Special Pedagogy and Planning of Educational Interventions

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-PED/03 M-PED/04
Learning objectives
The course objective is to give students the basic knowledges about:
· the sociological reading keys of the social framework (considering its change and complexity at different levels: the local framework, the Italian society, the global world) and of the relations between social changes and insitutional answers (the evolution of the welfare systems)
· the specific competences about rights (in general and in particular connected to the welfare matter) in particular with regard to the welfare system and the social aid
· a global and reasoned view of the public law
· the main principles of the organisation of the State, the Government bodies' and local self-governments' activities
· the law concerning the services to people
· the main aspects about the privacy protection
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have to be able to:
· build an Individualized Educational Program
· recognies elements and phases riconoscere elementi e fasi di un processo di progettazione e delle sue criticità
· recognies the patterns used in the creation of a project
· prepare a project, write it, evalute its feasability and its effects (if the terms change?)
· integrate integrare modalità congrue di valutazione alla progettazione
· build projectuals model as partecipated actions
· research and identify funding sources and knowing how to expose projects
· promote an individual or group Parent Training
· use the methodologies, the operational tools and the didactic strategies useful for the cognitive recovery in subjects with a problematic behaviour, learning difficulties and behavioral disorders.
The student will also have to know:
· the conceptual tools to orientating the professional action into the different situations, where there is the meeting between manifestation of discomfort and the educational will
· the theoretical and methodologic elements of the micro and macro social planning (individual, groups, activities, services, etc.)
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and Oral Exam
Methodologies of teaching and special education
Course syllabus
This course program addresses the complexity of understanding and educating the people with special needs, disabilities and differing abilities.
Areas covered will include identification processes, methods for contributing to the child's healthy development and educational needs. This course will address the challenges related to creating developmentally appropriate inclusion practices in the educational settings.
Finally, we will go into more detail on how to formulate the Individualized Education Plan: Who Needs an IEP, purpose of an IEP, Components of an IEP, Stages of Developing an IEP, and so on.
Teaching methods
The teacher will use the following teaching methods:
"Frontal" method - full class-
Simulation methods to improve student learning how to formulate the Individualized Education Plan -temwormk class-
Instructing the students using PowerPoint slides and videos.
Teaching Resources
1. La Pedagogia Speciale
- Antonello Mura (2012), Pedagogia Speciale, Milano, Franco Angeli.
- R.Medeghini, E.Valtellina(2006), Quale disabilità?, Milano, Franco Angeli,.
- R. Medeghini, W.Fornasa (2011), L'educazione inclusiva, Milano Franco Angeli.
- D.Resico (2011), Ai confini dell'educabilità. Pedagogia Speciale e Relazione d'aiuto, Milano, Franco Angeli.
2. Disabilità e ambienti di vita
- Giovanni F. Ricci, Domenico Resico (2005), L'approccio integrato alla persona disabile, Milano, Franco Angeli.
- AA.VV(2013). L'index dell'inclusione nella pratica. Come costruire la scuola dell'eterogeneità
- A.L.Zurru (2015), la dimensione identitari nella persona disabile. Lo sguardo della pedagogia speciale sulle dinamiche della cura medica. Milano, Franco Angeli.
- M. Sannipoli (2015), Diversità e differenze nella prospettiva coevolutiva, Milano, Franco Angeli ***
3. Pianificare l'intervento educativo
- C.Pascoletti (2008), Genitori e Bambini speciali, Milano, Franco Angeli.
- B.L. Baker, A.Brightman (2010), Passi per l'indipendenza, Brescia, Vannini.
- O.Pino (2004), Funziono dunque sono? Un'analisi globale dei fattori di sviluppo nelle disabilità. Brescia, Vannini
- P.Zanelli (1986), Uno sfondo per integrare, Bologna, Cappelli editore
- Valentina Pennazio, Didattica, gioco e ambienti tecnologici inclusivi, Milano, Franco Angeli ***
- Fabiana Canarini , William J, I mediatori in educazione speciale. Mezzi, strumenti e metodiche, Milano, Franco Angeli***
- Dario Ianes, sofia Camerotti, Caterina Scapin, (2019) Profilo di funzionamento su base ICF-CY e Piano educativo individualizzato, Trento, Erickson
Educational research
Course syllabus
Pedagogic dimensions of project
Project: charateristics and types
Phases of project
Analysis of problem situation
Diagnostic process
Defintion of objectives
Study of pertinence
Logical framework of project
Study of feasibility
Operative management
Instruments of planning
Human resources
Assessment process
Results of assessment
Teaching methods
The teaching staff will be experimental in nature and involve the students.
Classroom moments will be created alternating with group work and ateliers.
Materials will be processed through reading texts and writing papers.
The teaching material presented in the classroom and the students' papers will be shared on the Ariel platform.
Teaching Resources
D. Piscitelli, G. Trevisi, Le virtù in azione. Prospettive per il lavoro sociale ed educativo, Marcianum Press, Venezia, 2021.
L. Sanicola, G. Trevisi, Il progetto. Metodi e strumenti per l'azione sociale, Liguori, Napoli, 2003.
F. Bussi, Progettare in partenariato, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2001.
C. Cosentino, C. Guidotto, La luce della jnestra. Riflessi di umanità dal carcere, Ancora, Milano, 2019.
Educational research
M-PED/04 - EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Tagliabue Carola
Professor: Tagliabue Carola
Methodologies of teaching and special education
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Valli Daniela
Professor: Valli Daniela

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Esame scritto
Esame orale
Methodologies of teaching and special education
Course syllabus
- Introduction to the course. Origins of Special-needs Education: historical-social study, main authors and reference approaches
- Special pedagogy in today's cultural and professional context: the principle of educability
- Special pedagogy in today's cultural and professional context: the perspective of integration
- Normativa Regulatory evolution in terms of disability: the importance of school, interpretations and models of social and political intervention
- Inclusive contexts. The paradigm of inclusion. Accessibility, aids, personal assistance: towards autonomy
- The culture of diversity. The recognition of the originality of the Other
- Affectivity and sexuality in people with disabilities. Social stereotypes, problems and contradictions in educational work
- The work paths of the professional educator with people with disabilities. The hoped-for adult condition
Teaching methods
Topics will be addressed by favoring an active teaching methodology, which enriches the theoretical contributions through the use of individual and group work, film contributions, expert testimonies, guided tours, in order to foster integration between research work and personal processing and the work of the class group.
Teaching Resources
A. Canevaro, Pedagogia speciale. La riduzione dell'handicap, Mondadori, 2018
E. Ripamonti, La bellezza delle diversità. Normalmente diversi, Europa Edizioni, 2016
S.Tramma, L'educatore imperfetto. Senso e complessità del lavoro educativo, Carocci Faber, 2010
F.Veglia, Handicap e sessualità: il silenzio, la voce, la carezza, Franco Angeli, 2007
Educational research
Course syllabus
The topics covered in the course are:
· The conditions of educational planning
· Educational planning as a problem
· The design process
· Critical design nodes
· Approaches to social and educational planning
· Needs analysis and problem definition
· Define objectives, actions and tools
· Establish the project evaluation system
· of educational projects
· Social and educational planning: the calls for funding
Teaching methods
The teaching is provided with lectures, exercises, group work, preparation of papers and / or research and case analysis.
The course uses teaching material on the Ariel platform: lecture presentations, useful links to find design material, excerpts of articles used during the lectures, students' texts
Teaching Resources
· AA.VV "La progettazione sociale" - Quaderni di Animazione e Formazione - Edizioni Gruppo Abele - Torino 1999
· Brandani W.- Tomisich M. - La progettazione educativa - Carocci Faber - Milano 2005
· Crisafulli F. (a cura di) "La valutazione nel lavoro dell'educatore professionale" - Maggioli Editore - Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna 2018
· Manoukian F. (Intervista a) "L'operatore sociale leggero" in Animazione Sociale - Numero Marzo 2000
Educational research
M-PED/04 - EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Morselli Elena Laura
Methodologies of teaching and special education
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Reale Antonella
Professor: Reale Antonella