Public Economic Law and Public Contracts Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
IUS/05 IUS/10
Learning objectives
The course aims at exploring the general principles regarding public action within the economy, addressing the framework that governs it, taking into account the role of administrative powers in affecting economic activities, as well as the main public and private actors. We will therefore deal with the tools through which public intervention is carried out, with particular reference to the economic regulation of network services, the legal status of the infrastructure and the regulatory framework pertaining to the market. Finally, we will focus our attention on public services and, albeit with regard to its main features, to the sector of public contracts
Expected learning outcomes
The course is aimed at examining the intervention of public administrations within the economy. At the end of the course, having a thorough knowledge of the basics of Public Law and Economics, the student will be able to outline the functioning of the relevant legal framework, as well as the means through which public intervention is carried out. On this basis, the student will be able to critically and autonomously evaluate the main regulatory provisions, framing the relevant legal concepts within the national and supranational level.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Forms and aims of public action in the economy - The obligations of the public actor: public contracts and the New Public Contracts Code (Legislative Decree no. 36 of 2023) - The administrative fines as a form of regulation of the markets.
Prerequisites for admission
In accordance with the objectives of the course and its specific nature, the Student will have to demonstrate a good knowledge of the basics of administrative law, constitutional law and private law, as well as the ability to argue and critically evaluate the knowledge acquired, also referring to the relevant regulatory framework and case-law.
Teaching methods
Lectures, with active partecipation of students
Teaching Resources
Lineamenti di diritto dei contratti pubblici, a cura di Tropea, Editoriale scientifica, 2024.
Goisis, La tutela del cittadino nei confronti delle sanzioni amministrative, tra diritto nazionale ed europeo, Torino, 2018.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination will consist of an oral test, in which course attendance will be amply taken into account
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Goisis Francesco
Professor: Goisis Francesco
Using Microsoft Teams or face to face, by appointment to be agreed by email.
Microsoft Teams