Psicologia clinica, dinamiche di gruppo e pedagogia applicate

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-PED/01 M-PSI/08
Learning objectives
The course has the following objectives: - Understanding and re-elaborating the principles and techniques of the helping relationship and the conduction of groups; - Deepening the knowledge of biopsychosocial and cultural influences on human behaviour as a basis for a better understanding of the self and group dynamics; - Learning more about strategies to foster multi-professional and multicultural integration processes; - Knowing the main theoretical perspectives on adult education; - Knowing the main dimensions of educational experience.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to: critically analyse models of individual behaviour and group dynamics, useful for the management of both patients in healthcare and the relationships in multidisciplinary teams
Within the scope "Knowing the main theoretical perspectives on adult education", students will be able to:
- Explain the fundamental concepts of adult education: lifelong learning, lifewide learning.
- Describe the main theories related to experiential and reflective learning, with particular regard to the conceptualization by Schön (deutero learning) and Mezirow (transformative learning).
- Know the characteristics of practical knowledge and the community of practice.

Within the scope "Knowing the main definitions of the concept of educational experience", students will be able to:
- Describe the elements that shape an educational experience: goals; actions; power dimensions; emotional factors.
- Account for the main elements that characterize the educational "dispositive" as a model of understanding the educational experience.

In order to reach the learning outcomes described above, students will need to know John Dewey's theory of quality of experience, explained during the course.

Students will know the main characteristics of the current debate on Continuing Medical Education.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist of a written test
Pedagogia generale e sociale
Course syllabus
Adult education and learning - Experiential and reflective learning - The community of practice concept - Educational experience definition and its practical application to the learning contexts - educational "dispositive" concept and its practical application to the learning contexts - Continuing Medical Education
Teaching methods
The course is led through lectures and active teaching methodologies.
Teaching Resources
Zannini Lucia (2015), Fare formazione nei contesti di prevenzione e cura. Modelli, strumenti, narrazioni, Pensa MultiMedia Editore, Lecce-Rovato (Bs):
- Capitolo 1

Palma Manuela Laura (2016), Il dispositivo educativo. Per pensare e agire le esperienze educative, FrancoAngeli, Milano [144 pagine].

Costituiranno parte integrante del materiale di studio i documenti caricati dalla docente sulla piattaforma Ariel dell'insegnamento.

The uploaded documents on the Ariel teaching platform will form an integral part of the study material.
Psicologia clinica
Course syllabus
How to build effective teams in healthcare - Boosting team engagement - Providing support to teams in difficulty Group - Dynamics in Healthcare Settings - Empathy in healthcare - Conflict and conflict management - Burnout - Leadership in nursing practice.
Teaching methods
The course is led through lectures and active teaching methodologies.
Teaching Resources
The uploaded documents on the Ariel teaching platform will form an integral part of the study material.
Articles from international literature will also be available, which will be uploaded to the Ariel course website.

Craig M, McKeown D. How to build effective teams in healthcare. Nursing times. 2015;111(14):16-8.
Craig M. Team building part 3 of 3: Providing support to teams in difficulty. Nursing Times. 2015;111(16):21-3.
Craig M. Team building: part 2 OF 3: Boosting team engagement with storytelling methods. Nursing Times. 2015;111(15):20-2.
McTighe AJ, Donovan S. Group Dynamics in Healthcare Settings: A Strategic Framework for Cohesion. Science and Education. 2017;5(1):30-5.
Dijkstra MT, Beersma B, Evers A. Reducing conflict-related employee strain: The benefits of an internal locus of control and a problem- solving conflict management strategy. Work & Stress. 2011;25(2):167-84. Pullen Jr RL. Leadership in nursing practice. Nursing made Incredibly Easy. 2016;14(3):26-31.
Council NM. The code: professional standards of practice and behaviour for nurses and midwives. London: NMC. 2015. De Santi AM, Simeoni I. Comunicazione in medicina: collaborazione tra professionisti sanitari: SEEd; 2009.
Manges K, Scott Cawiezell J, Ward MM, editors. Maximizing team performance: the critical role of the nurse leader. Nursing forum; 2017: Wiley Online Library.
Pedagogia generale e sociale
Lessons: 24 hours
Psicologia clinica
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours