Political and Economic Geography

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Learning objectives:
Contributing to:
- gaining awareness, mastering methods of analysis, critical thinking, communication abilities with regard to the dynamics and impacts of economic and political activities on Earth.
- gaining knowledge of the world regions geo-economic and geopolitical characteristics and problems
- opening and training to the international scale; communication abilities in the geographical language.
Expected learning outcomes
Expected learning outcomes:
Development of understanding, critical judgment and communication skills of the main geographical transformation dynamics of the territories and geographical areas of the world. Ability to apply concepts and methodologies through direct observation, case studies and information processing.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The basic concepts and tools of political and economic geography, with particular reference to themes and problems of political and economic geography at the international scale and to specific regional cases. At the end of the course, the student must have developed knowledge and tools aimed at 'use of a' geographical view 'on a wide range of economic, political, social and cultural issues.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the basic concepts and tools of human geography
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons will be the main teaching method. Short videos on geographical topics will also be broadcast during the course.
Teaching Resources
Bibliography :

Students attending classes:1)Lessons notes
2) C. Cerreti, M. Marconi, "Spazi e poteri. Geografia politica, geografia economica,geo politica" Laterza, Bari, 2019.
3)Two (2)texts to choose from the following list
-Paul Morland "L'umanità di domani - dieci numeri per comprendere il nostro futuro"-
Il Saggiatore, Milano , 2022
-Pharag Khanna " Il movimento del mondo"-Fazi Editore, Roma,2021
-Branko Milanovic " Capitalismo contro capitalismo"-Laterza,Bari,2020

-Alessandro Aresu " Il dominio del XXI secolo.Cina,Stati Uniti e la guerra invisibile sulla tecnologia"-Feltrinelli,Milano,2022
-Maurizio Scarpari -"La Cina al centro.Ideologia imperiale e disordine mondiale". Il Mulino ,Bologna, 2023
-Michael Schuman "L'impero interrotto. La storia del mondo vista dalla Cina"- Utet, Torino,2021
-Giorgio Cella " Storia e geopolitica della crisi ucraina - Dalla Rus' di Kiev a oggi""-Carocci, Roma, 2021
-R.Di Peri, F.Mazzucotelli "Guida alla politica mediorientale", Mondadori Università, Milano 2021-
-Lorenzo Kamel "Terra contesa. Israele, Palestina e il peso della storia ". Carocci , Roma, 2022
-G.Carbone "L'Africa.Gli stati,la politica, i conflitti" - Il Mulino, Bologna, 2021
-M.De Giuseppe, G.La Bella " Storia dell'America latina contemporanea" -Il Mulino,Bologna, 2021

Students not attending classes:

1) C. Cerreti, M. Marconi, "Spazi e poteri. Geografia politica, geografia economica, geopolitica" Laterza, Bari, 2019.

2)-C.Certomà,S.Conti ,P.Giaccaria , U.Rossi,C.Salone "Geografia economica e politica", Pearson,Milano 2022
3) Two ( 2 ) texts to choose from the following list
-Paul Morland "L'umanità di domani - dieci numeri per comprendere il nostro futuro"-
Il Saggiatore, Milano , 2022
-Pharag Khanna " Il movimento del mondo"-Fazi Editore, Roma,2021
-Branko Milanovic " Capitalismo contro capitalismo"-Laterza,Bari,2020

-Alessandro Aresu " Il dominio del XXI secolo.Cina,Stati Uniti e la guerra invisibile sulla tecnologia"-Feltrinelli,Milano,2022
-Maurizio Scarpari -"La Cina al centro.Ideologia imperiale e disordine mondiale". Il Mulino ,Bologna, 2023
-Michael Schuman "L'impero interrotto. La storia del mondo vista dalla Cina"- Utet, Torino,2021
-Giorgio Cella " Storia e geopolitica della crisi ucraina - Dalla Rus' di Kiev a oggi""-Carocci, Roma, 2021
-R.Di Peri, F.Mazzucotelli "Guida alla politica mediorientale", Mondadori Università, Milano 2021-
-Lorenzo Kamel "Terra contesa. Israele, Palestina e il peso della storia ". Carocci , Roma, 2022
-G.Carbone "L'Africa.Gli stati,la politica, i conflitti" - Il Mulino, Bologna, 2021
-M.De Giuseppe, G.La Bella " Storia dell'America latina contemporanea" -Il Mulino,Bologna, 2021
Assessment methods and Criteria
An intermediate test is planned only for attending students.
For non attending students there will be a single test in the form of a oral question.

The evaluation parameters will concern the ability to organise knowledge discursively, the ability to reason critically on
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Pilotti Giorgio