Sustainable Management of Fungal Diseases of Grapevine

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at providing students with knowledge on sustainable defense methods against the main fungal diseases of grapevine. In particular, theoretical and practical knowledge on genetic, chemical and agronomic means and their optimal management will be provided, to reduce the impact of defense on human health and the environment.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will have to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the most suitable means for obtaining a sustainable defense. The student will also have to demonstrate critical and judgment skills by discussing the results obtained in the exercises and in the educational visit.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The teaching program includes the presentation and discussion of the following topics:
Principles of integrated disease management, sustainability of defense in viticulture
Basic concepts and definitions.
Genetic means: host-pathogen interaction, resistance (zig-zag model) and susceptibility, sources resistance to pathogens, grapevine improvement for disease resistance, management of resistant vines in the field.
Chemical means: disease management with fungicides (criteria, problems and opportunities); resistance to fungicides (definitions, selection of resistant strains, monitoring and anti-resistance strategies); management of chemical treatments (disease forecasting models)
Sustainable protection.
Sustainable management of the main fungal diseases of the vine (with particular reference to downy and powdery mildews and grey mould) through the use and management of genetic, agronomic and chemical means: monitoring and management of resistance to fungicides, use of disease forecasting models
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge on plant pathology
Teaching methods
The course (4 CFU) is based on lectures (3 CFU, 24 hours), and practical activities in the lab (0.25 CFU, 4 hours) and in the field (0.75 CFU, 12 hours).
During the lectures, the teacher will illustrate the concepts reported in the syllabus. The topics listed in the course syllabus will be addressed.
During practical activities, the students will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge using innovative methods for disease management.
Teaching Resources
Lecture slides.
Suggested books: "Elementi di patologia vegetale", Giuseppe Belli, ed. Piccin; "Plant Pathology 5th Edition", George Agrios, Elsevier.
Journal papers.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam consists of an interview, and the evaluation is expressed in thirtieths. During the oral exam, two questions will be posed to the student in spoken form: the first question will concern the first part of the program (basic concepts and definitions); the second question will concern the second part of the program (sustainable protection from specific diseases). The student will have to answer the questions in such a way as to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of the subject and fulfillment of the learning outcomes to pass the exam.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
AGR/12 - PLANT PATHOLOGY - University credits: 4
Field activity: 12 hours
Practicals: 4 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Toffolatti Silvia Laura
Monday, 10-12 am
Building 21070, first floor