Ricerca ostetrica applicata ai contesti sanitari
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
To acquire research skills in the areas of nursing research and research in nursing, aimed to:
· Manage complex problems of nursing care, hypothesis formulation, definition of projects and protocols
· critically analyze international literature;
· use evidence-based nursing and improve the quality of nursing care;
· use and review guidelines and models for complex nursing care;
· use the tools to study nursing care in the workplace
· Manage complex problems of nursing care, hypothesis formulation, definition of projects and protocols
· critically analyze international literature;
· use evidence-based nursing and improve the quality of nursing care;
· use and review guidelines and models for complex nursing care;
· use the tools to study nursing care in the workplace
Expected learning outcomes
Lo studente valutera' criticamente i risultati della ricerca per individuarne le implicazioni nella pratica professionale Analizzera' le diverse fasi del processo di ricerca, i diversi metodi e le potenzialita' applicative per la pratica Analizzera' criticamente linee guida e raccomandazioni per l'assistenza infermieristica e ostetrica per l'individuazione delle condizioni necessarie alla loro applicazione in contesti sociosanitari specifici
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
Research, nursing research, obstetric research and research methodology. The process of research and drafting of the research project: a) identifying problems, questions and research hypotheses; b) finding and reviewing research evidence in the literature: clarifications on terminology (Literature Review, SystematicReview, Metanalysis, Metasinthesis) to define the objectives/ scopes and theoretical and conceptual structures, c) to analyze the main research designs (quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods and evidence based practice) and to select according to the aims and objectives of the study; d) to know the sampling techniques and data collection tools and to be able to overview the use of the questionnaire e) to know the concepts of reliability and validity. Identify innovative and priority research topics in the clinical-organizational, clinical-professional and training fields as a basis for planning.
Prerequisites for admission
Prior knowledge of statistics and epidemiology is required. Knowledge of the architecture of clinical research: objectives and structure of the different study designs. Knowledge of English level B1. Use of the web (most common browsers).
Teaching methods
Lectures using different tools such as slides, and report discussion are provided.
Teaching Resources
Polit D, Tatano Beck C. Curatore Palese A (2018). Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. Milano:McGraw-Hill Education. Bowers D., House A., Owwens D (2004). Come leggere e capire uno studio clinico. Milano; Raffaello Cortina Editore. Chiari P., Mosci D., Naldi E., Centro Studi EBN (2011) Evidence based clinical practice. 2 ed. Milano: McGraw-Hil.l Terzoni S, Destrebecq A (2010). Informatica per le professioni Infermieristiche e Ostetriche. Milano: Hoepli.
Assessment methods and Criteria
A written examination on all the areas of the course. Both MCQ and open question with a short answer are submitted in 60 minutes time. A framework, based on the number of correct answers is used in order to assess the vote. No intermediate proofs are provided.
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