Professional Management

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-PSI/06 MED/44 SPS/09
Learning objectives
- Know the working models of production systems, with particular reference to the health system
- Understand and evaluate the functioning of the organization of a healthcare company according to specific objectives
- Recognize and evaluate laws and constraints of an economic and business nature, in order to develop interventions aimed at providing an effective contribution by the various participants in the organization
- Acquire and know how to use skills aimed at promoting and supporting innovation, creativity and organizational change
- Understand the psychological aspects of both individual and group behavior in the context of the group and the organization, with particular reference to the management of power and leadership
- To manage and solve organizational problems based on the integrated assessment of the technical, social, individual and institutional components, and according to the objectives to be achieved in terms of service to users and the role of the healthcare structure within the community
- Know the normative related to the prevention and protection of health and safety in the workplace.
Expected learning outcomes
- Use the skills of health economics and business organization necessary for the organization of health services and for the management of available human and technological resources, assessing the cost / benefit ratio
- Apply and evaluate the impact of different theoretical models in operations of the organization and management of health services
- Plan the optimization of all resources (human, technological, informational, financial) available to the medical facilities of low, medium and high complexity
- Communicate clearly on organizational issues and health care with its collaborators and users
- Critically analyze the ethical and deontological aspects of the health sector professions, also in a multi-professional integration perspective
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist of different modules depending on the courses: a written test will be proposed consisting of multiple choice questions with the addition of some open questions. In addition it will be possible, at the discretion of the teacher, to carry out an integrative oral test.
Occupational medicine
Course syllabus
· Health surveillance, judgment of suitability, incapacity for work and profitable and safe job placement
· Biological risk assessment and management with focus on healthcare facilities
· Work stress: Definitions, Conceptual reference frameworks, Interpretative theories, Epidemiological data, Normative references, Work analysis, Analysis of people's responses, Subjective evaluation, Physiological indicators, Work and performance indicators, Health indicators, Evaluation criteria, Methodological aspects, Information and training, Preventive measures, Corrective actions
Teaching methods
The course will include lectures, with presentation and discussion of case studies. Students will also work in groups on specific issues.
Teaching Resources
- Didactic material provided by the teachers
Work and Organizational Psychology
Course syllabus
- Work in different disciplinary contexts
- Origins, developments and perspectives of work psychology
- Work performance and its evaluation
Professional skills
- Values, needs and psychological contract
The working group
- Organizational cultures
- Theories of motivation to work
- Decision models in organizations
- Job satisfaction
- Stress, psychosocial risks and organizational health
- case studies
Teaching methods
The course will include lectures, with presentation and discussion of case studies. Students will also work in groups on specific issues.
Teaching Resources
F. Avallone, Psicologia del lavoro e delle organizzazioni, Manuali universitari, Edizione 2011, Ristampa 2016(Cap. 1,3,5,9,10,13,16,19,23,25,27)
Slides provided by the teacher
Economic sociology and sociology of work and organisations
Course syllabus
· The concept of profession in the Italian legal system and in the sociology of professions Il concetto di professione nell'ordinamento giuridico italiano e nella sociologia delle professioni.
· The main theoretical approaches of the sociology of professions
- Talcott Parsons and the functionalism;
- Harold Wilensky and the steps in professionalization;
- neo-marxist theories (Haug, Oppenheimer);
- neo-weberian theories of power and monopoly (Abbott; Sarfatti Larsson; Parkin);
- the interactionsim: Eliot Freidson and the concept of professional dominance.
· Doctors and their professionalization. From the middle age to the XIX century (short historical notes). The professionalization of doctors from the XX century to nowadays. Eliot Freidson and the concept of medical dominance. Current debate on medical dominance.
· Doctors in Italy and their professionalization from the Italian unification to nowadays. The medical dominance in the Italian case. Italian doctors in the NHS.
· The "other" health professions. Distinctive features of the Italian case. Short notes on the professionalization of nurses.
· The health professions of prevention: the professionalization of the environment and work prevention technicians. The professionalization of the health prevention assistants: raise, decline and resurgence of a profession
· The technician health professions: the professionalization of health technicians in the care, diagnostic and rehabilitation areas.
· Health professions' reform and the quest for professional orders. From the introduction of professional profiles to the Law No. 3/2018. The current debate.
Teaching methods
The course will include lectures, with presentation and discussion of case studies. Students will also work in groups on specific issues.
Teaching Resources
- Tousijn W. (2000), Il sistema delle occupazioni sanitarie, Bologna, Il Mulino, chapters No. 1, 4, 6, 7; chapter 5 (only par. 1).
Suggested readings:
- Speranza L. (1999), I poteri delle professioni, Soveria Mannelli, Rubbettino;
Vicarelli G. (2010), Gli eredi di Esculapio. Medici e politiche sanitarie nell'Italia Unita, Roma, Carocci
Economic sociology and sociology of work and organisations
Lessons: 16 hours
Occupational medicine
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 2
Lessons: 16 hours
Work and Organizational Psychology
Lessons: 16 hours