Preventive Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/42 MED/44 MED/50
Learning objectives
- Acquire basic knowledge related to primary, secondary and tertiary prevention;
- Develop the ability to identify dangerous situations for human health and the environment;
- Develop the ability to collect samples to measure chemical, physical and biological pollutants in foods, drugs, environmental matrices and biological materials;
- Develop the ability to supervise the level of health and hygiene conditions in the home, in the general environment and in the workplace.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must know the basic notions of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, of dangerous situations for human health and of the environment, of methods of measuring pollutants of various kinds on environmental matrices and materials biological and hygienic health conditions in various areas
Being able to apply the knowledge to investigate the related technical problems to his future profession.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Preliminary knowledge is not required.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test with open and multiple choices questions.
The overall rating consists of the weighted average of the supplementary modules and is expressed in thirty-three.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Prevention and health promotion: principles and methods
- Prevention of non-communicable diseases
· Primary prevention (including health education)
· Secondary prevention: screenings
- Prevention of communicable diseases
· Direct prophylaxis interventions
· Disinfection and sterilization
· Vaccines and vaccinations
- Epidemiology and prevention of communicable diseases: special part
· infectious diseases transmitted through water and food
· airborne transmitted infectious diseases
· parenterally and sexually transmitted diseases infectious diseases
· emerging infectious diseases
- Epidemiology and prevention of infections related to healthcare practices.
Teaching methods
Lesson with power point presentations; presentations and bibliographic material are uploaded on the ARIEL.
Teaching Resources
1. M. Pontello, F. Auxilia, A. Amendola, E. Tanzi, S. Castaldi, M. Raviglione, G. Cesana. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Piccin-Nuova Libraria, 2022
2. C Meloni. Igiene per le lauree delle professioni sanitarie. CEA Editore.
Occupational medicine
Course syllabus
Occupational medicine and prevention of occupational diseases: from Bernardino Ramazzini to Legislative Decree 81/2008.
Technologies and risks. Risk assessment and Risk prevention in occupational settings
Industrial hygiene in the workplace: strategies and methods of chemical, physical and biological agents sampling
Regulations for occupational medicine and hygiene
DL 81/08: Subjects responsible for occupational safety and hygiene: DL, RSPP, RLS.
Occupational health surveillance.
Alcohol and Narcotics Regulations
Pregnancy: effects on the reproductive system; regulations
Physical agents - Noise, Vibrations, Radiations: health effects, risk assessment and prevention
Office work: video terminals, lighting, microclimate
The indoor air quality: sources, health effects, risk assessment and prevention
Teaching methods
Lesson with power point presentations; presentations and bibliographic material are uploaded on the ARIEL.
Teaching Resources
PA. Bertazzi: Medicina del Lavoro. R. Cortina ed, 2013
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
· Prevention professionals
· The professional figure of the TPALL
· Other health professionals who work / collaborate with the TPALL
· ATS organizational structure
· Biological risk
· The prevention of biological risk
· Sterilization / decontamination / disinfection
· Real application of the concepts of sterilization / decontamination / disinfection
Teaching methods
Lesson with power point presentations; presentations and bibliographic material are uploaded on the ARIEL.
Teaching Resources
· ISPESL - Linee Guida sull'attività di sterilizzazione quale protezione collettiva da agenti biologici per l'operatore nelle strutture sanitarie (D.Lgs. 81/08) - versione maggio 2010
· Piano di organizzazione aziendale strategico - ats milano
· Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 14 gennaio 1997 - Approvazione dell'atto di indirizzo e coordinamento alle Regioni e Province Autonome in materia di requisiti strutturali, tecnologici e organizzativi minimi per l'esercizio delle attività sanitarie da parte delle strutture pubbliche e private. G.U. n. 42 del 20 febbraio 1997 - Supplemento ordinario.
· Norme tecniche di settore
· Raccomandazioni per la disinfezione di ambienti esterni e superfici stradali per la prevenzione della trasmissione dell'infezione da SARS-CoV-2 (Rapporto ISS COVID-19 · n. 7/2020 - versione 29 marzo 2020)
· Indicazioni ad interim per la sanificazione degli ambienti interni nel contesto sanitario e assistenziale per prevenire la trasmissione di SARS-CoV 2 (Rapporto ISS COVID-19 · n. 20/2020 Rev.2 - Versione del 7 luglio 2020)
· Indicazioni per la sanificazione degli ambienti interni per prevenire la trasmissione di SARS-COV 2 (Rapporto ISS COVID-19 · n. 20/2020 - Versione dell'8 maggio 2020)
· Raccomandazioni ad interim sulla sanificazione di strutture non sanitarie nell'attuale emergenza COVID-19: superfici, ambienti interni e abbigliamento (Rapporto ISS COVID-19 · n. 25/2020 - Versione del 15 maggio 2020)
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 20 hours
Professors: Pariani Elena, Romano' Luisa
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professors: Pariani Elena, Romano' Luisa
Occupational medicine
MED/44 - OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Carrer Paolo
Professor: Carrer Paolo
via C. Pascal, 36 Milan