
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide basic knowledge and specific terminology on the physiology of the various organs and systems of the human body, such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, central and peripheral nervous systems and the musculoskeletal system, with particular emphasis on the latter as they are more represented in the pathophysiology of the foot. Furthermore, it presents notions of energy metabolism, the role of essential nutrients and the regulatory function of the endocrine system.
Expected learning outcomes
The acquisition of the fundamentals and bases of the functioning of the main systems of the human organism enables the student to relate to other health professionals and to promote correct scientific information towards the patient suffering from foot pathologies.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
1. neuromuscular physiology
2. muscle contraction physiology
3. central nervous system pysiology
4. peripheral nervous system physiology
5. heart activity physiology
6. arterial and venous blood pressure controls
7. respiratory and gas exchange physiology
8. Energy metabolism
9. intestinal digestion and nutrients absorption physiology
10. kidney function
11. neuroendocrine axis
12. main hormones activities
Prerequisites for admission
Human anatomy and biochemistry notions are mandatory.
Teaching methods
Teaching is performed through academic lectures based on predefined slideshows on specific topics. The teaching material is telematically transferred to students at the end of the course.
Teaching Resources
Slide sets presented during the frontal lessons will be released to all students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning assessment is performed with a written examination including six open questions spanning throughout all the items presented during the frontal lessons. Students will have two hours to conclude their examination. Six options of verification will be scheduled during the academic year, two every session with an interval period of at least 15 days.
The learning assessment aims to verify not only the acquisition of the specific notions but also the correct use of the specific terminology. Results will be registered and communicated to students telematically.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 50 hours
Professor: Corbetta Sabrina Luigia
Thursday 12.00 am - 01.00 pm
IRCCS Istituto Auxologico, via Ariosto 9, Milan