Psychology Applied to Social Relations, Communication and Group Dynamics
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Knowing, selecting and applying theoretical models developed in order to analyze the interpersonal relationships within dyadic and group social inyteractions. Knowing, selecting and applying main rehabilitation models.
Expected learning outcomes
Al termine dell'insegnamento lo studente dovrà essere in grado di:
- applicare i modelli teorici sviluppati per l'analisi delle relazioni interpersonali all'interno di interazioni nel contesto professionale
- valutare gli elementi determinanti nella relazione interpersonale con particolare riferimento alla comunicazione verbale e non verbale all'interno di un'équipe multiprofessionale, tra operatori e figure di coordinamento, tra équipe operativa ed organi amministrativi e decisionali, all'interno ed all'esterno della struttura;
- risolvere problematiche professionali e relazionali nella prospettiva transculturale;
- valutare interventi e problematiche in ambito sanitario utilizzando come riferimento il modello olistico bio-psico-sociale
- analizzare e risolvere problemi legati allo stress ed al burnout nell'équipe professionale.
- applicare i modelli teorici sviluppati per l'analisi delle relazioni interpersonali all'interno di interazioni nel contesto professionale
- valutare gli elementi determinanti nella relazione interpersonale con particolare riferimento alla comunicazione verbale e non verbale all'interno di un'équipe multiprofessionale, tra operatori e figure di coordinamento, tra équipe operativa ed organi amministrativi e decisionali, all'interno ed all'esterno della struttura;
- risolvere problematiche professionali e relazionali nella prospettiva transculturale;
- valutare interventi e problematiche in ambito sanitario utilizzando come riferimento il modello olistico bio-psico-sociale
- analizzare e risolvere problemi legati allo stress ed al burnout nell'équipe professionale.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning outcomes are assessed through a written test, taking place during specific exam sessions as per the course Rules.
All the modules comprised in the course contribute equally to determining the final mark, expressed on a scale of 30.
The type of test is written, consisting of 6 open questions.
The total time of the written test is 30 minutes.
During an academic year six examination tests are held: two examination tests for each exam session.
No intermediate or early sessions are planned.
No teaching materials or notes are allowed for consultation during the exam.
Scores obtained in each module are published on the ARIEL course website.
The exam is recorded using the University's online procedure.
All the modules comprised in the course contribute equally to determining the final mark, expressed on a scale of 30.
The type of test is written, consisting of 6 open questions.
The total time of the written test is 30 minutes.
During an academic year six examination tests are held: two examination tests for each exam session.
No intermediate or early sessions are planned.
No teaching materials or notes are allowed for consultation during the exam.
Scores obtained in each module are published on the ARIEL course website.
The exam is recorded using the University's online procedure.
Discipline demoetnoantropologiche
Course syllabus
- Overview of medical anthropology: culture and cultures; body; knowledge about disease and the body; analysis
- Social and cultural interpretations of health and disease
- Intercultural medicine
- Migration and health systems
- Social and cultural interpretations of health and disease
- Intercultural medicine
- Migration and health systems
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided through face-to-face lessons, scheduled according to a timetable published on the ARIEL website of the master course.
Teaching Resources
Ivo Quaranta e Mario Ricca. Sick misplaced. Intercultural Medicine. Milan, Cortina 2012
Scientific papers and documents proposed during classes
Scientific papers and documents proposed during classes
Filosofia e teoria dei linguaggi
Course syllabus
- Introduction to the philosophy of language
- Meaning and reference
- Ideational theories of reference
- Propositional theories of reference
- Use theories
- Psychological theories
- Verificationism
- Thruth-condition theories
- Speech acts
- Meaning and reference
- Ideational theories of reference
- Propositional theories of reference
- Use theories
- Psychological theories
- Verificationism
- Thruth-condition theories
- Speech acts
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided through a blended strategy, including face-to-face lessons and online Teams classes, scheduled according to a timetable published on the ARIEL website of the master course.
Teaching Resources
William Lycan (2002). Filosofia del linguaggio. Un'introduzione contemporanea. Milano: Raffaello Cortina.
(capp. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 [selezioni])
(capp. 1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12 [selezioni])
Psicologia generale
Course syllabus
Introduction - Psychology and health
- Concepts of health and mental health
- Disease management: trauma, stress and coping strategies
- Positive aspects of disease management: mobilization of personal and relational resources
- Prevention and acquisition of health behaviors: theoretical models and applications
- Communication and health report
- Cultural aspects of health and disease: psychological and relational dimensions
- Concepts of health and mental health
- Disease management: trauma, stress and coping strategies
- Positive aspects of disease management: mobilization of personal and relational resources
- Prevention and acquisition of health behaviors: theoretical models and applications
- Communication and health report
- Cultural aspects of health and disease: psychological and relational dimensions
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided through face-to-face lessons, scheduled according to a timetable published on the ARIEL website of the master course.
Teaching Resources
A. Delle Fave e M. Bassi (2013). Psicologia e salute (seconda edizione). Torino: UTET Università
Additional documents disussed during classes
Additional documents disussed during classes
Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni
Course syllabus
- Introduction: sharing a socio-constructive systemic epistemiology
- Work psychology: history, development and perspectives
- The subjective dimension of work: job meaning, job motivation and job satisfaction
- Safety psychology: ergonomics and human factors, risk perception, behavioral safety, organizational well-being
and psychosocial risks
- Human resources psychology: organizational development, skills system and training
- Work psychology: history, development and perspectives
- The subjective dimension of work: job meaning, job motivation and job satisfaction
- Safety psychology: ergonomics and human factors, risk perception, behavioral safety, organizational well-being
and psychosocial risks
- Human resources psychology: organizational development, skills system and training
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided through blended learning, scheduled according to a timetable published on the ARIEL website of the master course.
Teaching Resources
Sarchielli G. (2008) Psicologia del lavoro. Il Mulino (Capitolo II "I significati del lavoro)
-La Rosa M., Rizza R., Zurla P. (2006) Lavoro e società industriale. Da Adam Smith a Karl Polanyri. Franco Angeli (parte seconda - capitolo 2 "Frederick Winslow Tylor: il 'padre' dell'organizzazione scientifica del lavoro" e 3 "Elton Mayo e la scoperta delle relazioni umane")
-Argentero P., Cortese C. G. (2009) Psicologia del lavoro Raffaello Cortina Milano /Capitoli 3,6,8,9)
Slide consultabili su Ariel
-La Rosa M., Rizza R., Zurla P. (2006) Lavoro e società industriale. Da Adam Smith a Karl Polanyri. Franco Angeli (parte seconda - capitolo 2 "Frederick Winslow Tylor: il 'padre' dell'organizzazione scientifica del lavoro" e 3 "Elton Mayo e la scoperta delle relazioni umane")
-Argentero P., Cortese C. G. (2009) Psicologia del lavoro Raffaello Cortina Milano /Capitoli 3,6,8,9)
Slide consultabili su Ariel
Sociologia generale
Course syllabus
1. Sociology: origins and concepts;
2. The classics of sociology: Durkheim, Weber, Marx, the Chicago School
3. Sociological theories
4. Doing research in sociology
5. Sociology of health and medicine
6. Health policies and Health systems
7. Health and social inequality
8. Global health and migrations
2. The classics of sociology: Durkheim, Weber, Marx, the Chicago School
3. Sociological theories
4. Doing research in sociology
5. Sociology of health and medicine
6. Health policies and Health systems
7. Health and social inequality
8. Global health and migrations
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided through face-to-face or lessons, scheduled according to a timetable published on the ARIEL website of the master course.
Teaching Resources
Anderson L.M., Taylor H.F. L'essenziale di sociologia. Zanichelli, 2004 o ed. succ. Cap. 1 (pp. 1-27);
Lombardi L., Riproduzione e salute nella società globale. Genere, medicalizzazione e mutamento sociale, Maggioli Editore, 2018. Introduzione (pp. 13-26).
Cardano M., Giarelli G., Vicarelli G. (a cura di), Sociologia della salute e della medicina, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2020 (Capp. 11, 12, 15)
Lombardi L., Riproduzione e salute nella società globale. Genere, medicalizzazione e mutamento sociale, Maggioli Editore, 2018. Introduzione (pp. 13-26).
Cardano M., Giarelli G., Vicarelli G. (a cura di), Sociologia della salute e della medicina, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2020 (Capp. 11, 12, 15)
Discipline demoetnoantropologiche
Lessons: 16 hours
Mutti Valentina Alice
Filosofia e teoria dei linguaggi
M-FIL/05 - PHILOSOPHY AND THEORY OF LANGUAGE - University credits: 1
Lessons: 8 hours
D'Agruma Nicolo'
Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni
Lessons: 16 hours
Cangialosi Nicola
Psicologia generale
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Delle Fave Antonella
Sociologia generale
SPS/07 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Molli Samuele Davide