Radiological Sciences Applied to Surgery

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/05 MED/11 MED/18 MED/21 MED/33
Learning objectives
Purpose of this course is to illustrate the students the clinical aspects of the most frequent pathologies studied by imaging techniques, so that they will be able to perform radiological investigations in a discriminating way. Therefore this teaching aims to illustrate the major diseases in general surgery, the main pulmonary malignant pathologies, in particular lung cancer and malignant pleural mesothelioma, the traumatic and non-traumatic skeletal and soft tissue pathologies, as well as the most common families neoplasms and the current interdisciplinary approach.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end, students must:
- Know the basics of the most common diseases in general surgery, pulmonary and osteoarticular fields, and the main types of tumors with their diagnostic and therapeutic approach, in order to optimize radiological investigations from a quality point of view and be able to participate to the radiotherapy processes
- Have acquired an appropriate terminology and to know how to properly interpret requests from physicians and to be able to interact efficiently with doctors, as for the competences related to the technician.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
In-depth knowledge of the contents of the course "Morphological and functional Basis of Life". Knowledge of tumor biology.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final grade of the entire integrated course will be defined through a written test with 30 quizzes (with 3 or 4 answer options). Each exact answer will be awarded 1 point. There are no penalties for unspoken or incorrect answers. You can also take the test twice in the same session.
The end of course exam aims to evaluate the achievement of the set didactic objectives.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, by the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.
Clinical pathology
Course syllabus
Definition and meaning of biomarker.
Variability and characteristics of diagnostic tests.
Hemochromocytometric examination.
Diagnosis of the main alterations of blood cells.
Allergies and intolerances.
Cardio-metabolic biomarkers: lipoproteins and cardiovascular risk.
Cardio-metabolic biomarkers: glucose metabolism, diagnosis and diabetes mellitus.
Coagulation and diagnosis of its alterations.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
ANTONOZZI, GULLETTA: Medicina di laboratorio - Logica e patologia clinica - 2014, Piccin
TIETZ: Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostic (Fifth and Sixth Editions)
Cardiovascular diseases
Course syllabus
Heart (CAD and valvular pathologies).
Aorta (aneurysms - stenosis).
Carotids and supra-aortic trunks.
Chronic obstructive arteriopathy. Venous pathology (DVT, pulmonary embolism).
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
SEARS: Anatomia e fisiologia per infermieri - Piccin, 1992
AGRIFOGLIO, AGUS, GABRIELLI: Arteriopatie - Elsevier-Masson, 1991
CATALANO, ANZIDEI: Imaging cardiovascolare TC e RM - Springer , Napoli 2012
RABBIA, MATRICARDI: Eco-colo-doppler vascolare - Minerva Medica, 2005, 3th edition
PRATESI, PULLI: Management of complications of EVAR and TEVAR - Minerva Medica
Emergenze in radiologia e primo soccorso (Emergencies in radiology and first aid)
COEN, ANDREONI, CHIARA, VESCONI: Diagnosi e trattamento delle emergenze medico-chirurgico - Elsevier, 2009
General surgery
Course syllabus
Elements of surgical semeiotics and surgical pathophysiology.
Clinic and surgical pathology of oesophagus and stomach.
Clinic and surgical pathology of liver, pancreas and biliary tract.
Clinic and surgical pathology of colon, rectum and anus.
Clinic and surgical pathology of endocrine glands.
Clinic and surgical pathology of kidney, adrenals and retroperitoneal space.
Clinic and surgical pathology of the breast.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
SPINA: Chirurgia Generale per Professioni Sanitarie (e-pub) - StreetLib
LISE: Chirurgia per infermieri - Piccin, 2016
MINNI, RICCI: Quick review. Chirurgia - Edises, 2015
Manuale di chirurgia - McGraw-Hill Education, 2012
Thoracic surgery
Course syllabus
Chest Anatomy.
Chest trauma and chest drainage.
Epidemiology, diagnosis and therapy of lung cancer.
Epidemiology, diagnosis and therapy of mediastinal tumors.
Epidemiology, diagnosis and therapy of malignant pleural mesothelioma.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
PATTERSON ET AL.: Pearson's esophageal thoracic and esophageal surgery - Churchill Livingstone-Elsevier (IIIa ed.)
SHIELDS ET AL: General Thoracic Surgery - Lippincott Williams and Wilkins (VIa ed.)
Musculoskeletal system diseases
Course syllabus
Shoulder pathology.
Pathology of the knee.
Hip pathology.
Pathology of the elbow.
Pathology of the wrist and hand.
Pathology of the ankle and foot.
Pathology of the spine
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
CABITZA: Ortopedia - Ed. Esculapio Bologna
Cardiovascular diseases
MED/11 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Montorsi Piero
Clinical pathology
MED/05 - CLINICAL PATHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Vianello Elena
General surgery
MED/18 - GENERAL SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Maffioli Anna
Musculoskeletal system diseases
MED/33 - ORTHOPAEDICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Pietrogrande Luca
Thoracic surgery
MED/21 - THORACIC SURGERY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Spaggiari Lorenzo
after fixing an appointment by e-mail.
31 Luigi Mangiagalli street, Milan, Italy, 20133