Placement Year Iii
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The student during the internship period will progressively acquire autonomy and professional responsibility in the management of the therapeutic activity addressed to the patient. With the supervision of the internship assistant, the student must be able to: proceed with patient evaluation, identify objectives and plan treatment, perform physiotherapy treatment, verify and evaluate the results obtained, establish an effective relationship with the patient, with family and with the team.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the teaching, the student must be able to achieve the relationship skills, communication and practical skills provided by the internship.
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
Individual rehabilitation program setting:
Conduct adequate clinical reasoning and plan the most appropriate rehabilitation strategies in the areas of:
· prevention: exclusion of red flags when taking charge of rehabilitation; definition of methods and times of intervention for the management of complications secondary to hypomobility
· care and rehabilitation: setting up passive, assisted and active exercises, with the use of the most appropriate spaces and tools, in the expected time; appropriate choice of aids and orthoses
· therapeutic education: adequate information for the patient (individually or with group activities) and caregivers on the treatment path; correct training in the use of aids and orthoses and in the management of daily life at home; instruction in the autonomous management of exercise/therapeutic activity, aimed at functional recovery.
1. Patient with neuromotor pathology:
· Integrate knowledge and techniques for the correct management and rehabilitation of the most common cognitive disorders resulting from injury to the Central Nervous System.
· Use preventive/educational techniques and rehabilitation strategies (passive, assisted, active exercises) to treat:
· Pain, sensory alterations, joint stiffness, alterations in muscle tone / trophism, reduction in resistance to effort, surgical scars
· Bed postures, postural transitions, transfers and ADLs (washing, dressing, feeding...)
· Balance and load training: from a sitting position, standing, static and dynamic
· Movements with assistance, walking and stairs: on level ground and in disturbed conditions, in internal and external environments
· Participation of the patient in his life context (promotion of activities and limitation of the impact of architectural barriers), including sporting, recreational and work activities.
2. Patient with cardio-respiratory pathology:
· Understand instrumental and laboratory tests (spirometry, blood gas analysis, polysomnography...)
· Use preventive/educational techniques and rehabilitation strategies for the management of cardio-respiratory problems, in the areas of:
· Bronchial disobstruction and lung re-expansion
· Reconditioning for effort and strengthening of the respiratory muscles
· Surgical scar treatment
· Know the use of the main devices for cardio-respiratory rehabilitation: PEP Mask and Pep bottle, CPAP, Oxygen Therapy, volumetric incentives .
3. Patient of developmental age, amputee, geriatric, polytraumatized, oncological, burn victim, in intensive care...
· Use preventive, educational techniques, rehabilitation strategies, aids and orthoses for the rehabilitation of cognitive, sensory and neuromotor disorders resulting from pathologies of various etiologies.
Conducting the physiotherapy session:
1. Plan and manage the proposed activities with the available resources, in agreement with the patient, maintaining consistency between one's therapeutic choices and rehabilitation objectives; monitor the patient's reactions (pain, perceived fatigue, tolerance to the maneuvers performed, level of participation in the treatment, ability to adhere to the exercises suggested independently, degree of perceived satisfaction...) or the caregivers
2. Apply clinical reasoning in rehabilitation proposals, consistently with the clinical modifiability detected in the patient in accordance with EBP and the Guidelines referring to the specific pathology
3. Know how to integrate the basic principles of Special Methods (Bobath Concept, ETC, Manual Therapy, Bandages/KT, McKenzie...), with rehabilitation techniques based on EBP, depending on the set objectives, available resources and degree of collaboration of the patient
4. Re-evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed rehabilitation process.
1. Recognize your own gaps from a theoretical-practical point of view and independently search for the best strategies to fill them
2. Conduct a search on the main biomedical databases (PubMed, Cochrane Rehabilitation, PEDro) in order to identify the most appropriate rehabilitation strategies for the rehabilitation of the specific pathology.
1. Adhere to the principles of ethics and correctness (Physiotherapist Code of Ethics) both in language and in the actions performed, assuming responsibility; demonstrate reflection, self-criticism and the ability to manage one's own mistakes and critical issues in the context
2. Learn how to compile the patient's medical record in a complete and appropriate manner, detailing it to your area of responsibility and skills.
1. Establish and maintain effective communication with the patient, caregivers and other healthcare professionals, through active listening, mastery of language
Conduct adequate clinical reasoning and plan the most appropriate rehabilitation strategies in the areas of:
· prevention: exclusion of red flags when taking charge of rehabilitation; definition of methods and times of intervention for the management of complications secondary to hypomobility
· care and rehabilitation: setting up passive, assisted and active exercises, with the use of the most appropriate spaces and tools, in the expected time; appropriate choice of aids and orthoses
· therapeutic education: adequate information for the patient (individually or with group activities) and caregivers on the treatment path; correct training in the use of aids and orthoses and in the management of daily life at home; instruction in the autonomous management of exercise/therapeutic activity, aimed at functional recovery.
1. Patient with neuromotor pathology:
· Integrate knowledge and techniques for the correct management and rehabilitation of the most common cognitive disorders resulting from injury to the Central Nervous System.
· Use preventive/educational techniques and rehabilitation strategies (passive, assisted, active exercises) to treat:
· Pain, sensory alterations, joint stiffness, alterations in muscle tone / trophism, reduction in resistance to effort, surgical scars
· Bed postures, postural transitions, transfers and ADLs (washing, dressing, feeding...)
· Balance and load training: from a sitting position, standing, static and dynamic
· Movements with assistance, walking and stairs: on level ground and in disturbed conditions, in internal and external environments
· Participation of the patient in his life context (promotion of activities and limitation of the impact of architectural barriers), including sporting, recreational and work activities.
2. Patient with cardio-respiratory pathology:
· Understand instrumental and laboratory tests (spirometry, blood gas analysis, polysomnography...)
· Use preventive/educational techniques and rehabilitation strategies for the management of cardio-respiratory problems, in the areas of:
· Bronchial disobstruction and lung re-expansion
· Reconditioning for effort and strengthening of the respiratory muscles
· Surgical scar treatment
· Know the use of the main devices for cardio-respiratory rehabilitation: PEP Mask and Pep bottle, CPAP, Oxygen Therapy, volumetric incentives .
3. Patient of developmental age, amputee, geriatric, polytraumatized, oncological, burn victim, in intensive care...
· Use preventive, educational techniques, rehabilitation strategies, aids and orthoses for the rehabilitation of cognitive, sensory and neuromotor disorders resulting from pathologies of various etiologies.
Conducting the physiotherapy session:
1. Plan and manage the proposed activities with the available resources, in agreement with the patient, maintaining consistency between one's therapeutic choices and rehabilitation objectives; monitor the patient's reactions (pain, perceived fatigue, tolerance to the maneuvers performed, level of participation in the treatment, ability to adhere to the exercises suggested independently, degree of perceived satisfaction...) or the caregivers
2. Apply clinical reasoning in rehabilitation proposals, consistently with the clinical modifiability detected in the patient in accordance with EBP and the Guidelines referring to the specific pathology
3. Know how to integrate the basic principles of Special Methods (Bobath Concept, ETC, Manual Therapy, Bandages/KT, McKenzie...), with rehabilitation techniques based on EBP, depending on the set objectives, available resources and degree of collaboration of the patient
4. Re-evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed rehabilitation process.
1. Recognize your own gaps from a theoretical-practical point of view and independently search for the best strategies to fill them
2. Conduct a search on the main biomedical databases (PubMed, Cochrane Rehabilitation, PEDro) in order to identify the most appropriate rehabilitation strategies for the rehabilitation of the specific pathology.
1. Adhere to the principles of ethics and correctness (Physiotherapist Code of Ethics) both in language and in the actions performed, assuming responsibility; demonstrate reflection, self-criticism and the ability to manage one's own mistakes and critical issues in the context
2. Learn how to compile the patient's medical record in a complete and appropriate manner, detailing it to your area of responsibility and skills.
1. Establish and maintain effective communication with the patient, caregivers and other healthcare professionals, through active listening, mastery of language
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the anatomy and functional anatomy of the CNS and peripheral and of biomechanics, knowledge of the clinical and professional subjects of the 3nd year. Consolidation of the objectives of the 1 and 2 year internship.
Teaching methods
Professional internship in structures affiliated with the NHS and indirect internship activities with themed exercises
Teaching Resources
Apparato locomotore, anatomia e funzioni. A: Jutta Hochschild
Valutazione cinesiologica. A: Hazel M. Clarkson
La riabilitazione in ortopedia. S. Brent Brotzman
Valutazione cinesiologica. A: Hazel M. Clarkson
La riabilitazione in ortopedia. S. Brent Brotzman
Assessment methods and Criteria
Speaking and practical test
Practicals - Exercises: 800 hours
Anastasi Denise, Boninsegna Marina, Casu Monica, Cattaneo Davide, Cerri Andrea Carlo, Corio Alessia, Corrini Chiara, Danese Luca, Panera Carla
Cattaneo Davide
Don Gnocchi
Anastasi Denise, Casu Monica, Cerri Andrea Carlo, Corrini Chiara, Danese LucaSan Carlo e San Paolo
Corio AlessiaProfessor(s)
Wednesday from 11am to 4pm
Larice Lab - IRCCS Fondazione Don Carlo Gnocchi - Via Capecelatro 66, Milan