Systems and Diseases I - Clinical Skills

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/09 MED/10 MED/11 MED/14 MED/18
Learning objectives
· fornire gli strumenti per condurre con competenza un colloquio medico che tenga conto della consapevolezza sulla salute dei pazienti e della necessità di una valutazione medica e psicosociale completa.
· fornire gli strumenti propedeutici (in termini sia di linguaggio che di manualità) per un corretto approccio semeiologico al malato come primo atto medico della metodologia clinica.
· fornire gli strumenti per acquisire la capacità di eseguire con competenza un esame obbiettivo completo
· fornire gli strumenti per acquisire la capacità di eseguire manovre semiologiche specifiche per organo/distretto ivi comprese manovre strumentali di base.
· integrare le conoscenze acquisite durante il corso di semiotica e sistematica nell'ambito dello sviluppo di un ragionamento clinico-diagnostico attraverso una valutazione , un piano e un elenco di problemi.
· fornire i criteri per un corretto approccio diagnostico di ordine biochimico e strumentale .
Expected learning outcomes
· Dimostrare di conoscere i singoli componenti e l'organizzazione generale di un colloquio medico completo
· Essere in grado di raccogliere la storia clinica del paziente.
· Aver acquisito le conoscenze necessarie di manualità per un corretto approccio semeiologico al malato, come primo atto medico della metodologia clinica.
· Conoscenza delle competenze cliniche di base necessarie per raggiungere gli obiettivi delle competenze, inclusi i processi di intervista, diagnosi fisica, comunicazione e ragionamento clinico.
· Saper esprimere in termini di linguaggio adeguato sia la storia clinica del paziente che i dati semeiologici rilevati con l'esame clinico.
· Presentare una cronologia completa e formulare un elenco di problemi.
· Comunicare in modo efficace, sia oralmente che per iscritto, con pazienti, famiglie, colleghi e supervisori al fine di trasmettere informazioni pertinenti
· Aver acquisito la capacità di completare la raccolta dei dati clinici e i dati della semeiotica clinica con una corretta impostazione della richiesta di esami di semeiotica strumentale, con particolare riferimento alla semeiotica ultrasonora (bed-side e d'urgenza).
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Linea Policlinico

Prerequisites for admission
Basics of renal anatomy, biochemistry and physiology related to renal, urinary tract and reproductive system
Assessment methods and Criteria
Nel corso della prova vengono valutati: le conoscenze degli argomenti trattati, la capacità di ragionamento critico sullo studio realizzato; le qualità dell'esposizione e il corretto uso di un lessico specialistico. Dopo valutazione collegiale dei docenti coinvolti nell'esame, il voto viene verbalizzato in trentesimi.
Cardiovascular diseases
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Respiratory diseases
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
General surgery
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Cardiovascular diseases
MED/11 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 2
Professional training: 50 hours
MED/14 - NEPHROLOGY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Respiratory diseases
MED/10 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Gruppo 1
Professor: Blasi Francesco Bruno Arturo
Gruppo 2
Professor: Mantero Marco
Gruppo 3
Professor: Piatti Gioia Maria Carla
Gruppo 4
Professor: Gramegna Andrea
Gruppo 5
Professor: Morlacchi Letizia Corinna

Linea San Donato

Prerequisites for admission
Basics of renal anatomy, biochemistry and physiology related to renal, urinary tract and reproductive system
Assessment methods and Criteria
Nel corso della prova vengono valutati: le conoscenze degli argomenti trattati, la capacità di ragionamento critico sullo studio realizzato; le qualità dell'esposizione e il corretto uso di un lessico specialistico. Dopo valutazione collegiale dei docenti coinvolti nell'esame, il voto viene verbalizzato in trentesimi.
Cardiovascular diseases
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Respiratory diseases
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
General surgery
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Cardiovascular diseases
MED/11 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Professor: Tondo Claudio
Gruppo 1
Professor: Tondo Claudio
Gruppo 2
Professor: Tondo Claudio
Gruppo 3
Professor: Tondo Claudio
Gruppo 4
Professor: Tondo Claudio
General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Gruppo 1
Professor: Asti Emanuele Luigi Giuseppe
Gruppo 2
Professor: Asti Emanuele Luigi Giuseppe
Gruppo 3
Professor: Asti Emanuele Luigi Giuseppe
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 2
Professional training: 50 hours
Professor: Zanichelli Andrea
Professor: Zanichelli Andrea
MED/14 - NEPHROLOGY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Gruppo 1
Professor: Alfieri Carlo Maria
Gruppo 2
Professor: Alfieri Carlo Maria
Gruppo 3
Professor: Alfieri Carlo Maria
Gruppo 4
Professor: Alfieri Carlo Maria
Respiratory diseases
MED/10 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Professor: Mantero Marco
Gruppo 1
Professor: Mantero Marco
Gruppo 2
Professor: Mantero Marco
Gruppo 3
Professor: Mantero Marco
Gruppo 4
Professor: Mantero Marco

Linea San Giuseppe

Prerequisites for admission
Basics of renal anatomy, biochemistry and physiology related to renal, urinary tract and reproductive system
Assessment methods and Criteria
Nel corso della prova vengono valutati: le conoscenze degli argomenti trattati, la capacità di ragionamento critico sullo studio realizzato; le qualità dell'esposizione e il corretto uso di un lessico specialistico. Dopo valutazione collegiale dei docenti coinvolti nell'esame, il voto viene verbalizzato in trentesimi.
Cardiovascular diseases
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Respiratory diseases
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
General surgery
Course syllabus
Professional activities pursue and are an integral part of the objectives and results of the learning expected from teaching, as they confer the skills and abilities useful for applying knowledge in clinical practice.
Teaching methods
Teaching will take advantage of:
- Practical exercises on the patients: gathering medical history, physical examination, small interventions (e.g.urethral calibration, bladder washing, bladder catheterization)
- Practical exercises in the ward: gain confidence with ultrasonography in urology (manly bladder and renal US)
- Evaluation of imaging (CT; US, pyelography, cystography) about urological diseases
- Participation as bystanders in small groups in highly specialized maneuvers (cystoscopies and bladder biopsies, ultrasound and prostate biopsies, urological surgical procedures)
- Clinical case discussion regarding urological syndromes
- Knowledge of the basic urological armamentarium (urethral catheters, ureteral stents, nephrostomy tube)
Teaching Resources
I testi di riferimento saranno:
- Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018) con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia urologica
- Urologia (Francesco Porpiglia e coll.) Edizioni Minerva Medica - 2015
- Campbell-Walsh Urology 12th Edition Alan Wein Louis Kavoussi Alan Partin Craig Peters - Ed. Elsevier
- Atlante di Urologia AIU: Accademia Italiana Urologia. Le Scuole di Specializzazione in Urologia delle Università Italiane. Edizioni 2018 formato Kindle
UpToDate (risorsa di Ateneo)
Cardiovascular diseases
MED/11 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 2
Professional training: 50 hours
MED/14 - NEPHROLOGY - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours
Respiratory diseases
MED/10 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES - University credits: 1
Professional training: 25 hours