Sports Technologies and Fitness
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
This course aims at providing a basic knowledge on the activities performed in different Fitness and Wellness scenarios, from sports&fitness clubs to leisure and recreational contexts/centers, at individual and group level. Diverse technologies, methods and equipment will be analyzed in order to meet typical customers' and gym users' goals: performance development, -mantaining, and recovery, including their related psycho-physical wellness and weight loss.
Expected learning outcomes
The course will be providing graduates with knowledge and adequate competences relative to:
·Classification, specificity, and nomenclature of the exercises and equipment used for various muscles and joint groups;
·Baseline physical fitness evaluation, from monitoring to achievement of the goals;
·Most appropriate methods and technologies in relation to the planned Fitness and Wellness objectives;
·Criteria for applying and carrying out specific technics and interventions;
·Designing personalized programs for amateurs, healthy and adult people;
·Customer and business management
·Classification, specificity, and nomenclature of the exercises and equipment used for various muscles and joint groups;
·Baseline physical fitness evaluation, from monitoring to achievement of the goals;
·Most appropriate methods and technologies in relation to the planned Fitness and Wellness objectives;
·Criteria for applying and carrying out specific technics and interventions;
·Designing personalized programs for amateurs, healthy and adult people;
·Customer and business management
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course aims to provide knowledge on the classification, specifics, and terminology of muscle training, as well as the methods for performance recovery and the various technologies used in the fitness world. To this end, topics related to the physiology of muscle exercise, posturology, and fitness trends in both indoor and outdoor training will be explored in depth.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge concerning theory and methodology of human movement.
Teaching methods
Lectures, seminar activities, and laboratory sessions in small groups.
Teaching Resources
Slides, articles, and books recommended during the lecture.
Assessment methods and Criteria
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 28 hours
Codella Roberto, Doria Christian
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 4
Lessons: 28 hours
Educational website(s)
Monday and Friday, from 9.00 to 17.00
Via Giuseppe Colombo 71, 2nd Building, mezzanine floor ; via Skype: emiliano_ce; via Teams: [email protected]
by appointment
LITA (Segrate)
By appointment
Via Giuseppe Colombo 71, (Building #2) - 20133 Milano or online (MS Teams)