Plant Biology and Physiology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/01 BIO/04 BIO/18
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basic knowledge on the structures, the organization, the main functions of plant cells, tissues and organisms, also taking into consideration the morphological and functional diversity existing in the plant world. The course therefore provides a complete view of the structure-function relationship of plants. Laboratory activities allow students to acquire the basics of some methods widely used in plant biotechnology.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will know the plant cell, its main metabolic cycles, plant tissues and the relationships existing between the structures of tissues and organs and the function they must carry out.
The student will have acquired the ability to describe plant structures, using the correct terminology, will be able to discuss the functioning of a cell and will be able to apply this knowledge in the context of green biotechnologies.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Plant Biology
The plant cell and its main features: vacuole, cell wall, plastids
Osmosis, turgor pressure and the importance of the cell wall
Histology: the plant tissues. Angiosperm anatomy: stem, leaves, roots
Flowers and inflorescences
Sexual reproduction: haplodiplontic life cycle, alternation of generations
Seeds: anatomy, germination, dispersion. Fruits: anatomy, dispersion
Asexual reproduction and apomixis
Plant hormones: auxin, cytokinins, gibberellins, ethylene and abscisic acid
Phototropism and gravitropism
Plant-environment interactions: seasonal flowering and photoperiodism
Plant domestication and varietal improvement
Plant Physiology
Photosynthesis and the structure of the photosynthetic apparatus; synthesis of ATP and NADPH and their role in the Calvin and photorespiratory cycle; C4 and CAM cycles
Cell-to-cell and across membrane transport
Nernst equation, pumps, channels and transporters. Active and passive transport
Apoplast and symplast; water potential and transport across the cell and in the plant
Cohesion-adhesion-tension theory and transpiration. Transport in the phloem: content and mechanisms
Stomata opening and abscisic acid
Starch and sucrose synthesis
Absorption, transport and assimilation of nutrients, nitrogenous compounds in particular. Potential of plant biotechnology.
Prerequisites for admission
General and Cell Biology, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
Teaching methods
Teaching language: Italian
Lectures are supported by powerpoint slides, in order to create a logical thread with the help of data, formulas, images and videos.
Practical labs last around 16 hrs and focus on two subjects
1. plant cellular structures and tissues observations with light microscopy
2. in vitro culture of plant tissue and plant regeneration from callus
Teaching Resources
* Plant Biology Raven Biology of Plants, Eighth Edition by Ray Evert, Susan Eichhorn, publ. Freeman,
alternatively: Botanica Generale e Diversità Vegetale, G. Pasqua, G. Abbate, C. Forni, IV edizione Ed. Piccin
* Plant Physiology: AAVV. (2021, 3rd edition) Elementi di fisiologia vegetale (a cura di Nicoletta Rascio) [in italian!]
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam - the exam aims to assess knowledge of the topics discussed during the course and understanding of the relationship between structure and function of plants
BIO/01 - GENERAL BOTANY - University credits: 4
BIO/04 - PLANT PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 3
BIO/18 - GENETICS - University credits: 1
Single bench laboratory practical: 16 hours
Lessons: 56 hours
e-mail appointment
Please, contact me by email to fix an appointment
via Celoria 10, building 22120, floor -1