Plant Pathology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Learn the main attributes of plant pathogens, their
epidemiology, modes of infection, symptoms, diagnosis
and control.
Expected learning outcomes
Ability to: i)identify the stressor type to which a plant is
subjected, ii) evaluate its impact on the crop iii) put in
place appropriate control measures and / or prevention
systems which, at the same time, can safeguard the
environment and the health.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Historical perspective on the evolution of knowledge in plant pathology and socio-economic impact of plant diseases. Host-pathogen-environment interaction and classification of diseases based on the physio-pathological criterion (epiphytic, trophic, necrotic, lithic, auxonic, vascular and xylochereutic diseases). Biotic agents of disease: nematodes, flowering plants, fungi and oomycetes. General characteristics of each group, description of the infection process, development, reproduction and forms of survival. The weapons of pathogens: enzymes and toxins. The defense mechanisms of the plant: innate immunity, systemic acquired resistance and its induction with synthetic and natural compounds. Overview on the epidemiology of diseases. Disease control: agronomical practices and general information on inorganic and organic pesticides. The abiotic factors causing diseases: air pollutants, heavy metals in soil and physiological disorders (extreme temperatures, drought, salinity, anoxia). Description of specific diseases and case studies. Symptomatology, epidemiology and control of the main groups of diseases (powdery mildews, rusts, smuts, downy mildews, cankers, rots and witherings).
Diseases caused by bacteria, phytoplasmas, viruses and viroids. Classification, disease cycle, epidemiology, diagnostics, prevention methods. Examples of viral, bacterial diseases of particular interest to the land and environment. Phytopathological diagnostics: from Koch's postulates to pathogen detection in plants and their products. Crop protection: exclusion, eradication, resistance, therapy, agronomic techniques, chemical and biological control. Chemical means of control: main categories of fungicides; general characteristics and residue issues. Resistance to plant protection products.
Tutorials: microscopic examination of histological samples of plant pathogens; visit of the plant pathogen collections in experimental greenhouse.
Prerequisites for admission
Fundamentals of botany, plant biochemistrey and physiology, microbiology and agronomy.
Teaching methods
Lectures, out on the field and in an experimental greenhouse.
Teaching Resources
G. Vannacci. Patologia Vegetale (EDISES). IT platform Ariel.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination.
AGR/12 - PLANT PATHOLOGY - University credits: 8
Laboratories: 16 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Professor: Bianco Piero Attilio
Monday from 10 to 12 am
Building 21070 (former Patologia vegetale)