Private Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to enable students to gain:
- knowledge of the fundamental institutions of private law and understanding of their general principles;
- ability to rework the principles and rules being object of study and to apply such knowledge to specific cases;
- ability to interpret and systematically reading legislation; independent capacity to identify the ratio behind each law;
- the use of an appropriate legal language;
- a level of learning ability which will enable them to continue their studies with a high level of autonomy.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims to teach students the fundamental concepts of modern private law.
On completion of the course, each student who is be able to learn successfully this subject will acquire the methods that allow student to deal with other subjects more efficiently.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Surname A-L

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
In particular, the course deals with: basic concepts and general principles; sources of law; legal rules and interpretation of law; subjective legal situations; individual and legal entities; legal goods; law of property and possession; obligations (basic knowledge); general rules on contracts; consumer relations; liabilities; tort law; family law and successions (basic knowledge).
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites for admission.
Teaching methods
Learning activities consist of 63 hours of lectures held by the Professor.
Seminars and practical classes will be held, according to the arrangements and timetable which will be communicated by the Professor at the beginning of the course.
Teaching Resources
The following books are recommended:
- P. Trimarchi, Istituzioni di diritto privato, Milano, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, latest edition available, §§ 1-274, 286-305 and 382-428, or, alternatively, M. Paradiso, Corso di Istituzioni di diritto privato, Giappichelli, Torino, latest edition available, except the following chapters: from n. 26 to n. 29, from n. 42 to n. 70;
- Introduzione al corso di diritto privato. Categorie, concetti, casi, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, Milano, 2024 edition.
In case you wish to use other university institutional manuals we recommend you contact the Professor.
It is then necessary to consult a good updated edition of the Civil Code and relevant laws (for example: G. De Nova, Codice civile e leggi collegate, Bologna, Zanichelli).
Assessment methods and Criteria
In order to be admitted to the oral examination it is preliminarily necessary to pass a written test consisting of multiple choice questions, that is based on quizzes with multiple choice answers for a total of 15 questions and it takes 23 minutes. Each correct answer is evaluated a point. The exam is considered passed if the student has acquired a minimum score of 12 points in the written test.
The aim of written test is to verify the understanding of the basic knowledges of the subject.
The oral test consists of an interview aimed at ascertaining the students' knowledge of the subjects of the course, their understanding, the acquisition of appropriate language, the ability to synthesize and rework.
IUS/01 - PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 63 hours
Professor: Maniaci Arturo
Professor: Maniaci Arturo

Surname M-Z

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
In particular, the course deals with: basic concepts and general principles; sources of law; legal rules and interpretation of law; subjective legal situations; individual and legal entities; legal goods; law of property and possession; obligations (basic knowledge); general rules on contracts; consumer relations; liabilities; tort law; family law and successions (basic knowledge).
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites for admission.
Teaching methods
Learning activities consist of 63 hours of lectures held by the Professor.
Seminars and practical classes will be held, according to the arrangements and timetable which will be communicated by the Professor at the beginning of the course.
Teaching Resources
The following books are recommended:
- P. Trimarchi, Istituzioni di diritto privato, Milano, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, latest edition available, §§ 1-274, 286-305 and 382-428, or, alternatively, M. Paradiso, Corso di Istituzioni di diritto privato, Giappichelli, Torino, latest edition available, except the following chapters: from n. 26 to n. 29, from n. 42 to n. 70;
- Introduzione al corso di diritto privato. Categorie, concetti, casi, Giuffrè Francis Lefebvre, Milano, 2024 edition.
In case you wish to use other university institutional manuals we recommend you contact the Professor.
It is then necessary to consult a good updated edition of the Civil Code and relevant laws (for example: G. De Nova, Codice civile e leggi collegate, Bologna, Zanichelli).
Assessment methods and Criteria
In order to be admitted to the oral examination it is preliminarily necessary to pass a written test consisting of multiple choice questions, that is based on quizzes with multiple choice answers for a total of 15 questions and it takes 23 minutes. Each correct answer is evaluated a point. The exam is considered passed if the student has acquired a minimum score of 12 points in the written test.
The aim of written test is to verify the understanding of the basic knowledges of the subject.
The oral test consists of an interview aimed at ascertaining the students' knowledge of the subjects of the course, their understanding, the acquisition of appropriate language, the ability to synthesize and rework.
IUS/01 - PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 63 hours
Professor: Ferrari Camilla
Professor: Ferrari Camilla
wed 13.00 -15.00
dipartimento di diritto privato e storia del diritto - 1 piano