Plant Genetics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is aimed at providing bases in the three major areas of genetics ¿ transmission genetics, molecular genetics and population genetics ¿ as a starting point to understand classical and biotechnological breeding approaches, which will be briefly introduced.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire: 1) tools for genetic data analysis and interpretation; 2) basic statistical approaches for formulation and validation of genetic models; 3) ability to understand the relationship between genotype and phenotype as a basis for breeding programmes.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to the course, review of mitosis, meiosis and life cicles of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. MENDEL: experimental design and traits. First law. Genotype/phenotype. Dominant/recessive. Test-cross. X2 test. II law. Pedigree analysis. Chromosome theory of inheritance. SEX LINKAGE. Sex determination. Aneuploidy of sex chromosomes. X-chromosome inactivation. Sex linked traits in humans. GENETIC LINKAGE. Parentals/recombinants, cis/trans. Recombination frequency. Crossing-over. Construction of genetic maps: two-point testcrosses. Double corssovers. Three-point testcrosses. Interference and coincidence. FLOW OF GENETIC INFORMATION WITHIN THE CELL. DNA and RNA structure. DNA REPLICATION. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic chromosomes. Gene expression. TRANSCRIPTION. Structure of the gene in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. mRNA structure. Coupled transcription and translation in prokaryotes. RNA maturation in eukaryotes. Translation. Genetic code. Reading frame. Ribosomes and tRNAs. tRNA charging. TRANSLATION. GENE FUNCTION: Garrod's hypothesis of inborn errors of metabolism. Beadle and Tatum experiments. Complementation. Gene interactions. Pleiotropy. Incomplete dominance, codominance. Penetrance and expressivity. Effects of the environment on phenotype. Fundamental concepts of QUANTITATIVE GENETICS: normal distribution, mean, variance, heritability. GENETICS OF VIRUSES AND PHAGES. Lytic/lysogenic cycle. Transduction. RNA viruses. Retroviruses. Plant ssRNA viruses. MUTATION: somatic/germ-line mutation. Cytogenetics: methods. Chromosomal mutations. Deletions, duplications, inversions, translocations. Genomic mutations. Aneuploidy. Euploidy: autopoliploidy; allopoliploidy. Gene mutations. Base-pair substitution. Insertion/deletion (indel). Intragenic/intergenic suppressors. Spontaneous mutations. Mutation rate, mutation frequency. Effects of radiations and chemical mutagens. DNA repair mechanisms. REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION in prokaryotes: lac operon. Catabolite repression. Repression of the trp operon. RECOMBINANT DNA TECHNOLOGY. Basic concepts of gene cloning. Biotechnological applications. Production of transgenic plants. POPULATION GENETICS. Mendelian population. Genetic structure: allelic and genotypic frequencies. Hardy-Weinberg law. Changes in genetic structure of populations: mutation, genetic drift, migration, natural selection. Fitness. Non-random mating.
Prerequisites for admission
Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Life cycles in eukaryotes. Mitosis. Structures of proteins and nucleic acids.
Teaching methods
The course is held in Italian and consists of lectures and theoretical exercise sessions, in which topics taught during lectures will be further analyses and applied through solution of genetics exercises.
Teaching Resources
Recommended textbook (in Italian): Russell et al. GENETICA AGRARIA, Edizione Integrata a cura di Busconi, Comino, Consonni, Marocco, Porceddu, Portis, Rao. EDISES 2016. Other textbooks for consultation: ITALIAN ONLY: BARCACCIA - FALCINELLI - Genetica e genomica (VOL 1 E 2), LIGUORI EDITORE Other useful textbooks (also available in English Version): SNUSTAD D.P & SIMMONS M.J. ¿ PRINCIPI DI GENETICA, EdiSESHARTL & JONES - GENETICA: ANALISI DI GENI E GENOMI, EdisesBROOKER R. J. GENETICA analisi e principi, Zanichelli PIERCE B.A. GENETICA, Zanichelli. For textbooks in English students can contact the lecturer.
Additional teaching materials: lectures in PDF format (in Italian), genetics problem sets (in Italian), papers and articles, web-links, didactic movies will be available through the MyAriel website.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students will be examined in two steps. The first step consists of a written exam including a total of 7 open questions and genetics exercises similar to those proposed during theoretical exercise sessions. Available time: 2 hours. Together with the exam paper, students will be provided with genetic code and chi-square tables. Calculators are admitted but not mobile phones. The second step consists of an oral exam with questions on topics that were not convincingly addressed in the written exam. Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability). Students with SLD certifications are kindly requested to check information at the following web page
AGR/07 - AGRICULTURAL GENETICS - University credits: 8
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
Professor: Rossini Laura
Professor: Rossini Laura
By appointment to be arranged in advance by e.mail.
Office c/o DiSAA (Agronomy), Via Celoria 2, Milan, or via MS Teams.