Rehabilitation Techniques

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
L-ART/05 MED/48
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Students must have passed psychiatry 1
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment of the learning will take place through an oral /written test, including multiple choice questions.
The evaluation criteria used will be the ability to list and organize the acquired knowledges as well as their application for the resolution of short questions. The evaluation of the teaching will be expressed in 30th and will be the result of the weighted average of the votes acquired in each module of the teaching. The results of the tests will be communicated to the students through online verbalization system of University.
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative
Course syllabus
Work placements
Work transition and modern conception: work in history; work as rehabilitation; the job role; the concept of mentalism
- advantages of work-based rehabilitation practice: impact of psychiatric disability on work performance; reasons for unemployment in people with psychiatric disorders; meta-competences.
- intervention programs: law 68/99; work integration paths; inpatients: caring, project construction; assessment of skills/strengths and weaknesses; the operator of the work integration service.
- interpersonal relationships: re-establish connections; the false self; discussion of clinical cases
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Ba G "Strumenti e tecniche della Riabilitazione psichiatrica", FrancoAngeli Eds. 2003
La canzone come esperienza relazionale, educativa, terapeutica, Ricordi, Milano, 2009. Seconda edizione 2010
Franco Fornari, (1984), Psicoanalisi della musica, Longanesi, Milano
Rolando Benenzon, La parte dimenticata della personalità, Borla, Roma
Rolando Benezon, Manuale di Musicoterapia, Borla, Roma
Edith Lecourt. Musicoterapia, Cittadella Editrice, Assisi
A. Roscio, M.Panzera , Al passo con i cavalli saggi, La riabilitazione equestre in età evolutiva, Erickson 2019
Vita A., Dell'Osso L., Mucci A. (a cura di), Manuale di clinica e riabilitazione psichiatrica - vol 2, Giovanni Fioriti Editore, 2019
Jean-Claude Coste (a cura di Pier Luigi Baldi), La psicomotricità, La Nuova Italia, 1999.

Materiale fornito dai docenti (slide, dispense)
Discipline dello spettacolo
Course syllabus
Melodic experience as rehabilitative technique
The components of musical language (communicational aspects); melody as distinctive phonological trait; melody and tensiodistensional dynamics; melodic expressiveness as a sign/symptom. The construction of the sound relationship through the melodic experience (methodological aspects); the melodic experience as rehabilitative mode. Intervention protocols in psychiatric rehabilitation.

Music therapy
Music therapy: historical and methodological aspects. Models and techniques. Description of the ontogenetic and relational aspects of the sound and rhythmic experience in affective life. Neuro-physiological aspects of acoustic experience in intrauterine life and neonatal life. Methodological and clinical aspects of music therapy settings. Listening music therapy.

Theory and practice of the main methodological assumptions. Clinical applications with psychiatric users

Theoretical aspects of art therapy
Basic elements of the historical framework and the methodology of art therapy; materials, settings, construction of projects.

Teatrotherapy and dramatherapy
Theoretical principles and application models. psychopathology of expression. The body in theatre. The game of the mask and other techniques. Theatrical techniques in psychic discomfort. psychodrama and dramatization.

Psychomotor techniques
Historical introduction, the theoretical basis of psychomotricity; fundamental elements of psychomotricity Psychomotor therapy comparison between child and adult.

Horse-assisted therapy
Regulatory frame, National guidelines for interventions assisted with animals; roles and responsibilities of the professional figures involved; the foundations and characteristics of the man-to-man relationshipanimal; Horse-assisted therapy, operating and case studies; presentation of clinical cases.

Horticoltural therapy
Introduction to horticoltural therapy and key points analysis. The benefits it can bring in mental disability and differences from other occupational therapies. Methodology: how to do an horticolturaltherapy project.

Work placements
Work transition and modern conception: work in history; work as rehabilitation; the job role; the concept of mentalism
- advantages of work-based rehabilitation practice: impact of psychiatric disability on work performance; reasons for unemployment in people with psychiatric disorders; meta-competences.
- intervention programs: law 68/99; work integration paths; inpatients: caring, project construction; assessment of skills/strengths and weaknesses; the operator of the work integration service.
- interpersonal relationships: re-establish connections; the false self; discussion of clinical cases
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Ba G "Strumenti e tecniche della Riabilitazione psichiatrica", FrancoAngeli Eds. 2003
La canzone come esperienza relazionale, educativa, terapeutica, Ricordi, Milano, 2009. Seconda edizione 2010
Franco Fornari, (1984), Psicoanalisi della musica, Longanesi, Milano
Rolando Benenzon, La parte dimenticata della personalità, Borla, Roma
Rolando Benezon, Manuale di Musicoterapia, Borla, Roma
Edith Lecourt. Musicoterapia, Cittadella Editrice, Assisi
A. Roscio, M.Panzera , Al passo con i cavalli saggi, La riabilitazione equestre in età evolutiva, Erickson 2019
Vita A., Dell'Osso L., Mucci A. (a cura di), Manuale di clinica e riabilitazione psichiatrica - vol 2, Giovanni Fioriti Editore, 2019
Material provided by teachers (slides, handouts)
Discipline dello spettacolo
L-ART/05 - PERFORMING ARTS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Elia Antonio
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuro-psichiatriche e riabilitative
Lessons: 80 hours