Principles and Instruments of Business Economics Applied to the Health Sector

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
L'insegnamento si propone di fornire agli studenti le nozioni di base per:
- comprendere gli equilibri economico-finanziari delle Aziende sanitarie e ospedaliere attraverso la conoscenza della struttura del bilancio e del sistema di reporting del controllo di gestione;
- comprendere la complessità della direzione ed organizzazione delle aziende sanitarie, alla luce delle sfide emergenti nel settore della salute italiano;
- conoscere le caratteristiche dei sistemi di gestione del personale nelle aziende sanitarie quale potenziale sbocco occupazionale;
- apprendere i fondamenti dell'attività manageriale quale componente futura del proprio contesto professionale.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
- manage a work team
- design, organize and manage health service delivery processes
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
1. Principles of health economics.
2. In-depth analysis of economic implications for the health sectors and emerging challenges for health organizations and health professionals.
3. Understanding why healthcare sector is the most complex and its specificities. Why management does matter and which leadership and managerial practices are effective.
4. Professionalism, engagement of health professionals and its consequences; organizational behavior and personnel management in health care organizations.
5. New career opportunities for health professions.
6. Organizational design of health services: hospital, community and integrated delivery systems.
7. New and emerging scenarios, trends and developments in health management and business-healthcare sector
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required
Teaching methods
The teaching consists of frontal lessons and case study discussions, scheduled according to a timetable published on the ARIEL website of the master degree and cases.
Teaching Resources
Federico Lega, Economia e Management Sanitario, EGEA 2018, Milan
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment takes place through a written test, organized in specific exam sessions, as per the Regulations.
Up to a maximum of six exam sessions may be scheduled for each academic year; two in each session.
The typology of the test is written (multiple choice quiz); the exam text will consist of 10 questions for each credit assigned to each teacher; the tests are designed for multiple choice with 5 answers of which only one is correct;
The time for the exam will be established in relation to the number of questions in the test (40 questions in 40 minutes);
There is no penalty for missing or incorrect answers (the final test score will be calculated according to the weighted average of the marks in relation to the credits of the various modules).
The exams of all the modules of the course are carried out together on the same day and contribute equally to determining the final evaluation expressed in thirtieths with the mathematical average of the partial marks.
The questions refer to the slides presented in the classroom and available in ARIEL, to the recommended texts and to the bibliography provided by the teacher.
No intermediate or early exam sessions are planned.
Didactic materials or notes are not admitted for the test.
The results are published online on the course's ARIEL website and students can view the test upon request.
The exam is recorded using the University's online procedure.
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Lega Federico
Weekly - plese write to [email protected]
Department of Scienze Biomediche per la Salute - Via Pascal 36