System Pharmacology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course has the aim to increase the knowledge of pharmacology, explaining the mechanisms of action of drugs, and their use in the different pathological conditions. The course will explain that drugs are developed in order to therapeutically treat disease on the basis of the pathological processes present, but also as tools to be applied in the research to understand the pathological basis of diseases. Moreover, the course will present the experimental methodology used to study drugs.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student has learned that drugs are developed in order to therapeutically treat disease on the basis of the pathological processes present, but also as tools to be applied in the research to understand the pathological basis of diseases.
He will be able to: i) understand the molecular mechanisms of the different classes of drugs active on the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine, gastrointestinal systems, of the pharmacological regulation of inflammatory and antineoplastic processes and to apply this knowledge in order to choose the right drug for each pathological condition on the basis of mechanisms; ii) to know and apply the correct experimental methodology in a biomedical laboratory to study drugs. The student will use the knowledge of pharmacokinetics and of the preclinical and clinical trials of drugs to use in a job in the pharmaceutical companies.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The main general pharmacology concepts will be refreshed (they are mainly discussed in the first level course) and thereafter the different classes of drugs will be illustrated in detail in relation to their application in therapy or as investigational tools.
General pharmacology
Drugs Adsorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Elimination, Pharmacokinetics
Receptors and Transporters, Dose-Response
Special pharmacology
Neurotransmitters, a general view, The Autonomic Nervous System
Acetilcholine- Miorelaxant drugs, Catecholamines, Serotonin,Histamine, Nitric Oxide,Aminoacids,Purines, cannabinoids
CNS Acetilcholine
Drugs of the Central nervous system
General and Local Anaesthetics
Degenerative Diseases Alzheimer, Huntington Chorea, ALS, Parkinson
Diseases of Behavior: antipsychotic drugs, Psychotomimetics, Psychostimulants, Antidepressants, Anxiolytics
Central myorelaxant drugs
Pain and analgesia: Opiates and other analgesics
Drugs of inflammation
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The Cardiovascular System:
Diuretics, Vasodilators, drugs for the treatment of Ischemia and heart failure, Antiarrhythmic drugs, antihypertensive drugs
Drugs of the Respiratory system
Drugs of the Gastrointestinal system
Peptic ulcer and drugs for acid related disorders
The endocrine System: a general view
Immunoppressant drugs
Antibacterial drugs
Antiviral drugs
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Human Anatomy, Human Physiology
Teaching methods
Power point lessons
Teaching Resources
Katzung B.G.: "Pharmacology 9th Ed."; Lange Medical Publications
Rang H.P., Dale M.M., Ritter J.M.: "Pharmacology 4th Ed"; Churchill Living Stone
For reference: Goodman and Gilman's: "The pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 11th Ed."; Pergamon Press.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exams will be on the program explained during the course The exam will check the knowledge of the different topics, the ability of the student to make connections and to use an adequate scientific language. The exam will be written with 3 open-ended questions on the course topics. The knowledge of the topics and the ability to use a correct scientific writing will be assessed. The duration of the exam is 120 minutes.The exam will be passed if a minimun score of 18/30 is reached for each answer. The final mark will be expressed in 30th. The mark will be registred in SIFA, with the possibility for the student to accept or refuse it.
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Monday, 14.30-16.30; Thursday, 14.30-15.30
via Vanvitelli 32