Portuguese 3

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course aims to provide students with the basic notions for the analysis of linguistic and socio-cultural aspects characteristic of the Portuguese language (in a diachronic, diatopic and sociolinguistic perspective). A theoretical part is proposed (studying the main theories and problems and analysing the main tools existing for the program in object) and a practical part (in which students are invited to put into practice the elements learned through individual and group on literary texts, newspaper articles, interviews, films and videos).
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: to acquire the essential concepts of theory and to learn about the main tools, strategies and methods for the fields in object. Applying knowledge and understanding: to grasp the historical and cultural implications of the evolution of this sector of the program; to know how to reflect critically on the theories and tools learned; knowing how to deal with and analyse different text types included in the considered fields. Achievement of B2 level of CEFR.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course Portuguese Language in Postcolonial Africa: strategies and challenges in Translation into Italian consists of the following parts:
A: Portuguese language in Angola and Mozambique: past and present
B: Introduction to Literary Translation: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives
C: Vamos praticar! Practical translation exercises and analysis

The course provides 9 credits. It is not possible to acquire only 6.
The course offers an in-depth study of the emerging linguistic variants of the Portuguese language, specifically Angolan Portuguese and Mozambican Portuguese, from both a diachronic and diatopic perspective. The program also includes an introduction to literary translation, addressing the main theoretical and practical aspects of translation from Portuguese to Italian. Through the analysis of Italian translations, issues and challenges faced by literary translators will be highlighted, especially when working on postcolonial narrative texts. Finally, the last part of the course will focus on practical translation exercises, both in groups and individually.
Please note that the course is complemented by 'esercitazioni' classes, for which reference is made to the specific form.
The course program is valid until September 2025.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is held in Italian and Portuguese. Textbooks and activities in class or for self study assume that students already have a linguistic competence of level A2. To take the Portuguese language 2 exam you must have passed the Portuguese language 1 exam and the Portuguese and Brazilian literature 1 exam.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: lectures; viewing and commenting on videos; readings and analysis of newspaper articles. Furthermore, the course is complemented by 'esercitazioni' classes, for which reference is made to the specific form.
Teaching Resources
The course has a site on the online platform Ariel and a channel in Microsoft Teams platform to which reference is made for lecture notes and other materials provided by the teacher. For each teaching unit, specific critical essays on individual works or on general questions will be made available on the site. The following are the mandatory reading materials for the various teaching units.
Portuguese language in Angola and Mozambique: past and present
1. FERREIRA, K., OSÓRIO, P. "A variedade angolana do português: contexto histórico e (socio)linguístico", in Fólio - Revista de Letras, v.10, n.1, pp.381- 407, jan-jun. 2018
2. NZAU, D.G. Ndele, "Em torno da consagração de uma variante angolana do Português: subsídios para uma reflexão", in Limite, n.7, pp.159-180, 2013
3. GONÇALVES, P., "Lusofonia ou luso-afonias em Moçambique", in Atas Jornadas de Língua Portuguesa Investigação e Ensino, Universidade de Cabo Verde, pp.22-36, 2018
4. NGUNGA, A. "Interferências de línguas moçambicanas em Português falado em Moçambique", Rev. Cient. UEM, Ser: Letras e Ciências Sociais, V.1, n.0, pp.77-20, 2012
Introduction to Literary Translation: Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives
5. BERMAN, A. La traduzione e la lettera o l'albergo nella lontananza, Macerata, Quodlibet, pp.9-64, 2003
6. ECO, U. Dire quasi la stessa cosa, Milano, Bompiani, pp.9-24; pp. 83-94, 2003
7. OSIMO, B. Manuale del traduttore, Milano, Hoepli, pp. 77-150, 2011
8. PETRUCCIOLI, D. "Una coazione alla creatività - giochi linguistici, distruzioni sintattiche e lessico famigliare nelle traduzione delle letterature contemporanee di Lingua Portoghese", in Sulla traduzione letteraria delle lingue romanze, "Romania Orientale" XXVII, Università di Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento di Studi Europei, Americani e Interculturali, Bagatto Libri, 2016
Vamos praticar! Practical translation exercises and analysis
9. Selection of literary texts
Please note that the course is complemented by 'esercitazioni' classes, for which reference is made to the specific form.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is divided into two partes: monographic course test and 'esercitazioni' evaluation.
The Esercitazioni exam consists of a written and an oral test, both compulsory, with the mother tongue teacher. The written exam lasts 4 hours and includes a part of written comprehension, one of written production, one of structural and lexical competence; the oral test with the mother-tongue teacher will consist of a language interview.
For attending students only (those who attend 75% of hours), the final written test can be replaced by two partial written tests, the first at the end of the first semester and the second at the end of the second semester. All the results of the written tests (final and partial) will be announced on the Ariel page of the course.
The monographic course evaluation consists of oral exam with the teacher of the course includes questions asked by the teacher and interactions between teacher and student. This last part takes place in Italian. The interview aims to verify the knowledge of the texts studied, the capacity for contextualization, the ability to expose, the precision in the use of specific terminology, the capacity for critical and personal reflection on the proposed themes.

Exam program for attending students (MONOGRAPHIC COURSE):
The exam for the monographic course will be divided into a written task - a short essay consisting of the translating a short-story from Portuguese to Italian and an analytical commentary on the translation. The essay must be submitted via email at least one week before the oral examination date. The oral examination for attending students will involve a discussion on the completed essay: motivations behind translation choices, strategies employed, and encountered problems and difficulties.
Exam program for non-attending students (MONOGRAPHIC COURSE):
The exam for the monographic course will be divided into a written task - a short essay consisting of the translating a short-story from Portuguese to Italian and an analytical commentary on the translation. The essay must be submitted via email at least one week before the oral examination date. The oral examination for attending students will involve a discussion on the completed essay: motivations behind translation choices, strategies employed, and encountered problems and difficulties.
The oral examination for non-attending students will consist in a discussion on the completed essay, including motivations behind translation choices, strategies utilized, problems and difficulties encountered, along with some additional questions about the texts listed in the bibliography
The final grade is expressed in thirtieths, and the student has the right to refuse it.
International or Erasmus incoming students are invited to contact the teacher promptly. The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be established with the teacher, in agreement with the competent Office.
Lessons: 60 hours