Structural Analysis Ii and Laboratory

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
During this course the students will use the techniques of modern structural analysis from mega- to mesoscale. They will be introduced to the 1) structural analysis of spherical data, 2) geological section drawing and interpretation, 3) reconstruction of structural geological sections from field data, 4) correlation of fabric elements (ductile and brittle), 5) kinematic and paleo stress reconstruction of faults from field data.
The course will be mostly held indoors; data are provided by structural-geological maps from different degree of complexity terrains and original field data of ductile and brittle structures. Microstructural analysis will also be used to get a complete overview of the posed problems and possible solutions.
Expected learning outcomes
Collect and measure of 3D geological features. Quantitative analysis of spherical distributions and reconstruction of general trends. Fault stress inversion. Writing report of a general structural/tectonics problem.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Analisi dat geologici geometrici; tecniche di statistica sferica; deformazione plastica e zone di taglio duttili, cinematica; deformazione fragile e zone di taglio fragili, cinematica e inversione degli sforzi; relazioni geologico-strutturali.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the geometric elements of rocks.
Knowledge of stereographic projections.
Knowledge of the geometric relationships between elements of the main crustal deformation structures.
Teaching methods
Lettura carte geologiche e analisi dei dati contenuti; raccolta dati sul terreno e analisi con software di statistica sferica; lettura di articoli scientifici ed estrazione dati raw
Teaching Resources
Analisi dat geologici geometrici; tecniche di statistica sferica; deformazione plastica e zone di taglio duttili, cinematica; deformazione fragile e zone di taglio fragili, cinematica e inversione degli sforzi; relazioni geologico-strutturali.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Reports on structural analysis of brittle and ductile deformation study cases
GEO/03 - STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY - University credits: 9
Field activity: 12 hours
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
8:30-12:30 14:30-17:30
Dipartimento Scienze della Terra "A. Desio" - Geologia-III piano