Russian 2 (MA)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course consists of lectures (corso monografico) and practical language classes (esercitazioni). Lectures aim to present, working on materials in Russian language, the nature of complex system of both literary and non-literary texts, based on them structural and linguistic analysis. Attention will be paid to the difference between norm and linguistic use too and to their value from the perspective of textual analysis. Lessons will also guide the student in the written drafting of textual analysis in Russian language.
Practical language classes will develop the skills to understand literary and non-literary texts, as well as to produce independently their oral and written analysis at C1 level.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: introduction to the concept of linguistic and textual complexity with reference to both literary and non-literary texts in Russian language. Attention to the difference between norm and use in linguistics. Development of the vocabulary and structures necessary to analyze texts in Russian.
Applying knowledge and understanding: at the end of lectures students will be able to analyze from linguistic and structural points of view literary and non-literary texts in Russian language, using the correct structures. They will also be able to recognize elements within the texts belonging to linguistic norm and to linguistic use and to comment their value from a communicative perspective. Furthermore, student will be able to comment from linguistic and structural point of view texts in Russian language created with the generative artificial intelligence.
The practical language classes will develop in students the skills understand literary and non-literary texts and to analyze them in Russian autonomously. The developed linguistic skills will correspond to the fourth level (C1) of the official standard established by the Council of Europe for the knowledge of foreign languages.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course aims to show, working on materials in Russian language, the nature of complex system of both literary and non-literary texts, based on them structural and linguistic analysis. Lessons will also guide the student in the written drafting of textual analysis in Russian language.

The course provides 9 ects and it is divided into 3 parts. It is not possible to acquire only 6 ects.

PART A: After introducing the concept of linguistic and textual complexity, lessons will be focused on the analysis of literary texts, discussing their structural and linguistics peculiarities.

PART B: In the second part of the course the work will be oriented to the analysis of non-literary texts. With reference to such texts, in addition to analyzing the linguistic and structural elements that characterize them from the point of view of complexity, particular attention will be paid to the relationship between norm and use in the linguistic field.

PART C: In the last part of the course the topic of the structural and linguistic complexity of the text will be addressed with reference to products created with the generative artificial intelligence.

The program is valid until the end of July 2026.
Prerequisites for admission
The course, which is held entirely in Russian, the examination materials and bibliography presuppose a start level of B2. In addition, the student must have the requirements for access to the Master Programme LM C73 relating to the Russian language, as indicated in the Program Description.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: lectures; reading and analysis of texts. The course is integrated with language practice classes, for which students have to see the specific syllabus.
Teaching Resources
The course has a site on "Ariel", the online platform for teaching, ( Students are invited to consult it for information and materials given by the teacher.

Mandatory bibliography for lectures:
1. Bertuccelli Papi M., Lenci A., Lexical complexity and the texture of meaning, in Bertuccelli Papi M., Cappelli G., Masi S. (eds.), «Lexical complexity: theoretical assessment and translational perspectives», Pisa, PLUS, 2007, pages.15-33.

2. Бабенко Л.Г., Казарин Ю.В., Лингвистический анализ художественного текста (теория и практика), Москва, Флинта, Наука, 2005 (Only following parts: pages 11-48, 49-54, 159-193, 201-204). The text is available at the following link:

3. Перотто Моника, Коммуникативный анализ нехудожественного текста для студентов-магистрантов РКИ, FIRENZE UNIVERSITY PRESS, 2023. The text is available at the following link:

4. Texts and slides distributed during the lessons and made available on Ariel platform.

5. 40 pages for self-study, which the student will choose by himself and will agree with the teacher. Such pages must refer to both literary and non-literary texts.

For the bibliography referred to practical classes, students have to refer to the specific syllabus.

Notice for non-attending students
The program is the same for both attending and non-attending students. Non-attending students are invited to contact the lecturer as soon as
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and oral exams: the exam consists of a written test and of an oral test. The final grade will be the average of the grades obtained in written and in oral exams, expressed in thirtieths.
The written exam can be taken starting from May 2025. The oral exam from June 2025.

Attending students (active participation in at least 80% of the theory lessons and 80% of practical classes) can have access to the partial tests (replacing only the general written test), which take place at the end of each semester. In this case, the final mark of the written examination is given by the average of the two partial tests. To take the second partial test students are expected to have passed the first partial test and to have attended at least 80% of lectures and 80% of language practice classes during the second semester. In the event of failing one of the two partial tests, students must take the entire general written examination during the official rounds (May, September, January).

The first partial examination will include the written analysis of a literary text. The second partial examination will include the written analysis of a non-literary text.
In the analysis of both types of text the student will have to demonstrate the knowledge of contents and methodologies studied during the course. The length of analysis of the texts should be at least 300 words. The use of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries is allowed.

The general written exam (for those who do not take partial exams or who have not passed one of the two) will consist in carrying out the two tests described above at once.

The oral exam will consist of:
1. a conversation in Russian language on a topic assigned at the moment of the exam,
2. a detailed 20-minutes presentation focused on the results of the linguistic and structural analysis, that the student will conduct autonomously on 40 pages chosen for self-study and agreed upon by the teacher,
3. a presentation of the results referred to the analysis, autonomously conducted by the student, of a text created with the generative artificial intelligence.
Language in which the student is required to take the exam: Russian.

Students' performance will be assessed in terms of appropriate presentation and discussion of topics, notions, and concepts; discourse organization; detailed text analysis; lexical and syntactic richness and accuracy.

For students attending practical classes (active attendance of at least 80% of practical classes): The above-mentioned point 1 (only point 1) of the oral exam (conversation in Russian language) will be replaced of on ongoing evaluation, which will take place during all the year.
During the practical classes, the students will have to prepare and present the works assigned by the teacher and answer to teacher's oral questions. These presentations will be constantly evaluated by the teacher and will contribute to the determination of the final grade of the exam.
The other points of the oral exam (points 2 and 3) must be taken regularly in the exam sessions by all students, both attending and non-attending.

Students who do not attend the practical classes (participation in less than 80% of the classes) will also have to carry out point 1 of the oral exam in the normal exam sessions.

International or Erasmus incoming students are required to contact the lecturer as soon as possible. Alternative assessment methods for SEN and disabled students will have to be arranged with the teacher and the University Disability Office.
L-LIN/21 - SLAVIC STUDIES - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours