Prevention of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of Cat and Dog

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
VET/05 VET/06
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basic notions of prevention, prophylaxis and management of the main infectious and parasitic diseases of dogs and cats including those caused by micotic agents in different environments (home, breeding, animal shelter, veterinary clinic/hospital). Students will also acquire general skills relating to pathogens that can pose a risk to the individuals caring for or detaining the animals.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, the student will acquire knowledges related to monitoring and control of infectious and parasitic diseases of dogs and cats including those caused by micotic agents and the general biosecurity rules regarding their prevention and hygienic-sanitary management.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Frontal teaching Prevention of infectious diseases of dog:
- Introduction to infectious diseases (1 hour)
- Basis of the immune system work and vaccine prophylaxis (2 hours)
- Canine viral diseases with particular emphasis on aetiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and prevention (5 hours)
- Canine bacterial diseases with particular emphasis on aetiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and prevention (4 hours)
- Canine infectious zoonosis (2 hours)
- Biosafety and prevention of canine viral and bacterial diseases (2 hours)

Frontal teaching Prevention of infectious diseases of cat:
- Feline viral diseases with particular emphasis on aetiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and prevention (2 hours)
- Feline bacterial diseases with particular emphasis on aetiology, epidemiology, diagnosis and prevention (2 hours)
- Feline infectious zoonosis (2 hours)
- Biosafety and prevention of feline viral and bacterial diseases (2 hours)
Prerequisites for admission
There are no mandatory prerequisites, however in order to achieve the expected learning objectives, it is necessary to have acquired the basic principles of General Microbiology, Immunology and Farming Hygiene and Parasitology, biosecurity and diagnostics of parasitic diseases.
Teaching methods
Frontal teaching and practical activities in classes and laboratories
Teaching Resources
Teachers' slides available on the Ariel platform

Prevention of infectious diseases of cat and dog:
- Poli G., Dall'Ara P., Martino P.A., Rosati (2017): Microbiologia e immunologia veterinaria. 3a edizione, EDRA
Markey B., Leonard F., Archambault M. Ann Cullinane, & Maguire D. (2014): Clinical Veterinary Microbiology, 2nd ed., Mosby Elsevier
- Greene C.E. (2022): Infectious diseases of the dog and cat. 5th ed., Elsevier
- Dall'Ara P. (2024): Vaccini e vaccinazioni del cane e del gatto, 2nd edition, EDRA

Prevention of parasitic diseases of cat and dog
- Taylor M.A., Coop R.L., Wall R.L. (2010, Edizione Italiana): Parassitologia e Malattie Parassitarie degli Animali. EMSI
- Genchi M., Traldi G., Genchi C. (2010): Manuale di parassitologia veterinaria. Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam, identical for attending and non-attending students, consists of a written exam with multiple-choice questions to verify the acquisition and correct understanding of the course contents. The ability to communicate and rework the contents of the course will be evaluated by the teachers also during the practical activities and specific group work.
Both parts of the exam (infectious and parasitic diseases) are structured the same way).
The infectious diseases portion of the exam will consist of 31 multiple-choice questions (10 cat-related and 20 dog-related plus one bonus question) and will last 45 minutes. Each valid question will be assigned a score of 1; each incorrect or ungiven question will be given a 0.
The exam part of parasitic infection, lasting 45 minutes, will consist of 31 multiple-choice questions. Each valid question will be assigned a score of 1; each incorrect or ungiven question will be given a 0.
To achieve a passing grade, achieving a score of 18/30 in both parts of the exam will be necessary. The final grade out of thirty will be calculated based on the arithmetic mean of the grades obtained in the two parts of the exam.
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
contact me by mail or phone
every day (with previous appointment by e-mail)
Lodi, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences (DIVAS)