Propaedeutic Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
FIS/07 M-PSI/01 M-PSI/04 MED/01
Learning objectives
The learning objectives of Propaedeutic Sciences course are:
- to know how to synthesize and analyse data;
- to know the foundations of epidemiology;
- to know the applied physics; mainly in regards to acoustic physics and the laws of physical phenomena;
- to know the principal psychological theories and the main psychological currents of thought (behaviourism, cognitivism, psychoanalysis, Gestalt);
- to know the principles of psychological development.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have to know the main systems for data analysis and data synthesis, in order to interpret statistical reports and scientific articles; to learn the principles of the psychological development, the main theories and psychological currents of thought; to know the basic principles of applied physics, with particular attention to acoustic physics.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific prerequisites other than those required for the admission to the degree course
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is written and consists of sections of multiple choice questions and / or simple exercises referring to the modules of the course and optimized for the module content and type. Each answer has a score. The test is considered passed with a score ≥ 18 in each of the sections. The final score is given by the average of the sections scores weighted by the CFU of the modules.

Medical statistics module. Written exam (40' minutes) including theoretical questions and short exercises, formulated as open questions or multiple choice questions. Use of pocket calculator is allowed.
General Psychology module: Written exam (30 minutes) consisting in 30 multiple-choice questions. The exam assesses students' knowledge about the learning program of the module, with regard to their achievement of the expected learning outcomes.
Developmental Psychology module: Written exam (15 minutes) consisting in 15 multiple-choice questions. The exam assesses students' knowledge about the learning program of the module, with regard to their achievement of the expected learning outcomes.
Applied physics module: questions and short exercises, open or multiple choice. Each answer has to be justified. Use of pocket calculator is allowed. The results of the test will be available on the Ariel web page.
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Elements of Algebra and Mathematical Analysis: symbols, powers, orders of magnitude; variables and functions of variables, graphs, Cartesian coordinates; vectors, polar coordinates, trigonometric functions
General concepts: physical quantities and their size; international measurement system
Concepts of solid and fluid mechanics: space, time, speed, acceleration (medium and instant); forces, second law of dynamics, mass, density; special forces: weight, elastic force, friction, tension; generated motions: uniform, straight and circular motion, accelerated motion; harmonic motion: amplitude, pulse, period, frequency, initial phase; characteristic equation of harmonic motion; Spring - mass: dependence of the pulse from k and m; power, kinetic energy, kinetic energy theorem; conservative forces, potential energy; potential energy form for weight and elastic force; mechanical total energy conservation law; mechanical energy balance for the spring -mass system; dampened and forced oscillations, resonance
Wave concepts: longitudinal and transverse waves; wavelength, wave number; propagation of a wave: propagation speed; propagation of a wave on a tight rope: dependence on the tension and linear mass of the string; energy and power carried by the wave; superposition principle, resulting wave, spectrum of complex waves; interference of waves; stationary waves on a rope; acoustic waves, wavefront; Speed of sound: dependence on density and compressibility module of the medium; acoustic waves in motion: link between the amplitude of pressure and the amplitude of displacement in the medium; acoustic impedance; intensity of sound: dependence on distance from the source; sound level, decibel scale; overlapping acoustic waves: stationary sound waves, harmonics, harmonic number
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Verranno rese disponibili le slides delle lezioni sul sito Ariel del modulo.
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
Brief description of the main epidemiological and clinical study designs
Basic principles of data collection and management, qualitative and quantitative variables and their characteristics.
Building and reading the contingency tables. Two-way tables.
The concept of probability and risk. An application of probabilities: the measures of diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity and specificity).
Building and reading different types of graphs: pie charts, bar charts, histograms, scatter plots.
Measures of central tendency: mode, median, quartiles, means.
Measures of dispersion: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation.
Measurement and interpretation of the statistical association between two quantitative variables: correlation and linear regression.
Measurement and interpretation of the statistical association between two qualitative variables: difference between risks, relative risk and odds ratio.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
The presentation slides will be available on Ariel.
General psychology
Course syllabus
Historical underpinnings of the subject
Definition and evolution of human language
Comparison with non-human language
Language, thought and metacognition
Attention and consciousness
Reading and writing
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Bassi M., Delle Fave A. (a cura di) (2019). Psicologia generale per le professioni medico-sanitarie. Seconda Edizione. Torino: UTET Università. Capp. 2,3,5,6,8 e 9.
Developmental and educational psychology
Course syllabus
Historical underpinnings of the subject
Cognitive development
Theory of mind
From gestures to first words
Development of the lexicon and morphosynthax
Developmental models of reading and writing
Children's drawings
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
D'Amico S., e Devescovi, A. (a cura di) (2013). Psicologia dello sviluppo del linguaggio. Bologna: Il Mulino (Capp. 1,3,4,5,6,7,9,10)
Cannoni, E. (2020). Il disegno dei bambini. Roma: Carocci.
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Bottoni Simone
Professor: Bottoni Simone
Developmental and educational psychology
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Bassi Marta
Professor: Bassi Marta
General psychology
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Bassi Marta
Professor: Bassi Marta
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Santucci Claudia
Professor: Santucci Claudia