Soil Chemistry
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is the knowledge of the characteristics of the soil and its principal functions. The soils will be studied for their agronomic characteristics and for how much it concerns their vulnerability in relationship to different uses.
Expected learning outcomes
Chemical, physical and biological characteristics of soil. Laboratory activity for the determination of the principal soil characteristics.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
-0.5 CFU: Soil definition: the soil as an open system. -The main soil functions: productive function, protective function, naturalistic function. -The soil as a three-phase system: solid, liquid and gas phase.
-0.5 CFU: Minerals and rocks: non-silicate minerals, classification and structure of silicate minerals. Processes of mineral salteration. -Alteration of phyllosilicates: clays. Structure of clays: 1: 1 clays, 2: 1 clays, heterovalent isomorphic substitutions.
-0.5 CFU: The soil physical properties: real and apparent texture, structure, density and porosity.
-0.5 CFU: Organic matter: non-humic component and humic component, accumulation and consumption processes in relation to soil fertility. Role in soil fertility.
- 0.5 CFU: Soil chemical properties: adsorption and exchange: main theories; the characteristics and composition of the soil exchange complex, degree of basic saturation, specific and non-specific cationic and anionic adsorption
-0.5 CFU:The soil / water ratios. - Soil / air relationships: soil as a respiratory system - Red-ox potential of the soil. -pH current and potential. Acid, saline, sodium, submerged soils. Soils with abnormal pH and their correction.
-2 CFU: Biogeochemical cycles: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and other meso and micro elements in relation to availability in the soil. - Fertilizers, soil improvers and corrective agents. - Fertilization plans.
-1 CFU: Soil analysis with laboratory exercises.
-0.5 CFU: Minerals and rocks: non-silicate minerals, classification and structure of silicate minerals. Processes of mineral salteration. -Alteration of phyllosilicates: clays. Structure of clays: 1: 1 clays, 2: 1 clays, heterovalent isomorphic substitutions.
-0.5 CFU: The soil physical properties: real and apparent texture, structure, density and porosity.
-0.5 CFU: Organic matter: non-humic component and humic component, accumulation and consumption processes in relation to soil fertility. Role in soil fertility.
- 0.5 CFU: Soil chemical properties: adsorption and exchange: main theories; the characteristics and composition of the soil exchange complex, degree of basic saturation, specific and non-specific cationic and anionic adsorption
-0.5 CFU:The soil / water ratios. - Soil / air relationships: soil as a respiratory system - Red-ox potential of the soil. -pH current and potential. Acid, saline, sodium, submerged soils. Soils with abnormal pH and their correction.
-2 CFU: Biogeochemical cycles: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur and other meso and micro elements in relation to availability in the soil. - Fertilizers, soil improvers and corrective agents. - Fertilization plans.
-1 CFU: Soil analysis with laboratory exercises.
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of inorganic chemistry and organic chemistry
Teaching methods
Lectures and laboratory exercises
Teaching Resources
Principles of Soil Chemistry, CRC Press; Author: Kim H.. The book is available at the library of the faculty. Slides on ARIEL
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written exam consists of 3 questions: Comment of a soil analysis and preparation of a fertilization plan + 2 open questions. A maximum score of 10 points will be applied to each question. The vote is expressed out of thirty. The exam will last 2 hours. The calculator can be used.Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
AGR/13 - AGRICULTURAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Laboratories: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Adani Fabrizio, Tambone Fulvia
Educational website(s)
appointment by e-mail
DiSAA - soil chemistry section - I Floor - office 1011