Teaching Workshop: Indian Aesthetics Through Textual Sources

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The teaching workshop series aims at providing a broad insight on the origins and development of Indian aesthetics by reading and commenting the relevant textual sources in translation; art and music are brought into the discussion as well. The focus is on the concept of rasa, "aesthetic experience".
Expected learning outcomes
Essential notions on: encounter between India and Europe; first studies on Indian aesthetics; theoretical reflection on theatre in India, main theories on literary aesthetics and on visual art aesthetics. Good command of key concepts of Indian aesthetics and ability to historically contextualize these.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1. Starting from the question 'Is there an Indian aesthetic?' we will address the issue of Orientalism and Post-Colonial Studies and outline the main Indian philosophical views. The thought of A.K. Coomaraswamy, a pioneer in the study of Indian aesthetics in the first half of the twentieth century, will be presented.
2. Ample space will be devoted to the theatrical dimension, discussing some of the main texts. We will talk about Kutiyattam, the only example of Sanskrit theater that still survives in India, watching videos of performances.
3. We will discuss the concept of aesthetic experience in reference to classical Indian poetry, reading poetic texts in translation in class.
4. We will introduce the multifaceted figure of Abhinavagupta (10th-11th century), the concept of 'amazed savouring' (camatkara) and the idea that aesthetic experience can prefigure liberation from the cycle of rebirths.
5. Indian aesthetic concepts in the visual and musical arts will be mentioned.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Lecturing in order to present the main topics. Students are divided into groups, to autonomously work on a specific text assigned by the professor; class discussions on the readings. Active participation of students in class.
Teaching Resources
Reference materials will be provided in class.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Class participation and attendance. Group discussions to verify the understanding of key concepts and ideas.
- University credits: 3
Humanities workshops: 20 hours
Professor: Policardi Chiara