Placement Year I

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The student must be able to adopt a behavior appropriate to the context, is required to exercise and refine his ability to observe and describe the environment and work with the patient, is able to relate and adequately communicate with patients, with the rehabilitation team and with other health figures.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the teaching, the student must be able to achieve the relationship skills, communication and practical skills provided by the internship.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus


1. Describe the most significant aspects [C]:
· of the physical environment: rehabilitation gym, ward, clinic, home environment
· organization: working times of the physiotherapist and relations with the rehabilitation team
· communication: of the FT with the patient, caregivers, team members
· of the Medical Record: elements relevant from a rehabilitation point of view

2. Describe the Service in which the internship took place in relation to [C]:
· General purposes
· Characteristics of patients being treated and proposed rehabilitation procedures

3. Describe the role and responsibilities of the FT in the internship site, in light of the FT's professional profile, Code of Ethics, WHO health concept and ICF model [C].


1. In the area of prevention [C]:
· recognize the aids and strategies for moving loads, in compliance with the principles of ergonomics, for the prevention of musculoskeletal damage
· describe the principles of hygiene and safety: chemical-biological risk, hand washing and use of appropriate PPE in the healthcare sector (gloves, mask, disposable gown...)
· recognize postures and tools for the prevention of damage secondary to bed rest and positioning of the FT suitable for reducing the risk of the patient falling

2. Identify the macroscopic aspects in the patient that deviate from physiology, through observation [C]:
· supine posture, sitting and standing: alignment deviations, postural or load asymmetries
· functional gestures, describing their kinesiology on the different axes and planes of movement (e.g. getting up from a chair, grasping an object...)
· cognitive state: level of vigilance, understanding and communication, space-time orientation, attention

3. Know the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal and visceral system, of the central and peripheral nervous system [C].

4. Identify the landmarks and conduct the articular examination of the main joints with the correct use of the goniometer, to evaluate the limitations to passive mobility [E].

5. Conduct muscle tests listing origin-insertion, innervation and action of all muscle districts [E].

6. Recognize, in the execution of movements, the functional role of the muscles involved and distinguish the different types of contraction (isometric, isotonic, closed or open kinetic chain) [C].

7. Describe the characteristics and uses of the main aids used in rehabilitation [C]:
· Hospital bed, FT bed, standard and tilting wheelchair, cardiology chair
· For walking: cane, crutches, axillary, tripod and quadripod, walker (4 wheels, 2 spikes and 2 wheels, 4 spikes, antibrachial )
· Supporting the environment: toilet lift, sock inserter, ergonomic handles for cutlery, grab bars, ramps

8. Assist in the application of physical and instrumental therapies, describing the indications, contraindications and underlying physical and biomechanical principles [C].


1. Recognize the different communication methods of FT (with patients, team members, caregivers...) and use appropriate language to perform joint movements, muscle contractions and functional gestures [R].

2. Actively listen to the patient, respecting their individuality (gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation...), demonstrating receptivity towards certain communicative and emotional stimuli. Identify character/mural aspects of the patient that could have a positive or negative influence on the rehabilitation process (degree of participation and collaboration in the proposed activities) [R].

3. Describe an FT intervention in training (a preventive action, an educational intervention, a rehabilitation exercise), illustrating its purpose, methods and the patient's physical and/or emotional reactions [C].

4. Recognize one's emotions regarding the experiences lived in the context of the internship, in light of one's expectations and motivations [R].
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the anatomy anf functional anatomy of the Central and peripheral Nervous System and biomechanics.
Teaching methods
Professional internship in structures affiliated with the NHS and indirect internship activities with themed exercises
Teaching Resources
· Valutazione cinesiologica (esame della mobilità articolare e della forza muscolare) di Hazel M. Clarkson e di Gail B. Gilewich - edi-ermes
· Muscoli - Funzioni e test con postura e dolore di F. Kendall, E Kendall, McCreary, Geise Provance - Verduci Editore
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test is characterized by multiple choice questions and write open questions .
The evaluation of the test is out of thirty.
Practicals - Exercises: 200 hours