro", Corriere della Sera, Milan 2022.
· Bitta Leonetti, "Il catalogo ragionato online", in Alessandra Donati and Filippo Tibertelli de Pisis (edited by), "L'Archivio d'artista. Principi, regole e buone pratiche", Johan & Levi Editore, Milan 2022, pp . 157-166.
· Flaminio Gualdoni, "Introduzione", in Flaminio Gualdoni (edited by), "Arnaldo Pomodoro. Catalogo ragionato della scultura", Volume I, s.p.
· all the introductory and in-depth texts on the two portals of the online Archive https://www.arnaldopomodoro.it/archive/introduction/ and of the Catalogue Raisonné https://www.arnaldopomodoro.it/catalogue_raisonne/project/
Assessment methods and Criteria
During the practical exercise, the students will be guided and supervised by the Archivist of the Foundation (Ilaria Sgaravatto) who will ensure the correct learning of the cataloging procedures; during the final meeting each group of students will have to present to the rest of the class a summary powerpoint of the work done (overview of the cataloged materials, results of the archival research starting from the same materials).