Responsibility and Ai
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course delves into the regulation of responsibility of artificial intelligence (AI) within the EU legal order in its first part and under European and comparative private law in the second one. Therefore, the course will focus first on the attempts to regulate the responsibility of AI at EU and Council of Europe level. It will then consider the responsibilities and liabilities of AI providers as well as the revision of the relevant rules (product liability directive as well as the proposals on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence (AI Liability Directive). Risk management and insurance coverage of activities involving AI will be considered, especially applied to some sectors (i.e. smart mobility and medical activities).
Expected learning outcomes
After completing the course, students will have thorough knowledge of elements of advanced EU law and advanced comparative private law about the contractual and non contractual liabilities arising from the use of artificial intelligence. This will include the exam of EU, international and national relevant legislation and approaches. Students will have the capability to solve complex legal problems arising from the innovative field of liability arising from the use of AI, as well as the legal questions of the responsibility of AI itself.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course will touch upon the following subjects, that will be discussed with the students during the lectures/seminars.
Each subject corresponds to one or more lectures that will be delivered by the professors on the subject, in a tentative chronological order. Please note that the content of the lectures might vary depending on the exact needs of the classroom.
· Introduction to the European legal framework of AI and responsibility
· EU market freedoms in the Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights
· Risk assessment and legal rules in the Council of Europe Treaty on Artificial Intelligence
· EU secondary legislation on AI and responsibility
· Risk assessment and legal rules in the Artificial Intelligence Act
· Duties and liabilities of AI operators in the AIA and other sources of law
· Digital euro (and other central bank digital currencies) and liability/accountability of the European Central Bank
· Cybersecurity and AI
· Risk management of AI and insurance tools
· Risk management of AI: alternatives
· AI applications in smart mobility solutions
· AI application in health and medical activities
· Liabilities and sustainability of AI
· Fintech and AI
Each subject corresponds to one or more lectures that will be delivered by the professors on the subject, in a tentative chronological order. Please note that the content of the lectures might vary depending on the exact needs of the classroom.
· Introduction to the European legal framework of AI and responsibility
· EU market freedoms in the Treaties and in the Charter of Fundamental Rights
· Risk assessment and legal rules in the Council of Europe Treaty on Artificial Intelligence
· EU secondary legislation on AI and responsibility
· Risk assessment and legal rules in the Artificial Intelligence Act
· Duties and liabilities of AI operators in the AIA and other sources of law
· Digital euro (and other central bank digital currencies) and liability/accountability of the European Central Bank
· Cybersecurity and AI
· Risk management of AI and insurance tools
· Risk management of AI: alternatives
· AI applications in smart mobility solutions
· AI application in health and medical activities
· Liabilities and sustainability of AI
· Fintech and AI
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites, although an experience in legal studies or cognate subjects can be useful.
Teaching methods
The course will be mainly delivered through seminars.
Teaching Resources
The presentations of the lectures as well as a list of either compulsory or supplementary readings that the Professor will publish on the e-learning before each lecture.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Since the course is delivered in seminars, the assessment of the exam will be discussed with the classroom during the first meetings.
IUS/02 - COMPARATIVE PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 3
IUS/14 - EUROPEAN UNION LAW - University credits: 3
IUS/14 - EUROPEAN UNION LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 48 hours
Cerini Diana Valentina, Zaccaroni Giovanni
Educational website(s)