Structural Chemistry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The students will be provided the tools to describe the symmetries present in a crystal and in a lattice, the criteria for the classification in the crystalline classes and space groups and the knowledge for the interpretation and use of the International Tables of Crystallography. The students will learn the basic concepts of the theory of for the characterization of the crystalline materials.
Expected learning outcomes
The students will be able to apply the knowledge of the crystal symmetry for description of crystalline material through the symbols of crystalline classes and space groups and to correctly interpret and use the International Tables of Crystallography. Students will also gain a useful knowledge on the theoretical principles of diffraction for the characterization of crystalline materials.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Morphology of the crystals: crystal classes, crystal forms and Miller indices. Theories for crystal habit prediction. Spherical and stereographic projections.
Descriptive crystallography: Crystal systems and translation symmetry. Lattice and crystallographic cell. Crystallographic restriction. Bravais Lattices. Plane Groups and Space Groups. The International Tables for Crystallography.
Diffraction by crystals: X-ray diffraction. Laue equations. Bragg's Law. The Reciprocal Lattice. Ewald's sphere. Structure factors and Fourier Syntheses. Experimental methods for single-crystal structure determination. Structure solution.
Description of Molecular Geometry: Coordinates, molecular geometry and molecular descriptors. Cambridge Structural Database structural-correlation analysis.
Advanced Techniques in Structural Chemistry: Neutron and synchrotron radiation: general principles and applications.
Prerequisites for admission
It is advisable to have appropriate training in matrix and vector calculus and physics of wave phenomena.
Teaching methods
Interactive presentations partially supported by projected lecture slides. Copies of the slides will be made available on the Ariel web site. Practical exercise sessions with crystal models and crystallographic software.
Class attendance is recommended.
Teaching Resources
Werner Massa, "Crystal Structure Determination", Springer-Verlag
William Clegg, (Oxford Chemistry Primers): "Crystal Structure Determination", Ed. Oxford Science Publication

G. Bunker, "Introduction to XAFS", Cambridge University Press, 2010
G.L. Squires, "Introduction to the Theory of Thermal Neutron Scattering", Dover Pubns, 1997
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of learning take place through an oral examination. The final grade is expressed in 30/30 were 18/30 represents the minimum. Students attending the course will be given the opportunity to take two partial exams (partial and end-of-semester). The final mark will be determined by the mean of the two partial evaluations that must both be higher or at least equal to 18/30. During each academic year, a number of at least 6 exams will be set, in the ordinary exam sessions.
The exam consists of a series of open-ended questions designed to ascertain the level of knowledge and understanding of the course contents and the ability to connect the different topics. The ability to express oneself correctly with proper scientific cognition and the clarity and thoroughness of exposition will also be assessed.
Lessons: 48 hours
Professors: Castellano Carlo, Rizzato Silvia
Educational website(s)
Su appuntamento
Dipartimento di Chimica, Corpo A, piano rialzato, stanza R38
Wednesday and Friday 16:00-17:00. Please send an e-mail.
Dipartimento di Chimica, Corpo A, stanza 1402