Professional Education Methodologies 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-EDF/01 M-FIL/03 MED/48 SECS-S/05
Learning objectives
The learning objective of the course is to improve appropriate knowledge regarding:
· the analysis and understanding of the context, the service and the needs to be met
· the collaboration in a multi-professional team in which the professional educators should connect their role to the rest of the équipe to assure an integrated intervention
· the identification, creation and protection of educational settings
· the building of educational relationships and the required empathic abilities
· the reading, assessment and use of verbal and non-verbal communication techniques
· the use of instruments and materials as mediators of the educational relationship
· the theoretical and methodological background for managing professional interviews
· the development of group works
· the basic principles of the scientific disciplines and in particular of the human sciences
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able:
· to analyze and understand the context, the service and the needs to be met
· to collaborate in a multi-professional team connecting his/her role to the rest of the équipe to assure an integrated intervention
· to report and discuss the educational intervention within an èquipe
· to identify, create and protect educational settings
· to address his/her empathic capacities to build the educational relationship
· to read, assess and use verbal and non-verbal communication techniques
· to identify in others and in their diversities resources for the relationship
· to use instruments and materials as mediators of the educational relationship
· to manage a professional interview
· to adopt facilitation instruments in the development of group works
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and Oral exam
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative
Course syllabus
· Develop empathy and listening skills;
· Practice the various non-verbal communication skills (observation, eye contact, facial expression, body space, tone of voice, gestures) and verbal communication (insertion in conversation, self-opening, free information, change of subject or end of conversation, management of silence, positive expression,);
· Learn to discriminate constructive criticism from manipulative criticism, effectively manage situations of personal, social and professional criticism (negative assertion, negative inquiry, broken record, glamor);
· Reflect on the automatisms produced through behaviors of shyness or aggressiveness.
Teaching methods
Interactive lectures, Discussion on clinical cases
Teaching Resources
Roberto Anchisi, Mia Gambotto Dessy, Manuale di assertività. Teoria e pratica delle abilità relazionali: alla scoperta di sé e degli altri, Franco Angeli
Metodi e didattica delle attività motorie
Course syllabus
- Physical Exercise and wellness: a new frontier
- Disability, mental illness and increased cardiometabolic risk
- Physical exercise as educational tool
Physical activity, Exercise and training: terms and definitions
- Aerobic activity
- resistence
- fexibility and balance
- Diversità tra attività fisica ed esercizio fisico
- Physical training
- Sedentary behaviour
- Caracteristic of sport disciplines and theit role in disability treatment
Physical activity: physiopathology
- Priciple of exercise physiology
- Phyisiological mechanisms mediating exercise benefits
- Cardiovascula and metaboic risk
Exercise Medicine
- Exercise benefits
- Exercise risks
- Exercise and chronic disease. In particular:
o Mental illness
o Cardiovascular diseases
o Metabolic diseases
o cancer
o bone and muscolar diseases
- disability
- eaging
- childwood
Exercise prescription
- modality
o endurance aerobic exercise
o resistence exercise
- intensity
- freqeuncy
- duration
- progression
Exercise and stress management
- principle of exercise in stress management programs
Nutrition, sport and exercise
- principle of nutrition in sport and exercise
Teaching methods
Interactive lectures, Discussion on clinical cases
Teaching Resources
· ACSM's Guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. Tenth Edition
Lippincott Williams &Williams Ed. 2018
· Medicina dello sport: l'esercizio fisico come terapia. Metodologia ed ambiti applicativi
Daniela Lucini
Intern Emerg Med 2007:2:S124-S141
Filosofia morale
Course syllabus
I PART: how do we know what we know: geneanology of knowledge
II PART: different and not-mutually exclusive levels of social cognition
III PART: The paradigm (motor) shift: motor cognition mechanisms
IV PART: The "practical reason": space of freedom in the world.
Teaching methods
Interactive lectures, Discussion on clinical cases
Teaching Resources
- Platone, La Repubblica. ["Mito della caverna"; Libro VII, 514b - 520°]
- Trabattoni Franco, La filosofia antica: profilo critico-storico, Carocci.
[pg.62-66; 74-79; 101-106]
- F. Caruana, A. Borghi, Il cervello in azione. 2016. Il Mulino. [Cap. IV "Le basi sensorimotorie dell'intersoggettivià"]
- C.Sinigaglia e M.Costantini, 2011, Lo spazio del mio e del tuo corpo, Sistemi Intelligenti.
- E. Husserl, L'idea della fenomenologia (a cura di C. Sini), Biblioteca Filosofica Laterza. [Lezione I, II]
- H.Arendt, "La banalità del male"
Statistica sociale (Laboratorio)
Course syllabus
Introduction - Sociological observation and peculiarity of social research
From the hypothesis to the tools: the research path
Introduction of the research group work. The research report
The scientific grounds of research
Context analysis and research theme choice; measurement in the social researches
Research fonts and participants choice (samples)
The interviews
Quantitative research and qualitative research
Analisys phase in the research project
Collection of data and customer satisfaction
Statistichs in official reports
Research setting: community, society, citizenship and services
Research group presentation. Path reading and glossary
Teaching methods
Interactive lectures, Discussion on clinical cases
Teaching Resources
Si suggerisce di approfondire le tematiche proposte su testi che possono essere scelti fra quelli presenti nell'elenco che segue.
E' data facoltà agli studenti di utilizzare testi e documenti a loro conosciuti, comunicandone la scelta alla docente.
- Amaturo E. - Metodologia della Ricerca Sociale - Utet, Torino, 2012
- Corbetta P. - La ricerca sociale: metodologia e tecniche. II Le tecniche quantitative - Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003
- Meraviglia C. - Metodologia delle scienze sociali. Un'introduzione - Carocci, Roma, 2011
- Trinchero R. - Manuale di ricerca educativa - Franco Angeli, Milano, 2002
- Bianchi A. e Di Giovanni P., La ricerca socio-psico pedagogica: temi, metodi e problemi, Ed. Paravia, 2007
- Bailey KP, Metodi della ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1985
- Bruschi A, Metodologia della ricerca sociale, Laterza 2005
- Cardano M., Venturini G. L., Manocchi M., Ricerche sociali. Un'introduzione alla metodologia delle scienze sociali, Carocci, Roma, 2011.
- Corbetta P, Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, 2014
- Di Cara M, Elementi di ricerca sociale, NIS, Milano, 1992
- Madge J., Lo sviluppo dei metodi di ricerca empirica in sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1989
- Marradi A., Metodologia delle scienze sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007
- Moretti, S, Modelli e conoscenza scientifica. Problemi di formalizzazione della ricerca soclologica, Guerini Editore
Filosofia morale
M-FIL/03 - MORAL PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Metodi e didattica delle attività motorie
Lessons: 20 hours
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative
Practicals: 60 hours
Statistica sociale (Laboratorio)
SECS-S/05 - SOCIAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Laboratories: 15 hours

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and Oral exam
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative
Course syllabus
· Develop empathy and listening skills;
· Practice the various non-verbal communication skills (observation, eye contact, facial expression, body space, tone of voice, gestures) and verbal communication (insertion in conversation, self-opening, free information, change of subject or end of conversation, management of silence, positive expression,);
· Learn to discriminate constructive criticism from manipulative criticism, effectively manage situations of personal, social and professional criticism (negative assertion, negative inquiry, broken record, glamor);
· Reflect on the automatisms produced through behaviors of shyness or aggressiveness.
Teaching methods
Interactive lectures, Discussion on clinical cases
Teaching Resources
Roberto Anchisi, Mia Gambotto Dessy, Manuale di assertività. Teoria e pratica delle abilità relazionali: alla scoperta di sé e degli altri, Franco Angeli
Metodi e didattica delle attività motorie
Course syllabus
- Physical Exercise and wellness: a new frontier
- Disability, mental illness and increased cardiometabolic risk
- Physical exercise as educational tool
Physical activity, Exercise and training: terms and definitions
- Aerobic activity
- resistence
- fexibility and balance
- Diversità tra attività fisica ed esercizio fisico
- Physical training
- Sedentary behaviour
- Caracteristic of sport disciplines and theit role in disability treatment
Physical activity: physiopathology
- Priciple of exercise physiology
- Phyisiological mechanisms mediating exercise benefits
- Cardiovascula and metaboic risk
Exercise Medicine
- Exercise benefits
- Exercise risks
- Exercise and chronic disease. In particular:
o Mental illness
o Cardiovascular diseases
o Metabolic diseases
o cancer
o bone and muscolar diseases
- disability
- eaging
- childwood
Exercise prescription
- modality
o endurance aerobic exercise
o resistence exercise
- intensity
- freqeuncy
- duration
- progression
Exercise and stress management
- principle of exercise in stress management programs
Nutrition, sport and exercise
- principle of nutrition in sport and exercise
Teaching methods
Interactive lectures, Discussion on clinical cases
Teaching Resources
· ACSM's Guidelines for exercise testing and prescription. Tenth Edition
Lippincott Williams &Williams Ed. 2018
· Medicina dello sport: l'esercizio fisico come terapia. Metodologia ed ambiti applicativi
Daniela Lucini
Intern Emerg Med 2007:2:S124-S141
Filosofia morale
Course syllabus
I PART: how do we know what we know: geneanology of knowledge
II PART: different and not-mutually exclusive levels of social cognition
III PART: The paradigm (motor) shift: motor cognition mechanisms
IV PART: The "practical reason": space of freedom in the world.
Teaching methods
Interactive lectures, Discussion on clinical cases
Teaching Resources
- Platone, La Repubblica. ["Mito della caverna"; Libro VII, 514b - 520°]
- Trabattoni Franco, La filosofia antica: profilo critico-storico, Carocci.
[pg.62-66; 74-79; 101-106]
- F. Caruana, A. Borghi, Il cervello in azione. 2016. Il Mulino. [Cap. IV "Le basi sensorimotorie dell'intersoggettivià"]
- C.Sinigaglia e M.Costantini, 2011, Lo spazio del mio e del tuo corpo, Sistemi Intelligenti.
- E. Husserl, L'idea della fenomenologia (a cura di C. Sini), Biblioteca Filosofica Laterza. [Lezione I, II]
- H.Arendt, "La banalità del male"
Statistica sociale (Laboratorio)
Course syllabus
Introduction - Sociological observation and peculiarity of social research
From the hypothesis to the tools: the research path
Introduction of the research group work. The research report
The scientific grounds of research
Context analysis and research theme choice; measurement in the social researches
Research fonts and participants choice (samples)
The interviews
Quantitative research and qualitative research
Analisys phase in the research project
Collection of data and customer satisfaction
Statistichs in official reports
Research setting: community, society, citizenship and services
Research group presentation. Path reading and glossary
Teaching methods
Interactive lectures, Discussion on clinical cases
Teaching Resources
Si suggerisce di approfondire le tematiche proposte su testi che possono essere scelti fra quelli presenti nell'elenco che segue.
E' data facoltà agli studenti di utilizzare testi e documenti a loro conosciuti, comunicandone la scelta alla docente.
- Amaturo E. - Metodologia della Ricerca Sociale - Utet, Torino, 2012
- Corbetta P. - La ricerca sociale: metodologia e tecniche. II Le tecniche quantitative - Il Mulino, Bologna, 2003
- Meraviglia C. - Metodologia delle scienze sociali. Un'introduzione - Carocci, Roma, 2011
- Trinchero R. - Manuale di ricerca educativa - Franco Angeli, Milano, 2002
- Bianchi A. e Di Giovanni P., La ricerca socio-psico pedagogica: temi, metodi e problemi, Ed. Paravia, 2007
- Bailey KP, Metodi della ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1985
- Bruschi A, Metodologia della ricerca sociale, Laterza 2005
- Cardano M., Venturini G. L., Manocchi M., Ricerche sociali. Un'introduzione alla metodologia delle scienze sociali, Carocci, Roma, 2011.
- Corbetta P, Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale, Il Mulino, 2014
- Di Cara M, Elementi di ricerca sociale, NIS, Milano, 1992
- Madge J., Lo sviluppo dei metodi di ricerca empirica in sociologia, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1989
- Marradi A., Metodologia delle scienze sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2007
- Moretti, S, Modelli e conoscenza scientifica. Problemi di formalizzazione della ricerca soclologica, Guerini Editore
Filosofia morale
M-FIL/03 - MORAL PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Saibene Francesca Lea
Metodi e didattica delle attività motorie
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Lucini Daniela
Professor: Lucini Daniela
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative
Practicals: 60 hours
Statistica sociale (Laboratorio)
SECS-S/05 - SOCIAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Laboratories: 15 hours
Professor: Isernia Sara
Professor: Isernia Sara
To be agreed upon e-mail contact
Centro Avanzato di Diagnostica e Terapia Riabilitativa, S. Maria Nascente, Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi. Via Capecelatro 66 (piano -1)
On appointment (send an email)
Exercise Medicine Units, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, via Pier Lombardo 22