Quality Management Systems in Food Service

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/15 SECS-P/13
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with a general knowledge of a glossary including the terms quality, risk, traceability and management by identifying the relevant mandatory and voluntary regulatory references. It also aims to provide risk assessment methods, management, verification of compliance and effectiveness.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will have the ability to: map food processes using material flow charts and communication diagrams along foodservice companies and supply chains; identify critical control points for food quality and traceability; plan monitoring, auditing and validation activities; select the most appropriate tools to comply with the management policy of the foodservice company.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
1. Terms and definitions Food quality: analytical and dynamic models. Food safety and risk chain. Traceability in agrofood industries and in agricultural food chain Management systems: the PDCA model of Deming.
2. Certification in the food system The evolution of quality management: from product verification to integrated management systems. A framework for certification: general principles, normative references and organizations involved.
3. Quality management systems Introduction to UNI EN ISO 9001. Case study analysis: management, responsibility, strategic and operative objectives, provision of resource, planning and realization of product, verification, validation, system review and improvement, documentation, customer and other stakeholders' satisfation.
4. Agricultural food chain: traceability systems Introduction to UNI EN ISO 22005. RF and RFP schemes. Case study analysis: relevant steps for product identification, traceability procedures, simulation of withdrawal of lots of end products.
6. Tools and techniques Flow-sheets for supply-chain, process, and lot mapping. Lay-out. Risk analysis. Cause- and effect- diagrams. Check lists.
Prerequisites for admission
It is suggested to have a basic knowledge in food chemistry, food microbiology and catering technology.
Teaching methods
Class room lectures account for 60% of the teaching, and discussions on case studies with students account for the remaining 40%. Case study analysis is focused on a model catering industry, in order to evidence the relationship among food safety, food quality and traceability.
Teaching Resources
Slides of the lessons and specific literature will be available on the "Ariel" platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
he exam will be written in presence, eventually followed by an oral interview if necessary to clarify the written exam. In case of health emergency, the exam will be oral in the Microsoft Teams Platform.
Students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities are requested to contact the Professor via email at least 10 days before the exam session to agree on any individualized measure.
In the email addressed to the teacher, the respective University services must be registered in CC: [email protected] (for students with LD) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities).
The exam consists of 4 short questions and 1 open question. Short questions are intended to ascertain the use of appropriate terms and the ability to represent both concepts and procedures using graphical models. The open question is intended to ascertain the clarity of presentation and the ability to integrate the acquired knowledge for problem solving of a specific case study. Following the final single test, students can request an oral test.
Exam dates and deadline for exam registration will be communicated by UNIMIA.
The grade will be communicated to each student immediately after the exam and by an automatic e-mail sent by the UNIMIA system.
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Lavelli Vera Agnese
Thursday 16.30-17.30. Please, contact me in advance by e-mail
DeFENS-Sezione Tecnologie Alimentari