Political Science

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The primary objective of the course is to introduce the key topics in the study of political science and the key tools for the study of politics. The material will cover the origin of states, regime determinants, regime transitions and consequences, the problems with group decision-making, legislative-executive relations, electoral systems, parties and party systems, political cleavages, institutional veto players, and the consequences of democratic institutions
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the module, students will be able to a) read and demonstrate good comprehension of the main topics of inquiry in political science, from the origin of states to the consequences of institutions, b) analyze and evaluate research work on the field of political science, c) apply and develop basic analytical tools for the study of political phenomena, from game theory to experimental methods, and d) comprehend basic research methods, including data analysis and interpretation.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
Introduction to the course
What is Science?
What is Politics?
The Origins of the Modern State
Democracy and Dictatorship
The Economic Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship
The Cultural Determinants of Democracy and Dictatorship
Democratic Transitions
Does a Regime Make a Difference?
Varieties of Dictatorship
Problems with Group Decision Making
Parliamentary, Presidential, and Semi-Presidential Democracies
Elections and Electoral Systems
Social Cleavages and Party Systems
Institutional Veto Players
Consequences of Democratic Institutions
Prerequisites for admission
Being a first year exam, there are no prerequisites other than those required for admission to the degree course
Teaching methods
The main teaching method consists of lectures, but there may be thematic seminars proposed to students who, organized in small groups, will have to discuss, analyse and report their results to the whole classroom.
Teaching Resources
Attending students (9 credits): Principles of comparative politics, Clark, Golder and Golder, 2019, SAGE, third edition, only the topics covered in class.
Non-attending students (9 credits): Principles of comparative politics, Clark, Golder and Golder, 2019, SAGE, third edition.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam evaluates the knowledge of the topics covered in the course and the analytical skills developed during the course. For attending students, learning will be assessed through an intermediate exam that will take place in the middle of the course and a final exam. Normally, the two exams contribute equally to the final mark. The exam material normally covers only the topics discussed in class. Each exam is a written test which, as a norm, consists of a part with about 16 multiple choice questions, which contributes 23 points to the final mark, and two open questions worth five points each, for a sum total of 33 points (equivalent to 30 cum laude). Incorrect multiple-choice answers are penalized. Failing students become non-attending. Non-attending students must take a final exam that covers all teaching material. The duration of each exam is one hour and 15 minutes. A passing mark ranges from 18 to 30 cum laude. Dictionaries, glossaries, and calculators can be used. The results of the intermediate test are communicated through Ariel.
SPS/04 - POLITICAL SCIENCE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Franchino Fabio
Professor: Franchino Fabio
Tuesday (h.14:00-17:00) (office, MsTeams or Skype id: franchinocolla). Up to 3.30pm on 7/5
Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali e Politiche. Floor 3, Room 309