Safety and Quality of Food Animal Origin

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
VET/02 VET/04 VET/07
Learning objectives
The course aim is to provide the skills to assess the quality and health of food of animal origin, starting from the production process up to the level of the final consumer.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must be able to know the main rules governing the conformity of food of animal origin destined for human consumption and the main contaminants in the food chain of animal origin. It must also be able to control and manage the processes of production, preparation, processing, packaging and preservation of food of animal origin for the purpose of preventing and controlling the health risk associated with the various production phases.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for a.y. 2021-22 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, infectious diseases, nutrition, toxicology and physiology are required.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral question on all topics of the course (theoretical and practical) carried out in the year in which the student had followed the course
Evaluation parameters: ability on the part of the student to critically evaluate them and to understand their hygiene and health problems in the sector in order to implement prevention and risk assessment means, based on national and European regulatory references
In particular, the ability to report on the topics covered and to combine the theoretical part with the practical part will be assessed; ability of critical reasoning, quality of exposure and competence in the use of an appropriate language.
Functionality of muscle and adipose tissue
Course syllabus
Course introduction
Muscle cell types
Skeletal muscle structures and functions
Nerve resting and action potentials
Neuromuscular transmission
Muscle contraction mechanism
Muscle mechanics
Skeletal muscle metabolism
Post mortem muscle biology
Cardiac muscle
Cardiac pacemaker
Smooth muscle
Adipose tissue
White, brown and beige adipose tissue
Fat-muscle relations
Adipose tissue as endocrine organ
Teaching methods
The course will be based on classroom lessons, paralleled by laboratory and scomputer simulation practical lessons.
Teaching Resources
Lessons notes
Slides delivered by the teacher
Text: Sjaastad et al. "Fisiologia degli animali domestici", casa ed. ambrosiana editore
Production and marketing of food of animal origin
Course syllabus
The course program is divided into lectures and tutorial and will focus toward meat, milk, fish, eggs, and honey food chains
Frontal teaching
legislative knowledge for food of animal origin: hygiene package and residual national plan
Characteristics of food of animal origin, Hygiene and quality for OA products, slaughtering (bovine, pig, poultry, sheep and goat and fish), classification of bovine carcasses, maturation of meat, color of meat, WHC: Capacity (or power ) of water retention of the meat
Food processing and preservation technologies (pasteurization, sterilization, refrigeration and freezing, high hydrostatic pressures, drying and smoking, ionizing radiation, use of chemical composites (nitrites-nitrates, polyphosphates, organic acids) and antibiotics, fermentation, separate meats mechanically.
- Food labeling
- Meat products
- Hygiene and technology of raw meat products: e.g. salami: raw ham, colonnata lard
- Hygiene and technology of cooked meat products: e.g. cooked ham, canned meat
Hygiene and technology of fishery and processed products
For the part related to the topics of milk of dairy products and other foods of oa
Frontal lessons
- Hygiene of milk production
- Composition and physical-chemical, microbiological parameters of drinking milk
- Restoration of milk. Heat treatments and other treatments
- Cheese, classificationP.D.O. , P.G.I. and G.S.T. cheeses;
- Cheese-making processes: grafts; milk coagulation.
- Examples of technologies for the production of fresh, pasta filata and aged cheeses.
- Milk derivatives: yogurt, milk cream, butter and ricotta;
- Eggs and egg products
- Other foods of oa e.g. honey
Visits to companies and production laboratories, laboratory analyzes, classroom practical topics, seminars.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures, held in the classroom.
For the tutorial part of the lesson the following are foreseen: educational visits to production and marketing plants, considering in particular the parts relating to production technologies and health issues, large-scale distribution platforms, seminars / conferences on current topics, laboratory activities
Teaching Resources
Corradini C. (1995 Chimica e tecnologia del latte. Ed. Tecniche Nuove Milano
Del Monte P., Magnani U., Monari M. (2000) Industria dei salumi. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Latrie R.A. (1983) Scienza della carne. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Salvatori del Prato O. (1998) Trattato di tecnologia casearia. Ed. Edagricole, Bologna
Tiecco G. (2000) Ispezione degli alimenti di origine animale. Ed. Calderoni-Edagricole, Bologna
G. Colavita - Igiene e Tecnologie Alimentari - Ed agricole, Bologna.
Lerici R., Lercker G. Principi di tecnologie Alimentari - Editrice CLUEB, Bologna.
Giovanni Quaglia - Scienza e tecnologia degli alimenti - Chirotti Editori, Pinerolo
RONDANELLI E.G., FABBI M., MARONE P.: Trattato sulle infezioni e tossinfezioni alimentari. Ed. Selecta Medica, 2005, Pavia
Galli A., Bertoldi A. Igiene degli alimenti e HACCP (2006). IV Edizione. EPC Libri
G.Colavita-Igiene e Tecnologie degli Alimenti di Origine Animale. Ed Point Veterinaire Itale
Mucchetti, Neviani. 2006 Microbiologia e tecnologia lattiero-casearia. Tecniche nuove, Milano
The material used in the classroom for explanations will be present on the UNIMI Ariel portal, the material used for seminars and conferences will be delivered to the students.
Toxicology residues
Course syllabus
Food safety: importance of residues in products of animal origin (2 h)
Principles for food risk analysis (2 h)
Residues classification and source (2 h)
Maximum Residue Limits (2 h)
Environmental impact (2 h)
The national system of surveillance (2 h)
Main classes of drugs used in zootechnical animals and their management (2 h)
Hormones, β2-agonists and antithyroids agents (2 h)
Practical activities
Methods of analysis for the identification of the residue in matrixes of animal origin (8 h)
Calibration and validation of the analytical methods (4 h)
Extraction and quantification of the residues from products of animal origin and in biological fluids (4 h)
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures, held in the classroom.
For the part of the lesson relating to practical activities, the following are foreseen: laboratory activities where possible in Covid situations and classroom exercises.
Teaching Resources
Slides of the course in pdf
Carlo Nebbia (2009) Residui di Farmaci e Contaminanti ambientali nelle Produzioni Animali, EdiSES.
GUPTA R.C. (2018) Veterinary toxicology 3rd Ed- edited by Elsevier Academic Press.
Functionality of muscle and adipose tissue
VET/02 - VETERINARY PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Faustini Massimo
Professor: Faustini Massimo
Production and marketing of food of animal origin
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Panseri Sara
Professor: Panseri Sara
Toxicology residues
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Arioli Francesco
Professor: Arioli Francesco
on demand via mail or whatsapp
Room 2111