Polish 3

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course, consisting of lectures and practical classes, is aimed at second- and third-year BA students who have attained respectively waystage (A2) and threshold (B1) level in Polish language. The lectures, common for both classes, will offer extensive notions of Polish language system: the main objective is acquisition of verbal aspect and syntax, as well as knowledge of contemporary linguistic styles and registers in Polish. Practical classes in two separate groups (A2 and B1) - added to the course but that do not allow to accrue ECTS - aim to acquire and develop written and oral skills, with interaction and mediation competences, in accordance with B1 and B2 level, for second- and third-year students respectively, as described by the Common European Framework of Reference for languages. Learning, Teaching, Assessment (CEFR) and its subsequent revisions and updates.
Expected learning outcomes
Lectures: Knowledge and understanding: 1) Appropriate knowledge of the grammatical and morphosyntactic structures of Polish language presented during the course (level A2), in particular of its phonetic/phonologic system and morphonology; inflectional categories; flection of nouns, adjectives, pronouns and numerals (declinations); comparison of adjectives; flection of verbs (three tenses of the indicative mood); imperative and conditional mood; basic knowledge of the verbal aspect (perfective/imperfective); 2) Identification of those structures in written texts and oral communication; comprehension of the global meaning of the message through the recognition of its communicative aims. Practical classes: Applying knowledge and understanding of Polish language at an elementary waystage level (A2): listening to and comprehension of basic texts (simple discourses on familiar, general and topical issues); reading and understanding short texts on such issues; oral production and interaction in simple communicative contexts (everyday and general subjects); producing elementary written descriptive and expository texts showing an appropriate proficiency in the linguistic structures acquired during the course.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is entitled: "Perfektyw? Imperfektyw? The secrets of Polish verbal aspect". The following grammatical problems will be addressed in sequence:

1) The verbal aspect and the spatial-temporal relations;
2) Aspectual pairs and the semantic impact of the perfective prefixes;
3) The verbal aspect: infinitive and imperative moods;
4) Motion verbs and the verbal aspect;
5) Participial and gerundive constructions;
6) Structure of the complex sentence: criteria and types of subordination.
Prerequisites for admission
The course will be held prevalently in Italian; textbooks and bibliography for the exam assume that students already have a linguistic competence in Polish of level B1.
Teaching methods
The following teaching methods will be applied during the course: frontal lesson, seminar (translation workshops). The course is supplemented by practical classes, described in a separate form.
Teaching Resources
1. Grammar textbooks (chapters on verbal aspect and on complex sentence syntax):

- Foland-Kugler M. (2006), Grammatica essenziale della lingua polacca. ExLibris, Varsavia.
- Lewiński P.H. (2004), Grammatica teorico-pratica della lingua polacca. Università degli Studi di Napoli. L'Orientale.
- Lipińska E. (2010), Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski. Manuale di grammatica polacca per gli italiani, Universitas, Kraków.

2. Exercise textbooks:

- Achtelik A. (2012), Bądź na B1. Zbiór zadań z języka polskiego oraz przykładowe testy certyfikatowe dla poziomu B1, Universitas, Kraków.
- Lipińska E. (2009), Umiesz? Zdasz! Materiały przygotowujące do egzaminu certyfikatowego z języka polskiego jako obcego na poziomie średnim ogólnym B2, Universitas, Kraków.
- Mędak S. (2018), Monografia czasowników dla lektorów języka polskiego i obcokrajowców z megatestem à la carte, Universitas, Kraków.
- Pyzik J. (2011), Iść czy jechać, Universitas, Kraków.

3. Lexicographic textbooks (nominal and verbal inflection):

- Mędak S. (2013), Słownik form koniugacyjnych czasowników polskich, Universitas, Kraków.
- Mędak S. (2011), Słownik odmiany rzeczowników polskich, Universitas, Kraków.

The course has a website on the online teaching platform Ariel, to which reference should be made for lesson notes and other materials provided by the professor.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test + oral exam. The exam consists of a written and an oral test, both compulsory. The written exam, which lasts four hours, includes: a lexical-grammar test (exercises on topics focused during the lectures: multiple choice, completion, grammatical concordance within the sentence, lexical exercises - 100 points), a comprehension test of written text (50 points) and a composition (150 words, with the use of vocabulary) - total score: 200 points.

The oral exam with the mother-tongue teacher, aimed at verifying student's practical skills, will consist of a language interview on focused topics, aimed at ascertaining student's theoretical and practical skills: the student will be asked to converse in Polish on a topic assigned on the spot. The topics will require knowledge of the vocabulary learned during the practical classes. The second part of the oral exam, carried out in Italian with the teacher of the course, includes discussion on written test and aims at ascertaining student's theoretical grammatical knowledge.

The oral exam's score (max 100 points), together with that of the written test (max 200 points), will be converted in a final grade expressed in thirtieths.
L-LIN/21 - SLAVIC STUDIES - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours