Security, Law and Religion
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to illustrate not only the processes of religious radicalisation, but, more in detail, to deepen the strategies of counter-narrative, de-radicalisation and prevention of jihadist extremism in Europe.
To this end, the lessons are intended as:
- provide the legal tools to analyze and manage the challenges posed by fundamentalism in an interdisciplinary perspective;
- critically examine of counter-narrative models implemented in Europe;
- investigate the role of the exercise of fundamental rights, and in particular the right to religious freedom, in a strategy to combat jihadist radicalisation.
To this end, the lessons are intended as:
- provide the legal tools to analyze and manage the challenges posed by fundamentalism in an interdisciplinary perspective;
- critically examine of counter-narrative models implemented in Europe;
- investigate the role of the exercise of fundamental rights, and in particular the right to religious freedom, in a strategy to combat jihadist radicalisation.
Expected learning outcomes
- Knowledge and comprehension of the main legal issues posed by violent religious radicalisation;
- Ability to reason from an interdisciplinary perspective;
- Independent judgment in the analysis of the cases treated and in the identification of the solutions applicable to them;
- Communication skills, argumentative consistency, systematic reasoning and language properties;
- Ability to adapt the knowledge to the contexts studied and the legal cases addressed.
- Ability to reason from an interdisciplinary perspective;
- Independent judgment in the analysis of the cases treated and in the identification of the solutions applicable to them;
- Communication skills, argumentative consistency, systematic reasoning and language properties;
- Ability to adapt the knowledge to the contexts studied and the legal cases addressed.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The "Sicurezza, diritto e religione" course is part of the training activities financed by European Union with the Jean Monnet Action under the Erasmus + program.
Specifically, the "Sicurezza, diritto e religione" course focuses on strategies to combat religious extremism through a multidisciplinary approach that, starting from an understanding of radicalisation processes, intends to provide a framework of legal tools and measures adopted so far to counter violent radicalisation in Italy and in Europe.
But, above all, it also aims to promote new strategies to contrast violent religious radicalisation based on the respect for the fundamental principles and values that characterize both our legal system and that of the European Union. Not least, the recognition of fundamental rights and, more specifically, the exercise of the right to religious freedom which - as stated by the Special Rapporteur on the freedom of religion and belief of the United Nations in 2017 - represents an essential tool in the global strategy against jihadist extremism.
Finally, the course aims to facilitate forms of cooperation with various professional figures and civil society actors who are themselves involved in the fight against radicalisation as public security authorities, cybercrime experts, magistrates, lawyers and leaders of religious communities.
The course is divided into 42 hours (21 lessons) organized as follows:
Introduction to course topics
Constitution and the religious factor
History of religiously inspired terrorism
Religious freedom and security
Actual and perceived security
Towards a legal definition of radicalisation
Strategies to counter radicalisation: focus on EU, UK and France
Focus: France: the Macron law on separatism
Focus: countering religiously motivated radicalisation in Austria
Criminal law: terrorism
Religious profiling and anti-terrorism policies
Religious pluralism in prison
Focus: countering religiously motivated radicalisation in Spanish prisons
Radicalisation in prison
The expulsion measure as a response to religious extremism
Prevention measures
Secular de-radicalisation: with whom and based on what contents?
Case studies and good practices
Specifically, the "Sicurezza, diritto e religione" course focuses on strategies to combat religious extremism through a multidisciplinary approach that, starting from an understanding of radicalisation processes, intends to provide a framework of legal tools and measures adopted so far to counter violent radicalisation in Italy and in Europe.
But, above all, it also aims to promote new strategies to contrast violent religious radicalisation based on the respect for the fundamental principles and values that characterize both our legal system and that of the European Union. Not least, the recognition of fundamental rights and, more specifically, the exercise of the right to religious freedom which - as stated by the Special Rapporteur on the freedom of religion and belief of the United Nations in 2017 - represents an essential tool in the global strategy against jihadist extremism.
Finally, the course aims to facilitate forms of cooperation with various professional figures and civil society actors who are themselves involved in the fight against radicalisation as public security authorities, cybercrime experts, magistrates, lawyers and leaders of religious communities.
The course is divided into 42 hours (21 lessons) organized as follows:
Introduction to course topics
Constitution and the religious factor
History of religiously inspired terrorism
Religious freedom and security
Actual and perceived security
Towards a legal definition of radicalisation
Strategies to counter radicalisation: focus on EU, UK and France
Focus: France: the Macron law on separatism
Focus: countering religiously motivated radicalisation in Austria
Criminal law: terrorism
Religious profiling and anti-terrorism policies
Religious pluralism in prison
Focus: countering religiously motivated radicalisation in Spanish prisons
Radicalisation in prison
The expulsion measure as a response to religious extremism
Prevention measures
Secular de-radicalisation: with whom and based on what contents?
Case studies and good practices
Prerequisites for admission
As per the didactic regulations of the degree course. There are no further specific prerequisites.
Teaching methods
The lessons, mainly frontal, will be supplemented by specific focuses on case studies and good practices.
Teaching Resources
D. Milani, A. Negri (eds), Sguardi incrociati nel labirinto della radicalizzazione di matrice religiosa: il progetto Future, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli, 2024
A. Negri, Radicalizzazione religiosa e de-radicalizzazione laica. Sfide giuridiche per l'ordinamento democratico, Carocci, Roma, 2022.
A. Negri, Radicalizzazione religiosa e de-radicalizzazione laica. Sfide giuridiche per l'ordinamento democratico, Carocci, Roma, 2022.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Final exam takes place in oral form.
The final examination aims to verify the degree of knowledge of the subject matter and the use of appropriate legal language; at the same, is it worth the students would show a critical approach to the subject matter itself.
The final examination aims to verify the degree of knowledge of the subject matter and the use of appropriate legal language; at the same, is it worth the students would show a critical approach to the subject matter itself.
IUS/11 - ECCLESIASTICAL AND CANON LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Milani Daniela, Negri Alessandro
Educational website(s)