Political and Administrative Systems

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course contributes to the general learning objectives of the Degree in Management delle organizzazioni e del lavoro (MOL) providing the theoretical and analytical tools necessary to understand the functioning of the Italian political system and the process of producing public policies in the perspective of political science. The course is divided into two parts. The first part aims to provide students with the tools and analytical categories necessary for the study of political and administrative systems in a comparative perspective. In the second part the different components of the Italian political system are analyzed - institutional architecture (government, parliament, centralization/decentralization, center-periphery relations), political culture, party and electoral system, electoral dynamics and political competition, pressure groups and forms of political participation, decision-making processes and public policies production - applying the concepts illustrated in the first part.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to describe, by using the theoretical and analytical tools of political science, the functioning of political and administrative systems in a comparative perspective as well as - in particular - of the Italian political system and public policies. Moreover, students will also be able to use the acquired knowledge to frame critically the different components of the Italian political system - institutional architecture (government, parliament, territorial arrangement between centralization and decentralization), political culture, party and electoral system, electoral dynamics and political competition, pressure groups and forms of political participation, decision-making processes and public policies - even if these have not been directly addressed during the lessons.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
This course contributes to the general educational objectives of the Bachelor's Degree in Management of Organizations and Labor (MOL) by providing the theoretical and analytical tools necessary to understand the functioning of political systems and the process of public policy production from the perspective of political science. More specifically, the course aims to provide students with the tools and analytical categories necessary for the study of political and administrative systems from a comparative perspective, analyzing their different components: type of political regime, institutional architecture, party and electoral system, problems of collective decision-making processes, the relationships between the legislative and executive branches, electoral and party systems, public policies, institutional actors with veto power, and the consequences of democratic institutions. Particular attention will be paid to the Italian case.

More specifically, the following topics will be covered in depth:

- What is science?
- What is politics?
- The origins of the modern state
- Democracy and dictatorship
- The economic and cultural determinants of democracy and dictatorship
- Democratic transitions
- Parliamentary, presidential, and semi-presidential democracies
- Elections and electoral systems
- Social fractures and party systems
- Public policies and public administrations
- Institutional actors with veto power
- Consequences of democratic institutions
Prerequisites for admission
There are no specific requirements.
Teaching methods
Lectures and open discussions.
Teaching Resources
- Clark, William Roberts, Matt Golder, e Sona Nadenichek Golder. "Principi di Scienza Politica" (Seconda Edizione). Milano, McGraw-Hill, 2022.

- Published on MyAriel.

Supplementary material:
- During lectures further readings may be suggested to complete the list of readings for the exam. They will be published on MyAriel

There are no differences in the syllabus between attending and non-attending students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam, graded on a 0-30 scale, takes place in written form and includes multiple-choice and open questions, aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of basic skills for the analysis of political and administrative systems. Furthermore, open questions will be aimed at verifying the ability to consciously and critically use the key concepts at the basis of political science as well as political and administrative systems.
The exam aims to verify that students have learned the concepts and notions covered by the course, they know how to express them clearly (using the correct terminology), and they can apply them to the analysis of new phenomena and case studies.
SPS/04 - POLITICAL SCIENCE - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours