Systems and Diseases I
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course of Systems and Diseases I is arranged as a summary point of the knowledge acquired in the first three years and as a starting point for following clinical learning.
The course consists of 2 parts:
· the first part is dedicated to learning signs and symptoms, including references to pathophysiology, and the ability to collect anamnesis and perform physical examination.
· a second part of Systems Pathology, dedicated to the study of the pathogenesis of diseases affecting Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, Kidney and of Urinary Tracts, and to the anatomopathological study of the aforementioned organs.
In the course of Systems and Diseases I, for each system/apparatus the following general objectives will be pursued: knowledge of the diseases more frequent and/or which have particular relevance in terms of severity, possibility of therapeutic intervention and/or didactic model; definition of the disease, knowledge of main epidemiological data, pathogenic causes and mechanisms; ability to illustrate the nosographic framework, symptoms at onset and status; interpretation of the biochemical data and proper the use of instrumental imaging investigations useful for diagnosis. The anatomic-pathological and/or genetic context will be also discussed for some diseases.
The Systems and Diseases I course therefore aims to provide students with:
· Knowledge of the structure and function of the main organ systems, including molecular/genetic, biochemical and cellular mechanisms for the maintenance of homeostasis
· Knowledge of principles of epidemiology and scientific bases of research methods relevant for health care.
· Knowledge of the pathogenesis and of the anatomopathological basis of main diseases in cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology and urology fields.
· Nosographic, pathogenetic and pathophysiological knowledge of the most relevant diseases of the various organs and / or systems in the context of a unitary and global understanding of human pathology.
· Clinical concepts of diseases of various organs and / and systems and their correlations with symptoms, physical signs and functional alterations, with interpretation of their pathogenetic mechanisms and understanding of their clinical significance.
· Ability to practice preventive medicine by identifying, addressing and supporting strategies for maintaining health and well-being, identifying and treating diseases in early phases when appropriate, and providing advice on lifestyle practices and prevention.
· Guidelines for conducting research in the medical literature, including electronic databases, and criteria for identifying and interpreting updated evidence to optimize patient care
· Support in promoting lifelong learning and independent research of new knowledge and skills in personal areas of reduced learning in respect of patient care and patient well-
The course consists of 2 parts:
· the first part is dedicated to learning signs and symptoms, including references to pathophysiology, and the ability to collect anamnesis and perform physical examination.
· a second part of Systems Pathology, dedicated to the study of the pathogenesis of diseases affecting Respiratory System, Cardiovascular System, Kidney and of Urinary Tracts, and to the anatomopathological study of the aforementioned organs.
In the course of Systems and Diseases I, for each system/apparatus the following general objectives will be pursued: knowledge of the diseases more frequent and/or which have particular relevance in terms of severity, possibility of therapeutic intervention and/or didactic model; definition of the disease, knowledge of main epidemiological data, pathogenic causes and mechanisms; ability to illustrate the nosographic framework, symptoms at onset and status; interpretation of the biochemical data and proper the use of instrumental imaging investigations useful for diagnosis. The anatomic-pathological and/or genetic context will be also discussed for some diseases.
The Systems and Diseases I course therefore aims to provide students with:
· Knowledge of the structure and function of the main organ systems, including molecular/genetic, biochemical and cellular mechanisms for the maintenance of homeostasis
· Knowledge of principles of epidemiology and scientific bases of research methods relevant for health care.
· Knowledge of the pathogenesis and of the anatomopathological basis of main diseases in cardiology, pulmonology, nephrology and urology fields.
· Nosographic, pathogenetic and pathophysiological knowledge of the most relevant diseases of the various organs and / or systems in the context of a unitary and global understanding of human pathology.
· Clinical concepts of diseases of various organs and / and systems and their correlations with symptoms, physical signs and functional alterations, with interpretation of their pathogenetic mechanisms and understanding of their clinical significance.
· Ability to practice preventive medicine by identifying, addressing and supporting strategies for maintaining health and well-being, identifying and treating diseases in early phases when appropriate, and providing advice on lifestyle practices and prevention.
· Guidelines for conducting research in the medical literature, including electronic databases, and criteria for identifying and interpreting updated evidence to optimize patient care
· Support in promoting lifelong learning and independent research of new knowledge and skills in personal areas of reduced learning in respect of patient care and patient well-
Expected learning outcomes
· A responsible understanding of the importance of maintaining health to prevent diseases through the application of learned pathological principles and the application of appropriate clinical pathways
· the ability to understand and to use the basic principles of epidemiology in its practical application
· the ability to adopt the principles learned in health maintenance and disease prevention
· the ability to explain the basic nature of pathological processes from the point of view of causality, epidemiology, natural history and the structural and functional anomalies that ensue
· the ability to recognize and be able to describe the signs and symptoms of the most relevant human diseases and also of the main organ and / or systems failures evaluated in the various lessons of the Course. All that has to be learnt in the context of a unified and global vision of the relationship between signs, symptoms and pathologies
· the skills to recognize the main cardiovascular, respiratory, nephrological and urological diseases, through a correct differential diagnosis or an adequate setting of the diagnostic program with the use of laboratory / functional / radiological examinations and knowledge of the principles of clinical management
· the acquisition of the skills necessary to formulate a clinical question and perform and present an evidence-based review of that selected health topic
· demonstration of a commitment to lifelong learning, self-awareness in areas of personal lack of concepts, independent research of new knowledge and skills in order to provide optimal assistance to our community
· the acquisition of the preparatory knowledge necessary to follow with success the subsequent courses, in particular those of "Semeiotics and pathology of apparatus 2", of "Medical Clinic" and "Clinic and Surgical Therapy"
· the ability to understand and to use the basic principles of epidemiology in its practical application
· the ability to adopt the principles learned in health maintenance and disease prevention
· the ability to explain the basic nature of pathological processes from the point of view of causality, epidemiology, natural history and the structural and functional anomalies that ensue
· the ability to recognize and be able to describe the signs and symptoms of the most relevant human diseases and also of the main organ and / or systems failures evaluated in the various lessons of the Course. All that has to be learnt in the context of a unified and global vision of the relationship between signs, symptoms and pathologies
· the skills to recognize the main cardiovascular, respiratory, nephrological and urological diseases, through a correct differential diagnosis or an adequate setting of the diagnostic program with the use of laboratory / functional / radiological examinations and knowledge of the principles of clinical management
· the acquisition of the skills necessary to formulate a clinical question and perform and present an evidence-based review of that selected health topic
· demonstration of a commitment to lifelong learning, self-awareness in areas of personal lack of concepts, independent research of new knowledge and skills in order to provide optimal assistance to our community
· the acquisition of the preparatory knowledge necessary to follow with success the subsequent courses, in particular those of "Semeiotics and pathology of apparatus 2", of "Medical Clinic" and "Clinic and Surgical Therapy"
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Linea Policlinico
Prerequisites for admission
To have attended lessons of Anatomic Pathology in the courses of SPA I and SPA II
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral test
Course syllabus
Introduction to Anatomic Pathology
General principles of histopathology, cytopathology and autopsies.
Ancillary techniques in anatomic pathology (immunohistochemistry, FISH and others molecular techniques)
General principles of diagnostic histopathology (pathological growth: metaplasia, dysplasia; tumor grading, tumor staging; the pathology report; prognostic and predictive markers)
Cardiovascular pathology
Pathology of the vessels: Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Aneurysms and Dissection, Vascular Tumors
Heart Failure
Congenital Heart Disease
Ischemic Heart Disease
Valvular Heart Disease
Pericardial Disease
Cardiac Transplantation
Pathology of the lung and pleura
Congenital Anomalies, Atelectasis (Collapse), Pulmonary Edema
Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Diffuse Alveolar Damage)
Obstructive and Restrictive Lung Diseases
Chronic Diffuse Interstitial (Restrictive) Diseases
Pulmonary Infections
Lung Transplantation
Tumors of the lung
Pleural Effusion
Pleural Tumors
General principles of histopathology, cytopathology and autopsies.
Ancillary techniques in anatomic pathology (immunohistochemistry, FISH and others molecular techniques)
General principles of diagnostic histopathology (pathological growth: metaplasia, dysplasia; tumor grading, tumor staging; the pathology report; prognostic and predictive markers)
Cardiovascular pathology
Pathology of the vessels: Arteriosclerosis, Atherosclerosis, Aneurysms and Dissection, Vascular Tumors
Heart Failure
Congenital Heart Disease
Ischemic Heart Disease
Valvular Heart Disease
Pericardial Disease
Cardiac Transplantation
Pathology of the lung and pleura
Congenital Anomalies, Atelectasis (Collapse), Pulmonary Edema
Acute Lung Injury and Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (Diffuse Alveolar Damage)
Obstructive and Restrictive Lung Diseases
Chronic Diffuse Interstitial (Restrictive) Diseases
Pulmonary Infections
Lung Transplantation
Tumors of the lung
Pleural Effusion
Pleural Tumors
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Robbins & Cotran. PATHOLOGIC BASIS OF DISEASE - 10th Edition
Internal medicine
Course syllabus
History taking
General physical examination
Main signs and symptoms
Physical examination of the Thorax, chest and cardiovascular system (Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation) - Physical examination of the abdomen and main clinical pictures of the liver, spleen and pancreas (Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation) and main diagnostic approach to exams
General semiology of the abdomen.
General semiology of diseases of the lower limbs of vascular origin. Arteriosclerosis. Venous thrombosis and venous reflux.
Peritonitis: signs and symptoms. Clinical and instrumental diagnostics.
Clinical and instrumental semiology of intestinal occlusions.
Clinical and instrumental semiotics of the upper G.I. tract
Semiology of the brest
General physical examination
Main signs and symptoms
Physical examination of the Thorax, chest and cardiovascular system (Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation) - Physical examination of the abdomen and main clinical pictures of the liver, spleen and pancreas (Inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation) and main diagnostic approach to exams
General semiology of the abdomen.
General semiology of diseases of the lower limbs of vascular origin. Arteriosclerosis. Venous thrombosis and venous reflux.
Peritonitis: signs and symptoms. Clinical and instrumental diagnostics.
Clinical and instrumental semiology of intestinal occlusions.
Clinical and instrumental semiotics of the upper G.I. tract
Semiology of the brest
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21th Edition
Respiratory diseases
Course syllabus
Medical Hystory and respiratory physical examination
Principles of radiological diagnosis
Principles of respiratory pathophysiology
Principles of acid base balance
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Pulmonary tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteriosis
Cystic Fibrosis in Adults
Non tuberculous lung infections
Lung cancer
Mediastinal tumor
Tumor of the pleura
Non tumoral pleural diseases
Acute and chronic respiratory failure
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary embolism
Principles of radiological diagnosis
Principles of respiratory pathophysiology
Principles of acid base balance
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
Pulmonary tuberculosis and atypical mycobacteriosis
Cystic Fibrosis in Adults
Non tuberculous lung infections
Lung cancer
Mediastinal tumor
Tumor of the pleura
Non tumoral pleural diseases
Acute and chronic respiratory failure
Pulmonary Hypertension
Pulmonary embolism
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21th Edition
(Con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia respiratoria. Ogni anno, verranno fornite le voci bibliografiche più aggiornate relative agli argomenti trattati, facendo riferimento ad articoli originali e/o revisioni della letteratura recentemente pubblicati in giornali scientifici a elevato impatto)
(Con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia respiratoria. Ogni anno, verranno fornite le voci bibliografiche più aggiornate relative agli argomenti trattati, facendo riferimento ad articoli originali e/o revisioni della letteratura recentemente pubblicati in giornali scientifici a elevato impatto)
Cardiovascular diseases
Course syllabus
-Cardiovascular risk stratification.
-Ischemic heart disease
-Chest pain management
-Aortic and mitral valve disease
-Heart failure
-Cardiac arrhythmias
-Congenital heart disease
-Pulmonary hypertension
-Ischemic heart disease
-Chest pain management
-Aortic and mitral valve disease
-Heart failure
-Cardiac arrhythmias
-Congenital heart disease
-Pulmonary hypertension
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21th Edition
(Con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia renale. Ogni anno, verranno fornite le voci bibliografiche più aggiornate relative agli argomenti trattati, facendo riferimento ad articoli originali e/o revisioni recentemente pubblicati in giornali scientifici a elevato impatto)
(Con specifico riferimento ai capitoli dedicati alla patologia renale. Ogni anno, verranno fornite le voci bibliografiche più aggiornate relative agli argomenti trattati, facendo riferimento ad articoli originali e/o revisioni recentemente pubblicati in giornali scientifici a elevato impatto)
Course syllabus
Notes on renal anatomy and physiology
Main symptoms related to kidney diseases
Evaluation of glomerular function
Evaluation of tubular function
Evaluation of renal endocrine function
Pathogenesis of oedema of renal origin
Water and electrolyte disturbances
Nephrological syndromes
glomerular diseases & vasculitides
Renal genetic diseases (ADPKD)
Tubulo-interstitial diseases
Renal diseases secondary to systemic diseases
Vascular renal diseases
Hypertensive nephropathy/Nephroangio-sclerosis
AKI: causes and diagnosis
CKD: complications and progression
Notes on the substitutive therapies of ESRD
Main symptoms related to kidney diseases
Evaluation of glomerular function
Evaluation of tubular function
Evaluation of renal endocrine function
Pathogenesis of oedema of renal origin
Water and electrolyte disturbances
Nephrological syndromes
glomerular diseases & vasculitides
Renal genetic diseases (ADPKD)
Tubulo-interstitial diseases
Renal diseases secondary to systemic diseases
Vascular renal diseases
Hypertensive nephropathy/Nephroangio-sclerosis
AKI: causes and diagnosis
CKD: complications and progression
Notes on the substitutive therapies of ESRD
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Harrison' s principles of internal medicine (Harrison - Jameson - Loscalzo - Fauci - Kasper - Hauser - Longo, edition 2018)
With specific reference to the chapters dedicated to renal pathology
The most updated bibliographic entries relating to the topics will be provided annually, preferentially referring to original articles and / or revisions recently published in high-impact scientific journals
With specific reference to the chapters dedicated to renal pathology
The most updated bibliographic entries relating to the topics will be provided annually, preferentially referring to original articles and / or revisions recently published in high-impact scientific journals
General surgery
Course syllabus
General semiology of the abdomen.
General semiology of diseases of the lower limbs of vascular origin. Arteriosclerosis. Venous thrombosis and venous reflux.
Peritonitis: signs and symptoms. Clinical and instrumental diagnostics.
Clinical and instrumental semiology of intestinal occlusions.
Clinical and instrumental semiotics of the upper G.I. tract
Semiology of the brest
General semiology of diseases of the lower limbs of vascular origin. Arteriosclerosis. Venous thrombosis and venous reflux.
Peritonitis: signs and symptoms. Clinical and instrumental diagnostics.
Clinical and instrumental semiology of intestinal occlusions.
Clinical and instrumental semiotics of the upper G.I. tract
Semiology of the brest
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Sabiston textbook of surgery 21th Edition
L. Bickley. Bates - Esame obiettivo e Anamnesi (Piccin)
L. Bickley. Bates - Esame obiettivo e Anamnesi (Piccin)
Course syllabus
Urological apparatus notes of physiology; urological anamnesis and physical examination
Urological syndromes (hematuria, urinary retention, obstructive renal failure, urinary incontinence)
Fundamentals of lower and upper urinary tract drainage (urethral catheter, suprapubic catheter, ureteral stent, nephrostomy tube)
Urinary tract infections: definition, classification, diagnosis
Diagnosis in urology: blood and urine exams, imaging, functional evaluation
Infertility and varicocele
Erectile disfunction
Andrological urgencies
Uro-andrological traumatology
Urological syndromes (hematuria, urinary retention, obstructive renal failure, urinary incontinence)
Fundamentals of lower and upper urinary tract drainage (urethral catheter, suprapubic catheter, ureteral stent, nephrostomy tube)
Urinary tract infections: definition, classification, diagnosis
Diagnosis in urology: blood and urine exams, imaging, functional evaluation
Infertility and varicocele
Erectile disfunction
Andrological urgencies
Uro-andrological traumatology
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21th Edition
Porpiglia. Urologia (Edizioni Minerva Medica)
Campbell-Walsh-Wein. Urology, 12th Edition
Atlante di Urologia AIU (Accademia Italiana Urologia), Edizione 2018 (formato Kindle)
(Ogni anno, verranno fornite le voci bibliografiche più aggiornate relative agli argomenti trattati, facendo riferimento ad articoli originali e/o revisioni recentemente pubblicati in giornali scientifici a elevato impatto)
Porpiglia. Urologia (Edizioni Minerva Medica)
Campbell-Walsh-Wein. Urology, 12th Edition
Atlante di Urologia AIU (Accademia Italiana Urologia), Edizione 2018 (formato Kindle)
(Ogni anno, verranno fornite le voci bibliografiche più aggiornate relative agli argomenti trattati, facendo riferimento ad articoli originali e/o revisioni recentemente pubblicati in giornali scientifici a elevato impatto)
Cardiovascular diseases
MED/11 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - University credits: 5
Lessons: 36 hours
: 12 hours
Informal teaching: 16 hours
: 12 hours
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Agostoni Piergiuseppe, Carugo Stefano, Montorsi Piero, Tondo Claudio, Vicenzi Marco
General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Ferraresso Mariano
Ferraresso Mariano
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Fracanzani Anna Ludovica
Fracanzani Anna Ludovica
MED/14 - NEPHROLOGY - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Alfieri Carlo Maria, Castellano Giuseppe
MED/08 - PATHOLOGY - University credits: 2
: 4 hours
Lessons: 20 hours
Lessons: 20 hours
Ferrero Bogetto Stefano
Ferrero Bogetto Stefano
Respiratory diseases
MED/10 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Blasi Francesco Bruno Arturo, Gramegna Andrea, Mantero Marco, Morlacchi Letizia Corinna, Piatti Gioia Maria Carla
MED/24 - UROLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Linea San Donato
Cardiovascular diseases
MED/11 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - University credits: 5
Lessons: 36 hours
: 12 hours
Informal teaching: 16 hours
: 12 hours
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Tondo Claudio
Tondo Claudio
General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Asti Emanuele Luigi Giuseppe
Asti Emanuele Luigi Giuseppe
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Zanichelli Andrea
Zanichelli Andrea
MED/14 - NEPHROLOGY - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Alfieri Carlo Maria
Alfieri Carlo Maria
MED/08 - PATHOLOGY - University credits: 2
: 4 hours
Lessons: 20 hours
Lessons: 20 hours
Pruneri Giancarlo
Pruneri Giancarlo
Respiratory diseases
MED/10 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Mantero Marco, Piatti Gioia Maria Carla
MED/24 - UROLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Carmignani Luca Fabio
Carmignani Luca FabioLinea San Giuseppe
Cardiovascular diseases
MED/11 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - University credits: 5
Lessons: 36 hours
: 12 hours
Informal teaching: 16 hours
: 12 hours
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Bandera Francesco, Cattadori Gaia
General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Chiappa Antonio Costanzo
Internal medicine
MED/09 - INTERNAL MEDICINE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
Fracanzani Anna Ludovica
MED/14 - NEPHROLOGY - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
MED/08 - PATHOLOGY - University credits: 2
: 4 hours
Lessons: 20 hours
Lessons: 20 hours
Pelosi Giuseppe, Vago Gianluca Gaetano
Respiratory diseases
MED/10 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES - University credits: 4
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
: 12 hours
MED/24 - UROLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
: 4 hours
: 4 hours
IRCCS MultiMedica
Monday 12 AM - 01 PM
Pad. Croff 1° Floor
appointment to be agreed by e-mail
Monday 12.00-13.00 (by appointment)
Interhospital Pathology Division, Science and Technology Park, Via Fantoli 16/15, 20138 Milano