Probability, Statistics and Computer Science

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
INF/01 MAT/06
Learning objectives
The aim of this course is to provide the students with the basic instruments of data analysis, univariate statistics and informatics needed to store, manage and statistically analyse real data. The course is divided into 2 modules
Part 1: Descriptive statistics; introduction to probability and random variables; inferential Statistics; computer lab case studies.
Part 2: Introduction to Informatics; hardware and software; elements of scientific programming.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have acquired the basic knowledge related to the descriptive statisitca, the probability, the inferential statisitca, the computer science and the scientific programming. The student will acquire skills that will allow him to independently perform simple data analysis, formalize a real problem in mathematical or probabilistic terms, and develop simple programming codes.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
MODULE 1: Probability and Statistics.

Descriptive statistics:
1)Sampling from populations. Types of data and variables.
2)Partitioning of data into classes and construction of frequency tables. Histograms and bar charts.
3)Centrality indexes (mean, mode, median, midrange). Dispersion indices (range, standard deviation, variance), percentiles, quartiles. Outliers, boxplots.
Probability and random variables:
4)Sample space, events, probability of events
5)Probability of union and intersection of events. Complementary events. Independent events. Conditional probability. Bayes theorem. Factorials and binomial coefficients.
6)Random variables. Expected value, variance and standard deviation of discrete r.v.
7)Discrete r.v.'s: binomial and Poisson. Continuous r.v.'s: uniform and normal.
8)Standardization and properties of normal distribution. Normal approximation of the binomial distribution.
Inferential statistics:
9)Fundamental concepts: population, sample, parameter, statistics, estimator. Behaviour of the sample mean: law of large numbers and central limit theorem. Punctual estimate.
10)Confidence intervals: general concepts. Confidence interval for a proportion.
11)Confidence interval for the mean, both with known and unknown standard deviation. T Student distribution.
12)Statistical hypothesis testing. General concepts: null and alternate hypotheses, first and second type errors, significance level, power function, p value, test statistics, critical region.
13)Hypothesis test on a proportion. Hypothesis tests on the mean (both with known and unknown variance)
14)Inference for two samples: inference for two proportions. Inference for two means, both for paired or independent samples.
15)One and two way ANOVA

Bivariate statistics:
16)Test of independence and of fit. Chi squared distribution.

Computer lab
17)Illustrative examples of applications of descriptive, inferential and predictive statistics on real data, through the use of simple statistical softwares.

MODULE 2: Informatics

The module consists of theoretical lectures and labs.
1) The meaning of Computer Science, algorithms and programs;
2) Computer architecture and digital information;
3) Low and high level programming: compilers and interpreters;
4) Foundations of structured programming;
5) The Python language: data types, control structures, functions and files.
1) Operating systems and file system;
2) Programming environment and tools;
3) Programming activity related to theoretical topics above presented.
Prerequisites for admission
It is required the knowledge of the contents of the course Mathematics offered in the first semester of this master course.
Teaching methods
**The course consists of theoretical lectures and practical exercises in a computer lab.**
Educational materials are available on the MyAriel platform on the course's webpage.

During the lectures, theoretical concepts related to Probability and Statistics are presented, along with examples and problems that are proposed and discussed to encourage students' ability to quantitatively formalize real-world problems.

In the laboratory sessions, the practical application of the techniques presented during the lectures is demonstrated on real or simulated data, using both basic calculation tools (calculators) and open-source statistical software on computers.

The course consists of theoretical lectures and laboratory exercises. Educational materials are available on the MyAriel platform at the following link: [](

During the lectures, exercises and problems are proposed and discussed, encouraging independent work and analyzing the solutions provided.
The laboratory sessions aim primarily to introduce the basic functionalities of an operating system and some tools commonly used in programming (editors and interpreters).
During these sessions, programming exercises and projects of increasing complexity are proposed. Concrete implementations of these projects are discussed and made available on the course's websites.
Teaching Resources
-Triola M.M.,Triola M.F., Roy J., Fondamenti di Statistica per le discipline biomediche, 2 edizione, con MyLab, Pearson, 2017 (or English version of the same book).
-Lecture notes and slides of the teachers available on the web site of the course on ARIEL

Textbook: Tony Gaddis, "Introduzione a Python",
Editor: Pearson
Series: Informatica
Year edition: 2016
Website of the course on ARIEL
Assessment methods and Criteria
**The exam consists of a written test that includes two multiple-choice exercises, two open-ended exercises on contextualized questions of probability and statistics, and an exercise involving the interpretation of data analysis output.**
The written test lasts two hours.

In the evaluation of the test, graded on a scale of thirty points, the focus is on the selection of appropriate probabilistic-statistical techniques and the ability to correctly interpret the results of the analyses.

There are six exam sessions for Probability and Statistics each year, held on different dates from those for Computer Science. Students with learning disabilities (DSA) will be provided with compensatory tools, as specified by the university regulations.

No midterm tests are planned. The grade will be communicated via email through the university's grading system.

The exam consists of a laboratory test on Python programming. The laboratory test includes two data analysis exercises, requiring the writing of functional and well-structured code. The test lasts approximately 90 minutes, during which students may use the software developed during the laboratory sessions.
The evaluation of the test, graded on a scale of thirty points, assesses both the ability to design algorithms and the ability to write modular, well-structured, and maintainable code.
There are six exam sessions for Computer Science each year. Students with learning disabilities (DSA) will be provided with compensatory tools, as specified by the university regulations. No midterm tests are planned. The grade will be communicated to students through the university's online grading platform.

The global exam is passed if both the tests of the first and second module are passed. Final marks are given using the numerical range 0-30 and is composed as the weighted mean (with credits) of the grades of the two modules. It will be available in the verbalization system of University of Milan and through the UNIMIA portal.

It is mandatory to pass the exams of both modules by the end of the academic year in which the course has been attended. Later, the tests of both modules must be taken and passed again.
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 4
MAT/06 - PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS - University credits: 5
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Appointment by email
Office or online (by videocall)
by appointment
Via Celoria, 18 - Room: 4011
by appointment on Tuesday and Wednesday (email)
Via Celoria 10