Sociology of the Health and Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
IUS/01 M-DEA/01 SPS/07 SPS/10
Learning objectives
Acquire the fundamentals related to the study of the territory and environment, of community realities, of existing cultures and of social and communicative processes;
Acquire the knowledge of the development of the multi-ethnic society, with specific reference to the variety and diversification of values and of cultural and religious aspects;
Acquire the tools to recognize the similarities and cultural differences and health models in different populations;
Acquire the knowledge of the law with particular reference to the normative sources, to the constitutional and administrative organization of the State and of public bodies.
Expected learning outcomes
Have acquired theories, methods and tools for the knowledge of the territory and the environment and of the cultural and social groups present therein;
Have acquired elements for an effective and cross-cultural communication;
Identify and interpret the mobility phenomena connected to the global society;
knowing, identifying and interpret the interconnections between environment, territory and population health;
Know and understand skills of the sources of law and of the institutions of the State and public bodies .
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with open and closed questions
The exam is held for all modules of the integrated course on the same day.
General sociology
Course syllabus
· What about the Sociology of health and medicine: the origins, concepts, founders, theoretical themes
· The evolution of health and illness concepts in society and culture
· sociology studies in the fields of medicine and health
· The medicalization of birth and the female body
Teaching methods
Frontal and interactive lessons with audiovisual aids, exercises or group work
Teaching Resources
· Lombardi L., Riproduzione e salute nella società globale. Genere, medicalizzazione e mutamento sociale, Maggioli Editore, 2018. (pp. 13-26 and pp 27-65).
· Lombardi L., Handouts and models
Urban and environmental sociology
Course syllabus
Elements of sociology of the environment and territory
The social effects of climate change
Inequality and environmental justice
World environment conferences, plans for the future
Teaching methods
Frontal and interactive lectures.
Teaching Resources
· Andersen M., Taylor H., Logio K.A., Sociology: the essential. 9th Edition. 2017. Cap. Environment, Population, and Social Change.
· G. Nuvolati, M. Tognetti Bordogna (a cura di), Salute, ambiente e qualità della vita nel contesto urbano, 2010.
Demology, ethnology and anthropology
Course syllabus
Essential of cultural and social anthropology
- · The transmission of culture
- · The relationship between culture and society
- · Ethnography and participant observation
- · Kinship and family
- · Migration, vulnerability, inequality
Teaching methods
Lectures. Interactive discussion of topics. Research examples.
Teaching Resources
Schultz E.A., Lavenda R.H., Antropologia Culturale, Zanichelli, 2013. Capp. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 12, 13.
Lombardi L. Sannella A., "Salute globale e migrazioni: accesso ai servizi sanitari e pratiche di cura". In Cardano M., Giarelli G., Vicarelli G. (a cura di), Manuale di sociologia della salute e della medicina, Il Mulino, 2020
Private law
Course syllabus
1. Introduction to law. The Italian Constitution: the division of powers, the constitutional organs, the system of sources of law, the fundamental rights and the right to health.

2. Introduction to the civil liability system: contractual and non-contractual liability in general, medical-healthcare liability in particular.
Teaching methods
Lectures, class discussion, guided examination of normative texts
Teaching Resources
1. For the first point : Bin-Pitruzzella, Diritto Pubblico o Diritto Costituzionale, o altro manuale di uso corrente di Diritto Costituzionale nella versione più aggiornata.
2. for the second point: uno dei manuali classici di Diritto Privato di uso corrente, come il Torrente - Schlesinger, Torrente - Schlesinger, ed. Giuffrè, oppure Iorio, ed. Giappichelli, oppure Trimarchi, ed. Giuffrè, nella versione più aggiornata.
for both 1-2 only the chapters suggested by the professor
Demology, ethnology and anthropology
Lessons: 20 hours
General sociology
SPS/07 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Private law
IUS/01 - PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Urban and environmental sociology
Lessons: 10 hours